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Curated list of Python resources for data science.

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# Awesome Data Science with Python

> A curated list of awesome resources for practicing data science using Python, including not only libraries, but also links to tutorials, code snippets, blog posts and talks.

#### Core
[pandas]( - Data structures built on top of [numpy](
[scikit-learn]( - Core ML library, [intelex](
[matplotlib]( - Plotting library.
[seaborn]( - Data visualization library based on matplotlib.
[ydata-profiling]( - Descriptive statistics using `ProfileReport`.
[sklearn_pandas]( - Helpful `DataFrameMapper` class.
[missingno]( - Missing data visualization.
[rainbow-csv]( - VSCode plugin to display .csv files with nice colors.

#### General Python Programming
[Python Best Practices Guide](
[rye]( - Dependency management.
[pyenv]( - Manage multiple Python versions on your system.
[poetry]( - Dependency management.
[pyscaffold]( - Python project template generator.
[hydra]( - Configuration management.
[hatch]( - Python project management.
[more_itertools]( - Extension of itertools.
[tqdm]( - Progress bars for for-loops. Also supports [pandas apply()](
[loguru]( - Python logging.

#### Pandas Tricks, Alternatives and Additions
[pandasvault]( - Large collection of pandas tricks.
[polars]( - Multi-threaded alternative to pandas.
[xarray]( - Extends pandas to n-dimensional arrays.
[mlx]( - An array framework for Apple silicon.
[pandas_flavor]( - Write custom accessors like `.str` and `.dt`.
[duckdb]( - Efficiently run SQL queries on pandas DataFrame.
[daft]( - Distributed DataFrame.
[quak]( - Scalable, interactive data table, [twitter](

#### Pandas Parallelization
[modin]( - Parallelization library for faster pandas `DataFrame`.
[vaex]( - Out-of-Core DataFrames.
[pandarallel]( - Parallelize pandas operations.
[swifter]( - Apply any function to a pandas DataFrame faster.

#### Environment and Jupyter
[Jupyter Tricks](
[ipyflow]( - IPython kernel for Jupyter with additional features.
[nteract]( - Open Jupyter Notebooks with doubleclick.
[papermill]( - Parameterize and execute Jupyter notebooks, [tutorial](
[nbdime]( - Diff two notebook files, Alternative GitHub App: [ReviewNB](
[RISE]( - Turn Jupyter notebooks into presentations.
[qgrid]( - Pandas `DataFrame` sorting.
[lux]( - DataFrame visualization within Jupyter.
[pandasgui]( - GUI for viewing, plotting and analyzing Pandas DataFrames.
[dtale]( - View and analyze Pandas data structures, integrating with Jupyter.
[itables]( - Interactive tables in Jupyter.
[handcalcs]( - More convenient way of writing mathematical equations in Jupyter.
[notebooker]( - Productionize and schedule Jupyter Notebooks.
[bamboolib]( - Intuitive GUI for tables.
[voila]( - Turn Jupyter notebooks into standalone web applications.
[voila-gridstack]( - Voila grid layout.

#### Extraction
[textract]( - Extract text from any document.

#### Big Data
[spark]( - `DataFrame` for big data, [cheatsheet](, [tutorial](
[dask](, [dask-ml]( - Pandas `DataFrame` for big data and machine learning library, [resources](, [talk1](, [talk2](, [notebooks](, [videos](
[h2o]( - Helpful `H2OFrame` class for out-of-memory dataframes.
[datatable]( - Data Table for big data support.
[cuDF]( - GPU DataFrame Library, [Intro](
[cupy]( - NumPy-like API accelerated with CUDA.
[ray]( - Flexible, high-performance distributed execution framework.
[bottleneck]( - Fast NumPy array functions written in C.
[petastorm]( - Data access library for parquet files by Uber.
[zarr]( - Distributed NumPy arrays.
[NVTabular]( - Feature engineering and preprocessing library for tabular data by Nvidia.
[tensorstore]( - Reading and writing large multi-dimensional arrays (Google).

#### Command line tools, CSV
[csvkit]( - Command line tool for CSV files.
[csvsort]( - Sort large csv files.

#### Classical Statistics

##### Datasets
[Rdatasets]( - Collection of more than 2000 datasets, stored as csv files.

##### p-values
[The ASA Statement on p-Values: Context, Process, and Purpose](
[Greenland - Statistical tests, P-values, confidence intervals, and power: a guide to misinterpretations](
[Rubin - Inconsistent multiple testing corrections: The fallacy of using family-based error rates to make inferences about individual hypotheses](
[Gigerenzer - Mindless Statistics](
[Rubin - That's not a two-sided test! It's two one-sided tests! (TOST)](
[Lakens - How were we supposed to move beyond p < .05, and why didn’t we?](
[McShane et al. - Abandon Statistical Significance](

##### Correlation
[Guess the Correlation]( - Correlation guessing game.
[phik]( - Correlation between categorical, ordinal and interval variables.
[hoeffd]( - Hoeffding's D Statistics, measure of dependence (R package).

##### Packages
[statsmodels]( - Statistical tests.
[linearmodels]( - Instrumental variable and panel data models.
[pingouin]( - Statistical tests. [Pairwise correlation between columns of pandas DataFrame](
[scipy.stats]( - Statistical tests.
[scikit-posthocs]( - Statistical post-hoc tests for pairwise multiple comparisons.
Bland-Altman Plot [1](, [2]( - Plot for agreement between two methods of measurement.
[StatCheck]( - Extract statistics from articles and recompute p-values (R package).
[TOSTER]( - TOST equivalence test and power functions (R package).

##### Effect Size
[Estimating Effect Sizes From Pretest-Posttest-Control Group Designs]( - Scott B. Morris, [Twitter](

##### Statistical Tests
[test_proportions_2indep]( - Proportion test.
[G-Test]( - Alternative to chi-square test, [power_divergence](

##### Comparing Two Populations
[torch-two-sample]( - Friedman-Rafsky Test: Compare two population based on a multivariate generalization of the Runstest. [Explanation](, [Application](

##### Power and Sample Size Calculations
[pwrss]( - Statistical Power and Sample Size Calculation Tools (R package), [Tutorial with t-test](

##### Interim Analyses / Sequential Analysis / Stopping
[Sequential Analysis]( - Wikipedia.
[sequential]( - Exact Sequential Analysis for Poisson and Binomial Data (R package).
[confseq]( - Uniform boundaries, confidence sequences, and always-valid p-values.

##### Visualizations
[Friends don't let friends make certain types of data visualization](
[Great Overview over Visualizations](
[Dependent Propabilities](
[Null Hypothesis Significance Testing (NHST) and Sample Size Calculation](
[Cohen's d](
[Confidence Interval](
[Equivalence, non-inferiority and superiority testing](
[Bayesian two-sample t test](
[Distribution of p-values when comparing two groups](
[Understanding the t-distribution and its normal approximation](
[Statistical Power and Sample Size Calculation Tools](

##### Talks
[Inverse Propensity Weighting](
[Dealing with Selection Bias By Propensity Based Feature Selection](

##### Texts
[Modes, Medians and Means: A Unifying Perspective](
[Using Norms to Understand Linear Regression](
[Verifying the Assumptions of Linear Models](
[Mediation and Moderation Intro](
[Montgomery et al. - How conditioning on post-treatment variables can ruin your experiment and what to do about it](
[Lindeløv - Common statistical tests are linear models](
[Chatruc - The Central Limit Theorem and its misuse](
[Al-Saleh - Properties of the Standard Deviation that are Rarely Mentioned in Classrooms](
[Wainer - The Most Dangerous Equation](
[Gigerenzer - The Bias Bias in Behavioral Economics](
[Cook - Estimating the chances of something that hasn’t happened yet](
[Same Stats, Different Graphs: Generating Datasets with Varied Appearance and Identical Statistics through Simulated Annealing](, [Youtube](
[How large is that number in the Law of Large Numbers?](
[The Prosecutor's Fallacy](
[The Dunning-Kruger Effect is Autocorrelation](
[Rafi, Greenland - Semantic and cognitive tools to aid statistical science: replace confidence and significance by compatibility and surprise](
[Carlin et al. - On the uses and abuses of regression models: a call for reform of statistical practice and teaching](
[Chen, Roth - Logs with zeros? Some problems and solutions](

