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💻 A fast and flexible O(n) difference algorithm framework for Swift collection.

algorithm changeset collectionview diff difference diffing paul-heckel-algorithm tableview

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💻 A fast and flexible O(n) difference algorithm framework for Swift collection.

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A fast and flexible O(n) difference algorithm framework for Swift collection.
The algorithm is optimized based on the Paul Heckel's algorithm.

Swift Package Manager

CI Status

Made with ❤️ by Ryo Aoyama and Contributors


## Features

💡 Fastest **O(n)** diffing algorithm optimized for Swift collection

💡 Calculate diffs for batch updates of list UI in `UIKit`, `AppKit` and [Texture](

💡 Supports both linear and sectioned collection even if contains duplicates

💡 Supports **all kind of diffs** for animated UI batch updates


## Algorithm

This is a diffing algorithm developed for [Carbon](, works stand alone.
The algorithm optimized based on the Paul Heckel's algorithm.
See also his paper ["A technique for isolating differences between files"]( released in 1978.
It allows all kind of diffs to be calculated in linear time **O(n)**.
[RxDataSources]( and [IGListKit]( are also implemented based on his algorithm.

However, in `performBatchUpdates` of `UITableView`, `UICollectionView`, etc, there are combinations of diffs that cause crash when applied simultaneously.
To solve this problem, `DifferenceKit` takes an approach of split the set of diffs at the minimal stages that can be perform batch updates with no crashes.

Implementation is [here](


## Getting Started

- [API Documentation](
- [Example Apps](
- [Benchmark](
- [Playground](

## Basic Usage

The type of the element that to take diffs must be conform to the `Differentiable` protocol.
The `differenceIdentifier`'s type is generic associated type:
struct User: Differentiable {
let id: Int
let name: String

var differenceIdentifier: Int {
return id

func isContentEqual(to source: User) -> Bool {
return name ==

In the case of definition above, `id` uniquely identifies the element and get to know the user updated by comparing equality of `name` of the elements in source and target.

There are default implementations of `Differentiable` for the types that conforming to `Equatable` or `Hashable`:
// If `Self` conforming to `Hashable`.
var differenceIdentifier: Self {
return self

// If `Self` conforming to `Equatable`.
func isContentEqual(to source: Self) -> Bool {
return self == source
Therefore, you can simply:
extension String: Differentiable {}

Calculate the diffs by creating `StagedChangeset` from two collections of elements conforming to `Differentiable`:
let source = [
User(id: 0, name: "Vincent"),
User(id: 1, name: "Jules")
let target = [
User(id: 1, name: "Jules"),
User(id: 0, name: "Vincent"),
User(id: 2, name: "Butch")

let changeset = StagedChangeset(source: source, target: target)

If you want to include multiple types conforming to `Differentiable` in the collection, use `AnyDifferentiable`:
let source = [
AnyDifferentiable(User(id: 0, name: "Vincent"))

In the case of sectioned collection, the section itself must have a unique identifier and be able to compare whether there is an update.
So each section must conforming to `DifferentiableSection` protocol, but in most cases you can use `ArraySection` that general type conforming to it.
`ArraySection` requires a model conforming to `Differentiable` for diffing from other sections:
enum Model: Differentiable {
case a, b, c

let source: [ArraySection] = [
ArraySection(model: .a, elements: ["A", "B"]),
ArraySection(model: .b, elements: ["C"])
let target: [ArraySection] = [
ArraySection(model: .c, elements: ["D", "E"]),
ArraySection(model: .a, elements: ["A"]),
ArraySection(model: .b, elements: ["B", "C"])

let changeset = StagedChangeset(source: source, target: target)

You can perform diffing batch updates of `UITableView` and `UICollectionView` using the created `StagedChangeset`.

⚠️ **Don't forget** to **synchronously** update the data referenced by the data-source, with the data passed in the `setData` closure. The diffs are applied in stages, and failing to do so is bound to create a crash:

tableView.reload(using: changeset, with: .fade) { data in = data

Batch updates using too large amount of diffs may adversely affect to performance.
Returning `true` with `interrupt` closure then falls back to `reloadData`:
collectionView.reload(using: changeset, interrupt: { $0.changeCount > 100 }) { data in = data

[See More Usage]


## Comparison with Other Frameworks

Made a fair comparison as much as possible in performance and features with other **popular** and **awesome** frameworks.
This does **NOT** determine superiority or inferiority of the frameworks.
I know that each framework has different benefits.
The frameworks and its version that compared is below.

- [DifferenceKit]( - master
- [RxDataSources]( ([Differentiator]( - 4.0.1
- [FlexibleDiff]( - 0.0.8
- [IGListKit]( - 3.4.0
- [DeepDiff]( - 2.2.0
- [Differ]( ([Diff.swift]( - 1.4.3
- [Dwifft]( - 0.9
- [Swift.CollectionDifference]( - Swift 5.1

### Performance Comparison

Benchmark project is [here](
Performance was mesured by code compiled using `Xcode11.1` and `Swift 5.1` with `-O` optimization and run on `iPhone11 Pro simulator`.
Use `Foundation.UUID` as an element of collections.

