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Display MPRIS metadata in Tmux (Spotify, Clementine, VLC, etc)

banshee clementine mpris playerctl spotify tmux vlc

Last synced: 2 months ago
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Display MPRIS metadata in Tmux (Spotify, Clementine, VLC, etc)

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# tmux-plugin-playerctl

A tmux plugin for using [playerctl]( to display [MPRIS]( meta-data about the music currently playing.

## Pre-requisites

Make sure you have *playerctl* & *bash* installed.

# If you're in Arch
sudo pacman -S playerctl

See [playerctl]('s instructions to get more details about installing it in other OS.

## Installation

### Installation with [Tmux Plugin Manager]( (recommended)

Add plugin to the list of TPM plugins in `.tmux.conf`:

set -g @plugin 'richin13/tmux-plugin-playerctl'

Hit `prefix + I` to fetch the plugin and source it.

If format strings are added to `status-right`, they should now be visible.

### Manual installation

Clone the repository

git clone ~/path/to/local/repo

Add the following line to your `.tmux.conf`:

run-shell ~/path/to/local/repo/playerctl.tmux

## Usage

The currently available options are:

- `#{playerctl_artist}`: Display the song's artist information
- `#{playerctl_title}`: Display the song's title information
- `#{playerctl_album}`: Display the song's album information
- `#{playerctl_full}`: Display the song info in the format [Artist] - [Title]
- `#{playerctl_short}`: Display the song info in the format [Artist] - [Title] but trimmed
to a max number of characters (default: 30)

Just add the desired option to your `.tmux.conf` like this:

set -g status-right "#{playerctl_full}"

## Settings

Available settings for `playerctl_short` (shown values are the defaults):

#: Number of characters to show
set -g @short_length "30"

#: Character(s) to append at the end of the trimmed song name
set -g @short_append_chars "..."

## License