#### Evaluation
[Collins et al. - Evaluation of clinical prediction models (part 1): from development to external validation]( - [Twitter](

#### Epidemiology
[Lesko et al. - A Framework for Descriptive Epidemiology](
[R Epidemics Consortium]( - Large tool suite for working with epidemiological data (R packages). [Github](
[incidence2]( - Computation, handling, visualisation and simple modelling of incidence (R package).
[EpiEstim]( - Estimate time varying instantaneous reproduction number R during epidemics (R package) [paper](
[researchpy]( - Helpful `summary_cont()` function for summary statistics (Table 1).
[zEpid]( - Epidemiology analysis package, [Tutorial](
[tipr]( - Sensitivity analyses for unmeasured confounders (R package).
[quartets]( - Anscombe’s Quartet, Causal Quartet, [Datasaurus Dozen]( and others (R package).
[episensr]( - Quantitative Bias Analysis for Epidemiologic Data (=simulation of possible effects of different sources of bias) (R package).

#### Exploration and Cleaning
[pyjanitor]( - Clean messy column names.
[skimpy]( - Create summary statistics of dataframes. Helpful `clean_columns()` function.
[pandera]( - Data / Schema validation.
[impyute]( - Imputations.
[fancyimpute]( - Matrix completion and imputation algorithms.
[imbalanced-learn]( - Resampling for imbalanced datasets.
[tspreprocess]( - Time series preprocessing: Denoising, Compression, Resampling.
[Kaggler]( - Utility functions (`OneHotEncoder(min_obs=100)`)

#### Noisy Labels
[cleanlab]( - Machine learning with noisy labels, finding mislabelled data, and uncertainty quantification. Also see awesome list below.
[doubtlab]( - Find bad or noisy labels.

#### Train / Test Split
[iterative-stratification]( - Stratification of multilabel data.

#### Feature Engineering
[Vincent Warmerdam: Untitled12.ipynb]( - Using df.pipe()
[Vincent Warmerdam: Winning with Simple, even Linear, Models](
[sklearn]( - Pipeline, [examples](
[pdpipe]( - Pipelines for DataFrames.
[scikit-lego]( - Custom transformers for pipelines.
[categorical-encoding]( - Categorical encoding of variables, [vtreat (R package)](
[dirty_cat]( - Encoding dirty categorical variables.
[patsy]( - R-like syntax for statistical models.
[mlxtend]( - LDA.
[featuretools]( - Automated feature engineering, [example](
[tsfresh]( - Time series feature engineering.
[temporian]( - Time series feature engineering by Google.
[pypeln]( - Concurrent data pipelines.
[feature-engine]( - Encoders, transformers, etc.

#### Computer Vision
[Intro to Computer Vision](

#### Feature Selection
[Overview Paper](, [Talk](, [Repo](
Blog post series - [1](, [2](, [3](, [4](
Tutorials - [1](, [2](
[sklearn]( - Feature selection.
[eli5]( - Feature selection using permutation importance.
[scikit-feature]( - Feature selection algorithms.
[stability-selection]( - Stability selection.
[scikit-rebate]( - Relief-based feature selection algorithms.
[scikit-genetic]( - Genetic feature selection.
[boruta_py]( - Feature selection, [explaination](, [example](
[Boruta-Shap]( - Boruta feature selection algorithm + shapley values.
[linselect]( - Feature selection package.
[mlxtend]( - Exhaustive feature selection.
[BoostARoota]( - Xgboost feature selection algorithm.
[INVASE]( - Instance-wise Variable Selection using Neural Networks.
[SubTab]( - Subsetting Features of Tabular Data for Self-Supervised Representation Learning, AstraZeneca.
[mrmr]( - Maximum Relevance and Minimum Redundancy Feature Selection, [Website](
[arfs]( - All Relevant Feature Selection.
[VSURF]( - Variable Selection Using Random Forests (R package) [doc](
[FeatureSelectionGA]( - Feature Selection using Genetic Algorithm.

#### Subset Selection
[apricot]( - Selecting subsets of data sets to train machine learning models quickly.
[ducks]( - Index data for fast lookup by any combination of fields.

#### Dimensionality Reduction / Representation Learning

##### Selection
Check also the Clustering section and self-supervised learning section for ideas!

PCA - [link](
Autoencoder - [link](
Isomaps - [link](
LLE - [link](
Force-directed graph drawing - [link](
MDS - [link](
Diffusion Maps - [link](
t-SNE - [link](
NeRV - [link](, [paper](
MDR - [link](
UMAP - [link](
Random Projection - [link](
Ivis - [link](
SimCLR - [link](

##### Neural-network based
[esvit]( - Vision Transformers for Representation Learning (Microsoft).
[MCML]( - Semi-supervised dimensionality reduction of Multi-Class, Multi-Label data (sequencing data) [paper](

##### Packages
[Dangers of PCA (paper)](
[Phantom oscillations in PCA](
[What to use instead of PCA](
[Talk](, [tsne intro](
[sklearn.manifold]( and [sklearn.decomposition]( - PCA, t-SNE, MDS, Isomaps and others.
Additional plots for PCA - Factor Loadings, Cumulative Variance Explained, [Correlation Circle Plot](, [Tweet](
[sklearn.random_projection]( - Johnson-Lindenstrauss lemma, Gaussian random projection, Sparse random projection.
[sklearn.cross_decomposition]( - Partial least squares, supervised estimators for dimensionality reduction and regression.
[prince]( - Dimensionality reduction, factor analysis (PCA, MCA, CA, FAMD).
Faster t-SNE implementations: [lvdmaaten](, [MulticoreTSNE](, [FIt-SNE](
[umap]( - Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection, [talk](, [explorer](, [explanation](, [parallel version](
[humap]( - Hierarchical UMAP.
[sleepwalk]( - Explore embeddings, interactive visualization (R package).
[somoclu]( - Self-organizing map.
[scikit-tda]( - Topological Data Analysis, [paper](, [talk](, [talk](, [paper](
[giotto-tda]( - Topological Data Analysis.
[ivis]( - Dimensionality reduction using Siamese Networks.
[trimap]( - Dimensionality reduction using triplets.
[scanpy]( - [Force-directed graph drawing](, [Diffusion Maps](
[direpack]( - Projection pursuit, Sufficient dimension reduction, Robust M-estimators.
[DBS]( - DatabionicSwarm (R package).
[contrastive]( - Contrastive PCA.
[scPCA]( - Sparse contrastive PCA (R package).
[tmap]( - Visualization library for large, high-dimensional data sets.
[lollipop]( - Linear Optimal Low Rank Projection.
[linearsdr]( - Linear Sufficient Dimension Reduction (R package).
[PHATE]( - Tool for visualizing high dimensional data.

