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Prismic SliceMachine Libary

nextjs prismic prismicio slicemachine

Last synced: about 1 month ago
JSON representation

Prismic SliceMachine Libary

Awesome Lists containing this project



## ☑️  Submission Checklist

To keep track of your progress and to be sure not to miss anything here's a simple checklist you can use. Once everything ticks you should be ready to submit your library to us by tagging [@prismicio]( with #SliceContest on Twitter.

- [x] My library contains at least **5 different slices**
- [x] I have updated the [LICENSE](./LICENSE) to credit myself for my library
- [x] The Storybook documentation is hosted here: [](
- [x] The showcase website is fun and hosted here: []( (I like the name actually, lol)
- [x] My library does not contain any non-public licensed assets

> ☝️ For comprehensive rules refer to the contest [blog post](