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Router Package

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Router Package

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# Router Package

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Router PSR7 and PSR15.

## Installation
composer require rancoud/router

## Dependencies
Http package: [](

## How to use it?
### General Case
// Instantiation
$router = new Router();

// Add routes
$router->get('/posts', function ($request, $next) {
return (new MessageFactory())->createResponse(200, null, [], 'ok');

// Find route
$found = $router->findRoute('GET', '/posts');

// You can use PSR-7 request for finding Route
$found = $router->findRouteRequest(new \Rancoud\Http\Message\ServerRequest('GET', '/posts'));

// Dispatch (response is a PSR7 object \Psr\Http\Message\Response)
$response = $router->dispatch($request);

// Display Response

### Routes shortcuts
// Methods shortcuts
$router->get('/posts/{id}', function ($request, $next) {});
$router->post('/posts/{id}', function ($request, $next) {});
$router->put('/posts/{id}', function ($request, $next) {});
$router->patch('/posts/{id}', function ($request, $next) {});
$router->delete('/posts/{id}', function ($request, $next) {});
$router->options('/posts/{id}', function ($request, $next) {});

// Any methods
$router->any('/posts/{id}', function ($request, $next) {});

// CRUD method
$router->crud('/posts', function ($request, $next) {});
### Route Parameters
Use the pattern `{name}` for naming your parameters
$router->get('/posts/{id}', function ($request, $next) {});

### Constraints
Use regex syntax for your constraints
// inline for simple case
$router->get('/{id:\d+}', function ($request, $next) {});

// complex
$route = new Route('GET', '/{id}', function ($request, $next) {});
$route->setParametersConstraints(['id' => '\d+']);

You can setup a global constraint when you use the same regex multiple times
$router->setGlobalParametersConstraints(['lang' => 'en|fr']);

// {lang} will use the global constraints
$router->get('/article/{lang}', function ($request, $next) {});

// {lang} will use the local constraints define by the route
$router->get('/news/{lang}', function ($request, $next) {})->setParametersConstraints(['lang' => 'jp']);

You can use on each route an optional parameters.
The parameters `{page}` will be replace with the value `1` if it is not present
$route = new Route('GET', '/{id}/{page}', function ($request, $next) {});
$route->setOptionalsParameters(['page' => 1]);

### Middlewares
// global middleware for router
$router->addGlobalMiddleware(function ($request, $next) {});

// middleware for only route
$route = new Route('GET', '/{id}', function ($request, $next) {});
$route->addMiddleware(function ($request, $next) {});

// for passing to next middleware
$router->addGlobalMiddleware(function ($request, $next) {

// you can add an instance of Router as a middleware
$subRouter1 = new Router();
$subRouter1->any('/api/books/{id}', function ($req, $next){
return (new MessageFactory())->createResponse(200, null, [], 'testRouterception books');

$subRouter2 = new Router();
$subRouter2->any('/api/peoples/{id}', function ($req, $next){
return (new MessageFactory())->createResponse(200, null, [], 'testRouterception peoples');


#### Router in Route in Router
// you can add an instance of Router in a Route callback
$subRouter1 = new Router();
$subRouter1->any('/api/books/{id}', function ($req, $next){
return (new MessageFactory())->createResponse(200, null, [], 'testRouterception books');

$subRouter2 = new Router();
$subRouter2->any('/api/peoples/{id}', function ($req, $next){
return (new MessageFactory())->createResponse(200, null, [], 'testRouterception peoples');

$router->any('/api/books/{id}', $subRouter1);
$router->any('/api/peoples/{id}', $subRouter2);

#### Default 404
// you can set a default 404
$router->setDefault404( static function ($request, $next) {
return (new \Rancoud\Http\Message\Factory\Factory())->createResponse(404, '')->withBody(Rancoud\Http\Message\Stream::create('404 content'));

// it will return false because no Route is matching
$found = $router->findRoute('GET', '/posts');

// response contains the default 404 callback
$response = $router->dispatch($request);

**WARNING with 404 and Router as Middleware**
// create new Router with default 404
$subRouter = new Router();
$subRouter->any('/posts/{id:\d+}', function ($req, $next){
return (new MessageFactory())->createResponse(200, null, [], 'read 1 post');
$subRouter->setDefault404( static function ($request, $next) {
return (new \Rancoud\Http\Message\Factory\Factory())->createResponse(404, '')->withBody(Rancoud\Http\Message\Stream::create('404 content from subRouter'));

// you can add a Router as middleware
$router->any('/posts/{id}', $subRouter);

// it will return true because Router middleware is matching on /posts/{id}
$found = $router->findRoute('GET', '/posts/incorrect');

// response contains the default 404 callback from $subRouter
$response = $router->dispatch($request);

If you use Router as middleware **AND** set default 404 then `findRouteRequest` and `findRoute` will return `true`.
When calling `dispatch` it will use the callback setted as default 404 by the Router middleware.