#### Visualization
[All charts](, [Austrian monuments](
[Better heatmaps and correlation plots](
[Example notebooks for interactive visualizations](,Seaborn, Holoviz, Altair)
[cufflinks]( - Dynamic visualization library, wrapper for [plotly](, [medium](, [example](
[physt]( - Better histograms, [talk](, [notebook](
[fast-histogram]( - Fast histograms.
[matplotlib_venn]( - Venn diagrams, [alternative](
[joypy]( - Draw stacked density plots (=ridge plots), [Ridge plots in seaborn](
[mosaic plots]( - Categorical variable visualization, [example](
[scikit-plot]( - ROC curves and other visualizations for ML models.
[yellowbrick]( - Visualizations for ML models (similar to scikit-plot).
[bokeh]( - Interactive visualization library, [Examples](, [Examples](
[lets-plot]( - Plotting library.
[animatplot]( - Animate plots build on matplotlib.
[plotnine]( - ggplot for Python.
[altair]( - Declarative statistical visualization library.
[bqplot]( - Plotting library for IPython/Jupyter Notebooks.
[hvplot]( - High-level plotting library built on top of [holoviews](
[dtreeviz]( - Decision tree visualization and model interpretation.
[chartify]( - Generate charts.
[VivaGraphJS]( - Graph visualization (JS package).
[pm]( - Navigatable 3D graph visualization (JS package).
[python-ternary]( - Triangle plots.
[falcon]( - Interactive visualizations for big data.
[hiplot]( - High dimensional Interactive Plotting.
[visdom]( - Live Visualizations.
[mpl-scatter-density]( - Scatter density plots. Alternative to 2d-histograms.
[ComplexHeatmap]( - Complex heatmaps for multidimensional genomic data (R package).
[largeVis]( - Visualize embeddings (t-SNE etc.) (R package).
[proplot]( - Matplotlib wrapper.
[morpheus]( - Broad Institute tool matrix visualization and analysis software. [Source](, Tutorial: [1](, [2](, [Code](
[jupyter-scatter]( - Interactive 2D scatter plot widget for Jupyter.

#### Colors
[palettable]( - Color palettes from [colorbrewer2](
[colorcet]( - Collection of perceptually uniform colormaps.
[Named Colors Wheel]( - Color wheel for all named HTML colors.

#### Dashboards
[py-shiny]( - Shiny for Python, [talk](
[superset]( - Dashboarding solution by Apache.
[streamlit]( - Dashboarding solution. [Resources](, [Gallery]( [Components](, [bokeh-events](
[mercury]( - Convert Python notebook to web app, [Example](
[dash]( - Dashboarding solution by [Resources](
[visdom]( - Dashboarding library by Facebook.
[panel]( - Dashboarding solution.
[altair example]( - [Video](
[voila]( - Turn Jupyter notebooks into standalone web applications.
[voila-gridstack]( - Voila grid layout.

#### UI
[gradio]( - Create UIs for your machine learning model.

#### Survey Tools
[samplics]( - Sampling techniques for complex survey designs.

#### Geographical Tools
[folium]( - Plot geographical maps using the Leaflet.js library, [jupyter plugin](
[gmaps]( - Google Maps for Jupyter notebooks.
[stadiamaps]( - Plot geographical maps.
[datashader]( - Draw millions of points on a map.
[sklearn]( - BallTree.
[pynndescent]( - Nearest neighbor descent for approximate nearest neighbors.
[geocoder]( - Geocoding of addresses, IP addresses.
Conversion of different geo formats: [talk](, [repo](
[geopandas]( - Tools for geographic data
Low Level Geospatial Tools (GEOS, GDAL/OGR, PROJ.4)
Vector Data (Shapely, Fiona, Pyproj)
Raster Data (Rasterio)
Plotting (Descartes, Catropy)
[Predict economic indicators from Open Street Map](
[PySal]( - Python Spatial Analysis Library.
[geography]( - Extract countries, regions and cities from a URL or text.
[cartogram]( - Distorted maps based on population.

#### Recommender Systems
Examples: [1](, [2](, [2-ipynb](, [3](
[surprise]( - Recommender, [talk](
[implicit]( - Fast Collaborative Filtering for Implicit Feedback Datasets.
[spotlight]( - Deep recommender models using PyTorch.
[lightfm]( - Recommendation algorithms for both implicit and explicit feedback.
[funk-svd]( - Fast SVD.

#### Decision Tree Models
[Intro to Decision Trees and Random Forests](, Intro to Gradient Boosting [1](, [2](, [Decision Tree Visualization](
[lightgbm]( - Gradient boosting (GBDT, GBRT, GBM or MART) framework based on decision tree algorithms, [doc](
[xgboost]( - Gradient boosting (GBDT, GBRT or GBM) library, [doc](, Methods for CIs: [link1](, [link2](
[catboost]( - Gradient boosting.
[h2o]( - Gradient boosting and general machine learning framework.
[pycaret]( - Wrapper for xgboost, lightgbm, catboost etc.
[forestci]( - Confidence intervals for random forests.
[grf]( - Generalized random forest.
[dtreeviz]( - Decision tree visualization and model interpretation.
[Nuance]( - Decision tree visualization.
[rfpimp]( - Feature Importance for RandomForests using Permuation Importance.
Why the default feature importance for random forests is wrong: [link](
[bartpy]( - Bayesian Additive Regression Trees.
[merf]( - Mixed Effects Random Forest for Clustering, [video](
[groot]( - Robust decision trees.
[linear-tree]( - Trees with linear models at the leaves.

#### Natural Language Processing (NLP) / Text Processing
[talk]([nb](, [nb2](, [talk](
[Text classification Intro](, [Preprocessing blog post](
[gensim]( - NLP, doc2vec, word2vec, text processing, topic modelling (LSA, LDA), [Example](, [Coherence Model]( for evaluation.
Embeddings - [GloVe]( ([[1](], [[2](]), [StarSpace](, [wikipedia2vec](, [visualization](
[magnitude]( - Vector embedding utility package.
[pyldavis]( - Visualization for topic modelling.
[spaCy]( - NLP.
[NTLK]( - NLP, helpful `KMeansClusterer` with `cosine_distance`.
[pytext]( - NLP from Facebook.
[fastText]( - Efficient text classification and representation learning.
[annoy]( - Approximate nearest neighbor search.
[faiss]( - Approximate nearest neighbor search.
[pysparnn]( - Approximate nearest neighbor search.
[infomap]( - Cluster (word-)vectors to find topics.
[datasketch]( - Probabilistic data structures for large data (MinHash, HyperLogLog).
[flair]( - NLP Framework by Zalando.
[stanza]( - NLP Library.
[Chatistics]( - Turn Messenger, Hangouts, WhatsApp and Telegram chat logs into DataFrames.
[textdistance]( - Collection for comparing distances between two or more sequences.

#### Bio Image Analysis
[Lee et al. - A beginner's guide to rigor and reproducibility in fluorescence imaging experiments](
[Awesome Cytodata](

##### Tutorials
[MIT 7.016 Introductory Biology, Fall 2018]( - Videos 27, 28, and 29 talk about staining and imaging.
[Bio-image Analysis Notebooks]( - Large collection of image processing workflows, including [point-spread-function estimation]( and [deconvolution](, [3D cell segmentation](, [feature extraction]( using [pyclesperanto]( and others.
[python_for_microscopists]( - Notebooks and associated [youtube channel]( for a variety of image processing tasks.

##### Datasets
[jump-cellpainting]( - Cellpainting dataset.
[MedMNIST]( - Datasets for 2D and 3D Biomedical Image Classification.
[CytoImageNet]( - Huge diverse dataset like ImageNet but for cell images.
[Haghighi]( - Gene Expression and Morphology Profiles.
[broadinstitute/lincs-profiling-complementarity]( - Cellpainting vs. L1000 assay.

#### Biostatistics / Robust statistics
[MinCovDet]( - Robust estimator of covariance, RMPV, [Paper](, [App1](, [App2](
[moderated z-score]( - Weighted average of z-scores based on Spearman correlation.
[winsorize]( - Simple adjustment of outliers.

#### High-Content Screening Assay Design
[Zhang XHD (2008) - Novel analytic criteria and effective plate designs for quality control in genome-wide RNAi screens](
[Iversen - A Comparison of Assay Performance Measures in Screening Assays, Signal Window, Z′ Factor, and Assay Variability Ratio](
[Z-factor]( - Measure of statistical effect size.
[Z'-factor]( - Measure of statistical effect size.
[CV]( - Coefficient of variation.
[SSMD]( - Strictly standardized mean difference.
[Signal Window]( - Assay quality measurement.