#### - From 5,000 elements to 1,000 deleted, 1,000 inserted and 200 shuffled

| |Time(sec) |
|DifferenceKit |`0.0019` |
|RxDataSources |`0.0074` |
|IGListKit |`0.0346` |
|FlexibleDiff |`0.0161` |
|DeepDiff |`0.0373` |
|Differ |`1.0581` |
|Dwifft |`0.4732` |
|Swift.CollectionDifference|`0.0620` |

#### - From 100,000 elements to 10,000 deleted, 10,000 inserted and 2,000 shuffled

| |Time(sec) |
|DifferenceKit |`0.0348` |
|RxDataSources |`0.1024` |
|IGListKit |`0.7002` |
|FlexibleDiff |`0.2189` |
|DeepDiff |`0.5537` |
|Differ |`153.8007` |
|Dwifft |`187.1341` |
|Swift.CollectionDifference|`5.0281` |

### Features Comparison

#### - Algorithm

| |Base algorithm|Order|
|DifferenceKit |Heckel |O(N) |
|RxDataSources |Heckel |O(N) |
|FlexibleDiff |Heckel |O(N) |
|IGListKit |Heckel |O(N) |
|DeepDiff |Heckel |O(N) |
|Differ |Myers |O(ND)|
|Dwifft |Myers |O(ND)|
|Swift.CollectionDifference|Myers |O(ND)|

\* [**Heckel algorithm**](
\* [**Myers algorithm**](

#### - Supported Collection

| |Linear|Sectioned|Duplicate element/section|
|DifferenceKit |✅ |✅ |✅ |
|RxDataSources |❌ |✅ |❌ |
|FlexibleDiff |✅ |✅ |✅ |
|IGListKit |✅ |❌ |✅ |
|DeepDiff |✅ |❌ |✅ |
|Differ |✅ |✅ |✅ |
|Dwifft |✅ |✅ |✅ |
|Swift.CollectionDifference|✅ |❌ |✅ |

\* **Linear** means 1-dimensional collection
\* **Sectioned** means 2-dimensional collection

#### - Supported Element Diff

| |Delete|Insert|Move|Reload|Move across sections|
|DifferenceKit |✅ |✅ |✅ |✅ |✅ |
|RxDataSources |✅ |✅ |✅ |✅ |✅ |
|FlexibleDiff |✅ |✅ |✅ |✅ |❌ |
|IGListKit |✅ |✅ |✅ |✅ |❌ |
|DeepDiff |✅ |✅ |✅ |✅ |❌ |
|Differ |✅ |✅ |✅ |❌ |❌ |
|Dwifft |✅ |✅ |❌ |❌ |❌ |
|Swift.CollectionDifference|✅ |✅ |✅ |❌ |❌ |

#### - Supported Section Diff

| |Delete|Insert|Move|Reload|
|DifferenceKit |✅ |✅ |✅ |✅ |
|RxDataSources |✅ |✅ |✅ |❌ |
|FlexibleDiff |✅ |✅ |✅ |✅ |
|IGListKit |❌ |❌ |❌ |❌ |
|DeepDiff |❌ |❌ |❌ |❌ |
|Differ |✅ |✅ |✅ |❌ |
|Dwifft |✅ |✅ |❌ |❌ |
|Swift.CollectionDifference|❌ |❌ |❌ |❌ |


## Requirements

- Swift 4.2+
- iOS 9.0+
- tvOS 9.0+
- OS X 10.9+
- watchOS 2.0+ (only algorithm)


## Installation

### [CocoaPods](

To use only algorithm without extensions for UI, add the following to your `Podfile`:
pod 'DifferenceKit/Core'

#### iOS / tvOS

To use DifferenceKit with UIKit extension, add the following to your `Podfile`:
pod 'DifferenceKit'
pod 'DifferenceKit/UIKitExtension'

#### macOS

To use DifferenceKit with AppKit extension, add the following to your `Podfile`:
pod 'DifferenceKit/AppKitExtension'

#### watchOS

There is no UI extension for watchOS.
To use only algorithm without extensions for UI, add the following to your `Podfile`:
pod 'DifferenceKit/Core'

### [Carthage](

Add the following to your `Cartfile`:
github "ra1028/DifferenceKit"

### [Swift Package Manager for Apple platforms](

Select Xcode menu `File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency` and enter repository URL with GUI.

### [Swift Package Manager](

Add the following to the dependencies of your `Package.swift`:
.package(url: "", from: "version")


## Contribution

Pull requests, bug reports and feature requests are welcome 🚀
Please see the [CONTRIBUTING]( file for learn how to contribute to DifferenceKit.


## Credit

#### Bibliography
DifferenceKit was developed with reference to the following excellent materials and framework.

- [A technique for isolating differences between files]( (by [Paul Heckel](
- [DifferenceAlgorithmComparison]( (by [@horita-yuya](

#### OSS using DifferenceKit
The list of the awesome OSS which uses this library. They also help to understanding how to use DifferenceKit.

- [Carbon]( (by [@ra1028](
- [DiffableDataSources]( (by [@ra1028](
- [Rocket.Chat.iOS]( (by [RocketChat](
- [wire-ios]( (by [Wire Swiss GmbH](
- [ReactiveLists]( (by [PlanGrid](
- [ReduxMovieDB]( (by [@cardoso](
- [TetrisDiffingCompetition]( (by [@skagedal](

#### Other diffing libraries
I respect and ️❤️ all libraries involved in diffing.

- [RxDataSources]( (by [@kzaher](, [RxSwift Community](
- [IGListKit]( (by [Instagram](
- [FlexibleDiff]( (by [@andersio](, [RACCommunity](
- [DeepDiff]( (by [@onmyway133](
- [Differ]( (by [@tonyarnold](
- [Dwifft]( (by [@jflinter](
- [Changeset]( (by [@osteslag](


## License
DifferenceKit is released under the [Apache 2.0 License](