## Router Methods
### General Commands
#### Add route
* addRoute(route: \Rancoud\Router\Route): void

#### Add route shortcuts
* get(url: string, callback: string|\Closure|\Psr\Http\Server\MiddlewareInterface|\Rancoud\Router\Router): \Rancoud\Router\Route
* post(url: string, callback: string|\Closure|\Psr\Http\Server\MiddlewareInterface|\Rancoud\Router\Router): \Rancoud\Router\Route
* put(url: string, callback: string|\Closure|\Psr\Http\Server\MiddlewareInterface|\Rancoud\Router\Router): \Rancoud\Router\Route
* patch(url: string, callback: string|\Closure|\Psr\Http\Server\MiddlewareInterface|\Rancoud\Router\Router): \Rancoud\Router\Route
* delete(url: string, callback: string|\Closure|\Psr\Http\Server\MiddlewareInterface|\Rancoud\Router\Router): \Rancoud\Router\Route
* options(url: string, callback: string|\Closure|\Psr\Http\Server\MiddlewareInterface|\Rancoud\Router\Router): \Rancoud\Router\Route
* any(url: string, callback: string|\Closure|\Psr\Http\Server\MiddlewareInterface|\Rancoud\Router\Router): void

#### Add route for a CRUD system
* crud(prefixPath: string, callback: string|\Closure|\Psr\Http\Server\MiddlewareInterface|\Rancoud\Router\Router): void

It will create all this routes:
GET $prefixPath
GET / POST $prefixPath . '/new'
GET / POST / DELETE $prefixPath . '/{id:\d+}'

#### Setup Router and Routes with an array
* setupRouterAndRoutesWithConfigArray(config: array): void

In this example you can setup router's middlewares and routes with an array
$config = [
'router' => [
'middlewares' => [
'constraints' => [
'lang' => 'en|fr'
'host' => '{service}.domain.{tld}',
'host_constraint' => [
'service' => 'api|backoffice|www|m',
'tld' => 'en|jp'
'default_404' => 'callable_404'
'routes' => [
'methods' => ['GET'],
'url' => '/articles/{id}',
'callback' => 'route_callback',
'constraints' => ['id' => '\w+'],
'middlewares' => ['route_middleware1', 'route_middleware2'],
'name' => 'route1'
'methods' => ['POST'],
'url' => '/form',
'callback' => 'callback',
'methods' => ['POST'],
'url' => '/api/form',
'callback' => 'callback',
'host' => 'api.domain.{tld}',
'host_constraint' => [
'tld' => 'en|jp'
'methods' => ['GET'],
'url' => '/blog/{page}',
'callback' => 'callback',
'optionals_parameters' => [
'page' => '1'

$router = new Router();

// you can add a Router as a callback
$subRoute = new Router();
$router->any('/(.*)', $subRoute);

#### Get Routes
* getRoutes(): \Rancoud\Router\Route[]

#### Find route
* findRoute(method: string, url: string, [host: string = null]): bool
* findRouteRequest(request: \Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface): bool
* getRouteParameters(): array

#### Run the found route
* dispatch(request: \Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface): \Psr\Http\Message\Response
* handle(request: \Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface): \Psr\Http\Message\Response

The difference between dispatch and handle is dispatch is used in first place.
Handle is from the PSR17 in Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface, it's useful for middleware.

#### Middlewares
* addGlobalMiddleware(middleware: \Closure|\Psr\Http\Server\MiddlewareInterface|\Rancoud\Router\Router|string): void
* setGlobalMiddlewares(middlewares: array): void

#### Global constraints
* setGlobalParametersConstraints(constraints: array): void
* setGlobalHostConstraints(constraints: array): void

#### Generate url for a named route
* generateUrl(routeName: string, [routeParameters: array = []]): ?string

#### Host constraints
* setGlobalHost(host: string): void

#### Default 404
* setDefault404(callback: mixed): void

## Route Constructor
### Settings
#### Mandatory
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| methods | string \| array | methods matching with the route |
| url | string | url to match |
| callback | string \| Closure \| \Psr\Http\Server\MiddlewareInterface \| \Rancoud\Router\Router | callback when route is calling by router |

## Route Methods
### General Commands
#### Getters/Setters
* getMethods(): array
* getUrl(): string
* getName(): string
* setName(name: string): void

#### Constraints
* setParametersConstraints(constraints: array): void
* getParametersConstraints(): array
* compileRegex(globalConstraints: array): string
* setOptionalsParameters(optionalsParameters: array): void
* getOptionalsParameters(): array

#### Callback
* getCallback(): mixed

#### Middlewares
* addMiddleware(middleware: \Closure|\Psr\Http\Server\MiddlewareInterface|\Rancoud\Router\Router|string): array
* getMiddlewares(): array

#### Generate Url
* generateUrl([routeParameters: array = []]): string

#### Host
* getHost(): ?string
* setHost(host: string, [hostConstraints: array = []]): void
* setHostConstraints(constraints: array): void
* isSameHost(host: string, globalConstraints: array = []): bool
* getHostParameters(): array

## How to Dev
`composer ci` for php-cs-fixer and phpunit and coverage
`composer lint` for php-cs-fixer
`composer test` for phpunit and coverage