#### Microscopy + Assay
[BD Spectrum Viewer]( - Calculate spectral overlap, bleed through for fluorescence microscopy dyes.
[SpectraViewer]( - Visualize the spectral compatibility of fluorophores (PerkinElmer).
[Thermofisher Spectrum Viewer]( - Thermofisher Spectrum Viewer.
[Microscopy Resolution Calculator]( - Calculate resolution of images (Nikon).
[PlateEditor]( - Drug Layout for plates, [app](, [zip](, [paper](

##### Image Formats and Converters
OME-Zarr - [paper](, [standard](
[bioformats2raw]( - Various formats to zarr.
[raw2ometiff]( - Zarr to tiff.
[BatchConvert]( - Wrapper for bioformats2raw to parallelize conversions with nextflow, [video](
REMBI model - Recommended Metadata for Biological Images, BioImage Archive: [Study Component Guidance](, [File List Guide](, [paper](, [video](, [spreadsheet](

##### Matrix Formats
[anndata]( - annotated data matrices in memory and on disk, [Docs](
[muon]( - Multimodal omics framework.
[mudata]( - Multimodal Data (.h5mu) implementation.
[bdz]( - Zarr-based format for storing quantitative biological dynamics data.

#### Image Viewers
[napari]( - Image viewer and image processing tool.
[Fiji]( - General purpose tool. Image viewer and image processing tool.
[vizarr]( - Browser-based image viewer for zarr format.
[avivator]( - Browser-based image viewer for tiff files.
[OMERO]( - Image viewer for high-content screening. [IDR]( uses OMERO. [Intro](
[fiftyone]( - Viewer and tool for building high-quality datasets and computer vision models.
Image Data Explorer - Microscopy Image Viewer, [Shiny App](, [Video](
[ImSwitch]( - Microscopy Image Viewer, [Doc](, [Video](
[pixmi]( - Web-based image annotation and classification tool, [App](
[DeepCell Label]( - Data labeling tool to segment images, [Video](

#### Napari Plugins
[napari-sam]( - Segment Anything Plugin.
[napari-chatgpt]( - ChatGPT Plugin.

##### Image Restoration and Denoising
[aydin]( - Image denoising.
[DivNoising]( - Unsupervised denoising method.
[CSBDeep]( - Content-aware image restoration, [Project page](
[gibbs-diffusion]( - Image denoising.

##### Illumination correction
[skimage]( - Illumination correction (CLAHE).
[cidre]( - Illumination correction method for optical microscopy.
[BaSiCPy]( - Background and Shading Correction of Optical Microscopy Images, [BaSiC](

##### Bleedthrough correction / Spectral Unmixing
[PICASSO]( - Blind unmixing without reference spectra measurement, [Paper](
[cytoflow]( - Flow cytometry. Includes Bleedthrough correction methods.
Linear unmixing in Fiji for Bleedthrough Correction - [Youtube](
Bleedthrough Correction using Lumos and Fiji - [Link](
AutoUnmix - [Link](

##### Platforms and Pipelines
[CellProfiler](, [CellProfilerAnalyst]( - Create image analysis pipelines.
[fractal]( - Framework to process high-content imaging data from UZH, [Github](
[atomai]( - Deep and Machine Learning for Microscopy.
[py-clesperanto]( - Tools for 3D microscopy analysis, [deskewing]( and lots of other tutorials, interacts with napari.
[qupath]( - Image analysis.

##### Microscopy Pipelines
Labsyspharm Stack see below.
[BiaPy]( - Bioimage analysis pipelines.
[SCIP]( - Image processing pipeline on top of Dask.
[DeepCell Kiosk]( - Image analysis platform.
[IMCWorkflow]( - Image analysis pipeline using [steinbock](, [Twitter](, [Paper](, [workflow](

##### Labsyspharm
[mcmicro]( - Multiple-choice microscopy pipeline, [Website](, [Paper](
[MCQuant]( - Quantification of cell features.
[cylinter]( - Quality assurance for microscopy images, [Website](
[ashlar]( - Whole-slide microscopy image stitching and registration.
[scimap]( - Spatial Single-Cell Analysis Toolkit.

##### Cell Segmentation
[microscopy-tree]( - Review of cell segmentation algorithms, [Paper](
Review of organoid pipelines - [Paper](
[BioImage.IO]( - BioImage Model Zoo.
[MEDIAR]( - Cell segmentation.
[cellpose]( - Cell segmentation. [Paper](, [Dataset](
[stardist]( - Cell segmentation with Star-convex Shapes.
[UnMicst]( - Identifying Cells and Segmenting Tissue.
[ilastik]( - Segment, classify, track and count cells. [ImageJ Plugin](
[nnUnet]( - 3D biomedical image segmentation.
[allencell]( - Tools for 3D segmentation, classical and deep learning methods.
[Cell-ACDC]( - Python GUI for cell segmentation and tracking.
[ZeroCostDL4Mic]( - Deep-Learning in Microscopy.
[DL4MicEverywhere]( - Bringing the ZeroCostDL4Mic experience using Docker.
[EmbedSeg]( - Embedding-based Instance Segmentation.
[segment-anything]( - Segment Anything (SAM) from Facebook.
[micro-sam]( - Segment Anything for Microscopy.
[Segment-Everything-Everywhere-All-At-Once]( - Segment Everything Everywhere All at Once from Microsoft.
[deepcell-tf]( - Cell segmentation, [DeepCell](
[labkit]( - Fiji plugin for image segmentation.

##### Cell Segmentation Datasets
[cellpose]( - Cell images.
[omnipose]( - Cell images.
[LIVECell]( - Cell images.
[Sartorius]( - Neurons.
[EmbedSeg]( - 2D + 3D images.
[connectomics]( - Annotation of the EPFL Hippocampus dataset.
[ZeroCostDL4Mic]( - Stardist example training and test dataset.

##### Evaluation
[seg-eval]( - Cell segmentation performance evaluation without Ground Truth labels, [Paper](

##### Feature Engineering Images
[Computer vision challenges in drug discovery - Maciej Hermanowicz](
[CellProfiler]( - Biological image analysis.
[scikit-image]( - Image processing.
[scikit-image regionprops]( - Regionprops: area, eccentricity, extent.
[mahotas]( - Zernike, Haralick, LBP, and TAS features, [example](
[pyradiomics]( - Radiomics features from medical imaging.
[pyefd]( - Elliptical feature descriptor, approximating a contour with a Fourier series.
[pyvips]( - Faster image processing operations.

#### Domain Adaptation / Batch-Effect Correction
[Tran - A benchmark of batch-effect correction methods for single-cell RNA sequencing data](, [Code](
[R Tutorial on correcting batch effects](
[harmonypy]( - Fuzzy k-means and locally linear adjustments.
[pyliger]( - Batch-effect correction, [R package](
[nimfa]( - Nonnegative matrix factorization.
[scgen]( - Batch removal. [Doc](
[CORAL]( - Correcting for Batch Effects Using Wasserstein Distance, [Code](, [Paper](
[adapt]( - Awesome Domain Adaptation Python Toolbox.
[pytorch-adapt]( - Various neural network models for domain adaptation.

##### Sequencing
[Single cell tutorial](
[PyDESeq2]( - Analyzing RNA-seq data.
[cellxgene]( - Interactive explorer for single-cell transcriptomics data.
[scanpy]( - Analyze single-cell gene expression data, [tutorial](
[besca]( - Beyond single-cell analysis.
[janggu]( - Deep Learning for Genomics.
[gdsctools]( - Drug responses in the context of the Genomics of Drug Sensitivity in Cancer project, ANOVA, IC50, MoBEM, [doc](
[monkeybread]( - Analysis of single-cell spatial transcriptomics data.

##### Drug discovery
[TDC]( - Drug Discovery and Development.
[DeepPurpose]( - Deep Learning Based Molecular Modelling and Prediction Toolkit.

#### Neural Networks
[Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition]( - Stanford CS class.
[mit6874]( - Computational Systems Biology: Deep Learning in the Life Sciences.
[ConvNet Shape Calculator]( - Calculate output dimensions of Conv2D layer.
[Great Gradient Descent Article](
[Intro to semi-supervised learning](

##### Tutorials & Viewer
[ course]( - Practical Deep Learning for Coders.
[Tensorflow without a PhD]( - Neural Network course by Google.
Feature Visualization: [Blog](, [PPT](
[Tensorflow Playground](
[Visualization of optimization algorithms](, [Another visualization](
[cutouts-explorer]( - Image Viewer.

##### Image Related
[imgaug]( - More sophisticated image preprocessing.
[Augmentor]( - Image augmentation library.
[keras preprocessing]( - Preprocess images.
[albumentations]( - Wrapper around imgaug and other libraries.
[augmix]( - Image augmentation from Google.
[kornia]( - Image augmentation, feature extraction and loss functions.
[augly]( - Image, audio, text, video augmentation from Facebook.
[pyvips]( - Faster image processing operations.

##### Lossfunction Related
[SegLoss]( - List of loss functions for medical image segmentation.

##### Activation Functions
[rational_activations]( - Rational activation functions.

##### Text Related
[ktext]( - Utilities for pre-processing text for deep learning in Keras.
[textgenrnn]( - Ready-to-use LSTM for text generation.
[ctrl]( - Text generation.

##### Neural network and deep learning frameworks
[OpenMMLab]( - Framework for segmentation, classification and lots of other computer vision tasks.
[caffe]( - Deep learning framework, [pretrained models](
[mxnet]( - Deep learning framework, [book](

##### Libs General
[keras]( - Neural Networks on top of [tensorflow](, [examples](
[keras-contrib]( - Keras community contributions.
[keras-tuner]( - Hyperparameter tuning for Keras.
[hyperas]( - Keras + Hyperopt: Convenient hyperparameter optimization wrapper.
[elephas]( - Distributed Deep learning with Keras & Spark.
[tflearn]( - Neural Networks on top of TensorFlow.
[tensorlayer]( - Neural Networks on top of TensorFlow, [tricks](
[tensorforce]( - TensorFlow for applied reinforcement learning.
[autokeras]( - AutoML for deep learning.
[PlotNeuralNet]( - Plot neural networks.
[lucid]( - Neural network interpretability, [Activation Maps](
[tcav]( - Interpretability method.
[AdaBound]( - Optimizer that trains as fast as Adam and as good as SGD, [alt](
[foolbox]( - Adversarial examples that fool neural networks.
[hiddenlayer]( - Training metrics.
[imgclsmob]( - Pretrained models.
[netron]( - Visualizer for deep learning and machine learning models.
[ffcv]( - Fast dataloader.

##### Libs PyTorch
[Good PyTorch Introduction](
[skorch]( - Scikit-learn compatible neural network library that wraps PyTorch, [talk](, [slides](
[fastai]( - Neural Networks in PyTorch.
[timm]( - PyTorch image models.
[ignite]( - Highlevel library for PyTorch.
[torchcv]( - Deep Learning in Computer Vision.
[pytorch-optimizer]( - Collection of optimizers for PyTorch.
[pytorch-lightning]( - Wrapper around PyTorch.
[lightly]( - MoCo, SimCLR, SimSiam, Barlow Twins, BYOL, NNCLR.
[MONAI]( - Deep learning in healthcare imaging.
[kornia]( - Image transformations, epipolar geometry, depth estimation.
[torchinfo]( - Nice model summary.
[lovely-tensors]( - Inspect tensors, mean, std, inf values.

##### Distributed Libs
[flexflow]( - Distributed TensorFlow Keras and PyTorch.
[horovod]( - Distributed training framework for TensorFlow, Keras, PyTorch, and Apache MXNet.

##### Architecture Visualization
[Awesome List](
[netron]( - Viewer for neural networks.
[visualkeras]( - Visualize Keras networks.

##### Object detection / Instance Segmentation
[Metrics reloaded: Recommendations for image analysis validation]( - Guide for choosing correct image analysis metrics, [Code](, [Twitter Thread](
[Good Yolo Explanation](
[yolact]( - Fully convolutional model for real-time instance segmentation.
[EfficientDet Pytorch](, [EfficientDet Keras]( - Scalable and Efficient Object Detection.
[detectron2]( - Object Detection (Mask R-CNN) by Facebook.
[simpledet]( - Object Detection and Instance Recognition.
[CenterNet]( - Object detection.
[FCOS]( - Fully Convolutional One-Stage Object Detection.
[norfair]( - Real-time 2D object tracking.
[Detic]( - Detector with image classes that can use image-level labels (facebookresearch).
[EasyCV]( - Image segmentation, classification, metric-learning, object detection, pose estimation.

##### Image Classification
[nfnets]( - Neural network.
[efficientnet]( - Neural network.
[pycls]( - PyTorch image classification networks: ResNet, ResNeXt, EfficientNet, and RegNet (by Facebook).

##### Applications and Snippets
[SPADE]( - Semantic Image Synthesis.
[Entity Embeddings of Categorical Variables](, [code](, [kaggle](
[Image Super-Resolution]( - Super-scaling using a Residual Dense Network.
Cell Segmentation - [Talk](, Blog Posts: [1](, [2](
[deeplearning-models]( - Deep learning models.

##### Variational Autoencoders (VAEs)
[Variational Autoencoder Explanation Video](
[disentanglement_lib]( - BetaVAE, FactorVAE, BetaTCVAE, DIP-VAE.
[ladder-vae-pytorch]( - Ladder Variational Autoencoders (LVAE).
[benchmark_VAE]( - Unifying Generative Autoencoder implementations.

##### Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)
[Awesome GAN Applications](
[The GAN Zoo]( - List of Generative Adversarial Networks.
[CycleGAN and Pix2pix]( - Various image-to-image tasks.
[TensorFlow GAN implementations](
[PyTorch GAN implementations](
[PyTorch GAN implementations](
[StudioGAN]( - PyTorch GAN implementations.

##### Transformers
[The Annotated Transformer]( - Intro to transformers.
[Transformers from Scratch](] - Intro.
[Neural Networks: Zero to Hero]( - Video series on building neural networks.
[SegFormer]( - Simple and Efficient Design for Semantic Segmentation with Transformers.
[esvit]( - Efficient self-supervised Vision Transformers.
[nystromformer]( - More efficient transformer because of approximate self-attention.

##### Deep learning on structured data
[Great overview for deep learning for tabular data](

##### Graph-Based Neural Networks
[How to do Deep Learning on Graphs with Graph Convolutional Networks](
[Introduction To Graph Convolutional Networks](
[An attempt at demystifying graph deep learning](
[ogb]( - Open Graph Benchmark, Benchmark datasets.
[networkx]( - Graph library.
[cugraph]( - RAPIDS, Graph library on the GPU.
[pytorch-geometric]( - Various methods for deep learning on graphs.
[dgl]( - Deep Graph Library.
[graph_nets]( - Build graph networks in TensorFlow, by DeepMind.

#### Model conversion
[hummingbird]( - Compile trained ML models into tensor computations (by Microsoft).

#### GPU
[cuML]( - RAPIDS, Run traditional tabular ML tasks on GPUs, [Intro](
[thundergbm]( - GBDTs and Random Forest.
[thundersvm]( - Support Vector Machines.
Legate Numpy - Distributed Numpy array multiple using GPUs by Nvidia (not released yet) [video](

#### Regression
Understanding SVM Regression: [slides](, [forum](, [paper](

[pyearth]( - Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines (MARS), [tutorial](
[pygam]( - Generalized Additive Models (GAMs), [Explanation](
[GLRM]( - Generalized Low Rank Models.
[tweedie]( - Specialized distribution for zero inflated targets, [Talk](
[MAPIE]( - Estimating prediction intervals.
[Regressio]( - Regression and Spline models.

#### Polynomials
[orthopy]( - Orthogonal polynomials in all shapes and sizes.

#### Classification
[Talk](, [Notebook](
[Blog post: Probability Scoring](
[All classification metrics](
[DESlib]( - Dynamic classifier and ensemble selection.
[human-learn]( - Create and tune classifier based on your rule set.

#### Metric Learning
[Contrastive Representation Learning](

[metric-learn]( - Supervised and weakly-supervised metric learning algorithms.
[pytorch-metric-learning]( - PyTorch metric learning.
[deep_metric_learning]( - Methods for deep metric learning.
[ivis]( - Metric learning using siamese neural networks.
[TensorFlow similarity]( - Metric learning.

#### Distance Functions
[Steck et al. - Is Cosine-Similarity of Embeddings Really About Similarity?](
[scipy.spatial]( - All kinds of distance metrics.
[vegdist]( - Distance metrics (R package).
[pyemd]( - Earth Mover's Distance / Wasserstein distance, similarity between histograms. [OpenCV implementation](, [POT implementation](
[dcor]( - Distance correlation and related Energy statistics.
[GeomLoss]( - Kernel norms, Hausdorff divergences, Debiased Sinkhorn divergences (=approximation of Wasserstein distance).

#### Self-supervised Learning
[lightly]( - MoCo, SimCLR, SimSiam, Barlow Twins, BYOL, NNCLR.
[vissl]( - Self-Supervised Learning with PyTorch: RotNet, Jigsaw, NPID, ClusterFit, PIRL, SimCLR, MoCo, DeepCluster, SwAV.

#### Clustering
[Overview of clustering algorithms applied image data (= Deep Clustering)](
[Clustering with Deep Learning: Taxonomy and New Methods](
[Hierarchical Cluster Analysis (R Tutorial)]( - Dendrogram, Tanglegram
[hdbscan]( - Clustering algorithm, [talk](, [blog](
[pyclustering]( - All sorts of clustering algorithms.
[FCPS]( - Fundamental Clustering Problems Suite (R package).
[GaussianMixture]( - Generalized k-means clustering using a mixture of Gaussian distributions, [video](
[nmslib]( - Similarity search library and toolkit for evaluation of k-NN methods.
[merf]( - Mixed Effects Random Forest for Clustering, [video](
[tree-SNE]( - Hierarchical clustering algorithm based on t-SNE.
[MiniSom]( - Pure Python implementation of the Self Organizing Maps.
[distribution_clustering](, [paper](, [related paper](, [alt](
[phenograph]( - Clustering by community detection.
[FastPG]( - Clustering of single cell data (RNA). Improvement of phenograph, [Paper](
[HypHC]( - Hyperbolic Hierarchical Clustering.
[BanditPAM]( - Improved k-Medoids Clustering.
[dendextend]( - Comparing dendrograms (R package).
[DeepDPM]( - Deep Clustering With An Unknown Number of Clusters.

##### Clustering Evalutation
[Wagner, Wagner - Comparing Clusterings - An Overview](
* [Adjusted Rand Index](
* [Normalized Mutual Information](
* [Adjusted Mutual Information](
* [Fowlkes-Mallows Score](
* [Silhouette Coefficient](
* [Variation of Information](, [Julia](
* [Pair Confusion Matrix](
* [Consensus Score]( - The similarity of two sets of biclusters.

[Assessing the quality of a clustering (video)](
[fpc]( - Various methods for clustering and cluster validation (R package).
* Minimum distance between any two clusters
* Distance between centroids
* p-separation index: Like minimum distance. Look at the average distance to nearest point in different cluster for p=10% "border" points in any cluster. Measuring density, measuring mountains vs valleys
* Estimate density by weighted count of close points

Other measures:
* Within-cluster average distance
* Mean of within-cluster average distance over nearest-cluster average distance (silhouette score)
* Within-cluster similarity measure to normal/uniform
* Within-cluster (squared) distance to centroid (this is the k-Means loss function)
* Correlation coefficient between distance we originally had to the distance the are induced by the clustering (Huberts Gamma)
* Entropy of cluster sizes
* Average largest within-cluster gap
* Variation of clusterings on bootstrapped data

#### Multi-label classification
[scikit-multilearn]( - Multi-label classification, [talk](

#### Signal Processing and Filtering
[Stanford Lecture Series on Fourier Transformation](, [Youtube](, [Lecture Notes](
[Visual Fourier explanation](
[The Scientist & Engineer's Guide to Digital Signal Processing (1999)]( - Chapter 3 has good introduction to Bessel, Butterworth and Chebyshev filters.
[Kalman Filter article](
[Kalman Filter book]( - Focuses on intuition using Jupyter Notebooks. Includes Bayesian and various Kalman filters.
[Interactive Tool]( for FIR and IIR filters, [Examples](
[filterpy]( - Kalman filtering and optimal estimation library.

#### Filtering in Python
* [Butterworth low-pass filter example](
* [Savitzky–Golay filter](, [W](
[pandas.Series.rolling]( - Choose appropriate `win_type`.

#### Geometry
[geomstats]( - Computations and statistics on manifolds with geometric structures.

#### Time Series
[statsmodels]( - Time series analysis, [seasonal decompose]( [example](, [SARIMA](, [granger causality](
[kats]( - Time series prediction library by Facebook.
[prophet]( - Time series prediction library by Facebook.
[neural_prophet]( - Time series prediction built on PyTorch.
[pyramid](, [pmdarima]( - Wrapper for (Auto-) ARIMA.
[modeltime]( - Time series forecasting framework (R package).
[pyflux]( - Time series prediction algorithms (ARIMA, GARCH, GAS, Bayesian).
[atspy]( - Automated Time Series Models.
[pm-prophet]( - Time series prediction and decomposition library.
[htsprophet]( - Hierarchical Time Series Forecasting using Prophet.
[nupic]( - Hierarchical Temporal Memory (HTM) for Time Series Prediction and Anomaly Detection.
[tensorflow]( - LSTM and others, examples: [link](
), [link](, seq2seq: [1](, [2](, [3](, [4](
[tspreprocess]( - Preprocessing: Denoising, Compression, Resampling.
[tsfresh]( - Time series feature engineering.
[tsfel]( - Time series feature extraction.
[thunder]( - Data structures and algorithms for loading, processing, and analyzing time series data.
[gatspy]( - General tools for Astronomical Time Series, [talk](
[gendis]( - shapelets, [example](
[tslearn]( - Time series clustering and classification, `TimeSeriesKMeans`, `TimeSeriesKMeans`.
[pastas]( - Analysis of Groundwater Time Series.
[fastdtw]( - Dynamic Time Warp Distance.
[fable]( - Time Series Forecasting (R package).
[pydlm]( - Bayesian time series modelling ([R package](, [Blog post](
[PyAF]( - Automatic Time Series Forecasting.
[luminol]( - Anomaly Detection and Correlation library from Linkedin.
[matrixprofile-ts]( - Detecting patterns and anomalies, [website](, [ppt](, [alternative](
[stumpy]( - Another matrix profile library.
[obspy]( - Seismology package. Useful `classic_sta_lta` function.
[RobustSTL]( - Robust Seasonal-Trend Decomposition.
[seglearn]( - Time Series library.
[pyts]( - Time series transformation and classification, [Imaging time series](
Turn time series into images and use Neural Nets: [example](, [example](
[sktime](, [sktime-dl]( - Toolbox for (deep) learning with time series.
[adtk]( - Time Series Anomaly Detection.
[rocket]( - Time Series classification using random convolutional kernels.
[luminaire]( - Anomaly Detection for time series.
[etna]( - Time Series library.
[Chaos Genius]( - ML powered analytics engine for outlier/anomaly detection and root cause analysis.

##### Time Series Evaluation
[TimeSeriesSplit]( - Sklearn time series split.
[tscv]( - Evaluation with gap.

#### Financial Data and Trading
Tutorial on using cvxpy: [1](, [2](
[pandas-datareader]( - Read stock data.
[yfinance]( - Read stock data from Yahoo Finance.
[findatapy]( - Read stock data from various sources.
[ta]( - Technical analysis library.
[backtrader]( - Backtesting for trading strategies.
[surpriver]( - Find high moving stocks before they move using anomaly detection and machine learning.
[ffn]( - Financial functions.
[bt]( - Backtesting algorithms.
[alpaca-trade-api-python]( - Commission-free trading through API.
[eiten]( - Eigen portfolios, minimum variance portfolios and other algorithmic investing strategies.
[tf-quant-finance]( - Quantitative finance tools in TensorFlow, by Google.
[quantstats]( - Portfolio management.
[Riskfolio-Lib]( - Portfolio optimization and strategic asset allocation.
[OpenBBTerminal]( - Terminal.
[mplfinance]( - Financial markets data visualization.

##### Quantopian Stack
[pyfolio]( - Portfolio and risk analytics.
[zipline]( - Algorithmic trading.
[alphalens]( - Performance analysis of predictive stock factors.
[empyrical]( - Financial risk metrics.
[trading_calendars]( - Calendars for various securities exchanges.

#### Survival Analysis
[Time-dependent Cox Model in R](
[lifelines]( - Survival analysis, Cox PH Regression, [talk](, [talk2](
[scikit-survival]( - Survival analysis.
[xgboost]( - `"objective": "survival:cox"` [NHANES example](
[survivalstan]( - Survival analysis, [intro](
[convoys]( - Analyze time lagged conversions.
RandomSurvivalForests (R packages: randomForestSRC, ggRandomForests).
[pysurvival]( - Survival analysis.
[DeepSurvivalMachines]( - Fully Parametric Survival Regression.
[auton-survival]( - Regression, Counterfactual Estimation, Evaluation and Phenotyping with Censored Time-to-Events.

#### Outlier Detection & Anomaly Detection
[sklearn]( - Isolation Forest and others.
[pyod]( - Outlier Detection / Anomaly Detection.
[eif]( - Extended Isolation Forest.
[AnomalyDetection]( - Anomaly detection (R package).
[luminol]( - Anomaly Detection and Correlation library from Linkedin.
Distances for comparing histograms and detecting outliers - [Talk]( [Kolmogorov-Smirnov](, [Wasserstein](, [Energy Distance (Cramer)](, [Kullback-Leibler divergence](
[banpei]( - Anomaly detection library based on singular spectrum transformation.
[telemanom]( - Detect anomalies in multivariate time series data using LSTMs.
[luminaire]( - Anomaly Detection for time series.
[rrcf]( - Robust Random Cut Forest algorithm for anomaly detection on streams.

#### Concept Drift & Domain Shift
[TorchDrift]( - Drift Detection for PyTorch Models.
[alibi-detect]( - Algorithms for outlier, adversarial and drift detection.
[evidently]( - Evaluate and monitor ML models from validation to production.
[Lipton et al. - Detecting and Correcting for Label Shift with Black Box Predictors](
[Bu et al. - A pdf-Free Change Detection Test Based on Density Difference Estimation](

#### Ranking
[lightning]( - Large-scale linear classification, regression and ranking.

#### Causal Inference
[Chatton et al. - The Causal Cookbook: Recipes for Propensity Scores, G-Computation, and Doubly Robust Standardization](
[Naimi et al. - An introduction to g methods](
[CS 594 Causal Inference and Learning](
[Marginal Effects Tutorial]( - Marginal Effects, g-computation and more.
[Statistical Rethinking]( - Video Lecture Series, Bayesian Statistics, Causal Models, [R](, [python](, [numpyro1](, [numpyro2](, [tensorflow-probability](
[Python Causality Handbook](
[dowhy]( - Estimate causal effects.
[CausalImpact]( - Causal Impact Analysis ([R package](
[causallib]( - Modular causal inference analysis and model evaluations by IBM, [examples](
[causalml]( - Causal inference by Uber.
[upliftml]( - Causal inference by
[causality]( - Causal analysis using observational datasets.
[DoubleML]( - Machine Learning + Causal inference, [Tweet](, [Presentation](, [Paper](
[EconML]( - Heterogeneous Treatment Effects Estimation by Microsoft.

##### Papers
[Bours - Confounding](
[Bours - Effect Modification and Interaction](

#### Probabilistic Modelling and Bayes
[Intro](, [Guide](
[PyMC3]( - Bayesian modelling.
[numpyro]( - Probabilistic programming with numpy, built on [pyro](
[pomegranate]( - Probabilistic modelling, [talk](
[pmlearn]( - Probabilistic machine learning.
[arviz]( - Exploratory analysis of Bayesian models.
[zhusuan]( - Bayesian deep learning, generative models.
[edward]( - Probabilistic modelling, inference, and criticism, [Mixture Density Networks (MNDs)](, [MDN Explanation](
[Pyro]( - Deep Universal Probabilistic Programming.
[TensorFlow probability]( - Deep learning and probabilistic modelling, [talk1](, [notebook talk1](, [talk2](, [example](
[bambi]( - High-level Bayesian model-building interface on top of PyMC3.
[neural-tangents]( - Infinite Neural Networks.
[bnlearn]( - Bayesian networks, parameter learning, inference and sampling methods.

#### Gaussian Processes
[Visualization](, [Article](
[GPyOpt]( - Gaussian process optimization.
[GPflow]( - Gaussian processes (TensorFlow).
[gpytorch]( - Gaussian processes (PyTorch).

#### Stacking Models and Ensembles
[Model Stacking Blog Post](
[mlxtend]( - `EnsembleVoteClassifier`, `StackingRegressor`, `StackingCVRegressor` for model stacking.
[vecstack]( - Stacking ML models.
[StackNet]( - Stacking ML models.
[mlens]( - Ensemble learning.
[combo]( - Combining ML models (stacking, ensembling).

#### Model Evaluation
[evaluate]( - Evaluate machine learning models (huggingface).
[pycm]( - Multi-class confusion matrix.
[pandas_ml]( - Confusion matrix.
Plotting learning curve: [link](
[yellowbrick]( - Learning curve.
[pyroc]( - Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curves.

#### Model Uncertainty
[awesome-conformal-prediction]( - Uncertainty quantification.
[uncertainty-toolbox]( - Predictive uncertainty quantification, calibration, metrics, and visualization.

#### Model Explanation, Interpretability, Feature Importance
[Princeton - Reproducibility Crisis in ML‑based Science](
[Book](, [Examples](
scikit-learn - [Permutation Importance]( (can be used on any trained classifier) and [Partial Dependence](
[shap]( - Explain predictions of machine learning models, [talk](, [Good Shap intro](
[treeinterpreter]( - Interpreting scikit-learn's decision tree and random forest predictions.
[lime]( - Explaining the predictions of any machine learning classifier, [talk](, [Warning (Myth 7)](
[lime_xgboost]( - Create LIMEs for XGBoost.
[eli5]( - Inspecting machine learning classifiers and explaining their predictions.
[lofo-importance]( - Leave One Feature Out Importance, [talk](
[pybreakdown]( - Generate feature contribution plots.
[pycebox]( - Individual Conditional Expectation Plot Toolbox.
[pdpbox]( - Partial dependence plot toolbox, [example](
[partial_dependence]( - Visualize and cluster partial dependence.
[contrastive_explanation]( - Contrastive explanations.
[DrWhy]( - Collection of tools for explainable AI.
[lucid]( - Neural network interpretability.
[xai]( - An eXplainability toolbox for machine learning.
[innvestigate]( - A toolbox to investigate neural network predictions.
[dalex]( - Explanations for ML models (R package).
[interpretml]( - Fit interpretable models, explain models.
[shapash]( - Model interpretability.
[imodels]( - Interpretable ML package.
[captum]( - Model interpretability and understanding for PyTorch.

#### Automated Machine Learning
[AdaNet]( - Automated machine learning based on TensorFlow.
[tpot]( - Automated machine learning tool, optimizes machine learning pipelines.
[autokeras]( - AutoML for deep learning.
[nni]( - Toolkit for neural architecture search and hyper-parameter tuning by Microsoft.
[mljar]( - Automated machine learning.
[automl_zero]( - Automatically discover computer programs that can solve machine learning tasks from Google.
[AlphaPy]( - Automated Machine Learning using scikit-learn xgboost, LightGBM and others.

#### Graph Representation Learning
[Karate Club]( - Unsupervised learning on graphs.
[PyTorch Geometric]( - Graph representation learning with PyTorch.
[DLG]( - Graph representation learning with TensorFlow.

#### Convex optimization
[cvxpy]( - Modelling language for convex optimization problems. Tutorial: [1](, [2](

#### Evolutionary Algorithms & Optimization
[deap]( - Evolutionary computation framework (Genetic Algorithm, Evolution strategies).
[evol]( - DSL for composable evolutionary algorithms, [talk](
[platypus]( - Multiobjective optimization.
[autograd]( - Efficiently computes derivatives of numpy code.
[nevergrad]( - Derivation-free optimization.
[gplearn]( - Sklearn-like interface for genetic programming.
[blackbox]( - Optimization of expensive black-box functions.
Optometrist algorithm - [paper](
[DeepSwarm]( - Neural architecture search.
[evotorch]( - Evolutionary computation library built on Pytorch.

#### Hyperparameter Tuning
[sklearn]( - [GridSearchCV](, [RandomizedSearchCV](
[sklearn-deap]( - Hyperparameter search using genetic algorithms.
[hyperopt]( - Hyperparameter optimization.
[hyperopt-sklearn]( - Hyperopt + sklearn.
[optuna]( - Hyperparamter optimization, [Talk](
[skopt]( - `BayesSearchCV` for Hyperparameter search.
[tune]( - Hyperparameter search with a focus on deep learning and deep reinforcement learning.
[bbopt]( - Black box hyperparameter optimization.
[dragonfly]( - Scalable Bayesian optimisation.
[botorch]( - Bayesian optimization in PyTorch.
[ax]( - Adaptive Experimentation Platform by Facebook.
[lightning-hpo]( - Hyperparameter optimization based on optuna.

#### Incremental Learning, Online Learning
sklearn - [PassiveAggressiveClassifier](, [PassiveAggressiveRegressor](
[river]( - Online machine learning.
[Kaggler]( - Online Learning algorithms.

#### Active Learning
[modAL]( - Active learning framework.

#### Reinforcement Learning
[YouTube](, [YouTube](
Intro to Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) - [1](, [2](, [3](
AlphaZero methodology - [1](, [2](, [3](, [Cheat Sheet](
[RLLib]( - Library for reinforcement learning.
[Horizon]( - Facebook RL framework.

#### Deployment and Lifecycle Management

##### Workflow Scheduling and Orchestration
[nextflow]( - Run scripts and workflow graphs in Docker image using Google Life Sciences, AWS Batch, [Website](
[airflow]( - Schedule and monitor workflows.
[prefect]( - Python specific workflow scheduling.
[dagster]( - Development, production and observation of data assets.
[ploomber]( - Workflow orchestration.
[kestra]( - Workflow orchestration.
[cml]( - CI/CD for Machine Learning Projects.
[rocketry]( - Task scheduling.
[huey]( - Task queue.

##### Containerization and Docker
[Reduce size of docker images (video)](
[Optimize Docker Image Size](
[cog]( - Facilitates building Docker images.

##### Data Versioning, Databases, Pipelines and Model Serving
[dvc]( - Version control for large files.
[kedro]( - Build data pipelines.
[feast]( - Feature store. [Video](
[pinecone]( - Database for vector search applications.
[truss]( - Serve ML models.
[milvus]( - Vector database for similarity search.
[mlem]( - Version and deploy your ML models following GitOps principles.

##### Data Science Related
[m2cgen]( - Transpile trained ML models into other languages.
[sklearn-porter]( - Transpile trained scikit-learn estimators to C, Java, JavaScript and others.
[mlflow]( - Manage the machine learning lifecycle, including experimentation, reproducibility and deployment.
[skll]( - Command-line utilities to make it easier to run machine learning experiments.
[BentoML]( - Package and deploy machine learning models for serving in production.
[dagster]( - Tool with focus on dependency graphs.
[knockknock]( - Be notified when your training ends.
[metaflow]( - Lifecycle Management Tool by Netflix.
[cortex]( - Deploy machine learning models.
[Neptune]( - Experiment tracking and model registry.
[clearml]( - Experiment Manager, MLOps and Data-Management.
[polyaxon]( - MLOps.
[sematic]( - Deploy machine learning models.
[zenml]( - MLOPs.

#### Math and Background
[All kinds of math and statistics resources](
Gilbert Strang - [Linear Algebra](
Gilbert Strang - [Matrix Methods in Data Analysis, Signal Processing, and Machine Learning

#### Resources
[]( - Blog.
[Machine Learning Videos](
[Data Science Notebooks](
[Recommender Systems (Microsoft)](
[Datascience Cheatsheets](

##### Guidelines
[datasharing]( - Guide to data sharing.

##### Books
[Blum - Foundations of Data Science](
[Chan - Introduction to Probability for Data Science](
[Colonescu - Principles of Econometrics with R](
[Rafael Irizarry - Introduction to Data Science]( (R Language)
[Rafael Irizarry - Advanced Data Science]( (R Language)

##### Other Awesome Lists
[Awesome Adversarial Machine Learning](
[Awesome AI Booksmarks](
[Awesome AI on Kubernetes](
[Awesome Big Data](
[Awesome Biological Image Analysis](
[Awesome Business Machine Learning](
[Awesome Causality](
[Awesome Community Detection](
[Awesome CSV](
[Awesome Cytodata](
[Awesome Data Science](
[Awesome Data Science with Ruby](
[Awesome Dash](
[Awesome Decision Trees](
[Awesome Deep Learning](
[Awesome ETL](
[Awesome Financial Machine Learning](
[Awesome Fraud Detection](
[Awesome GAN Applications](
[Awesome Graph Classification](
[Awesome Industry Machine Learning](
[Awesome Gradient Boosting](
[Awesome Learning with Label Noise](
[Awesome Machine Learning](
[Awesome Machine Learning Books](
[Awesome Machine Learning Interpretability](
[Awesome Machine Learning Operations](
[Awesome Monte Carlo Tree Search](
[Awesome MLOps](
[Awesome Neural Network Visualization](
[Awesome Online Machine Learning](
[Awesome Pipeline](
[Awesome Public APIs](
[Awesome Python](
[Awesome Python Data Science](
[Awesome Python Data Science](
[Awesome Pytorch](
[Awesome Quantitative Finance](
[Awesome Recommender Systems](
[Awesome Satellite Benchmark Datasets](
[Awesome Satellite Image for Deep Learning](
[Awesome Single Cell](
[Awesome Semantic Segmentation](
[Awesome Sentence Embedding](
[Awesome Time Series](
[Awesome Time Series Anomaly Detection](
[Awesome Visual Attentions](
[Awesome Visual Transformer](

#### Lectures
[NYU Deep Learning SP21]( - YouTube Playlist.

#### Things I google a lot
[Color Codes](
[Frequency codes for time series](
[Date parsing codes](

## Contributing
Do you know a package that should be on this list? Did you spot a package that is no longer maintained and should be removed from this list? Then feel free to read the [contribution guidelines]( and submit your pull request or create a new issue.

## License