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Ultra lightweight MVC framework for Node.js

Last synced: about 2 months ago
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Ultra lightweight MVC framework for Node.js

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#### Monorail.js - Ultra lightweight MVC Framework for Node.js

NOTICE: It works, but I don't plan on maintaining it.

>**TLDR; Monorail.js will never force you, and uses only what you need.**

>Monorail.js **will never force you** to install anything not needed for your project.

>The goal is to **use what you need.**

>Anything other than creating a project will **always be optional**.

>**Scaffold models in seconds**

![Monorail.js Logo](

npm install Monorail.js

Or start a project right now with

./ Project_Name

**No configuration required.**

Zero Touch Configuration to get you up and running.

$ ./monorail.js new project example
Creating Project example
Making directory example
Making directory example/static
Making directory example/static/img
Making directory example/static/js
Making directory example/static/css
Making directory example/themes
Making directory example/themes/classic
Making directory example/themes/classic/img
Making directory example/themes/classic/js
Making directory example/themes/classic/css
Making directory example/models
Making directory example/views
Making file example/monorail.project
Making file example/routes.js
Making file example/redis.config
Making file example/themes/classic/classic.html
Making file example/themes/classic/css/classic.css
Copying libs...

$ cd example

$ cat monorail.project
name : example
theme : classic
express_port : 8123

$ ../monorail.js start server
Starting Redis...
Redis Running on Process 3822
Starting Express
Express Running on Process 3825

Congratulations. You're DONE!

# Example
Lets install Mootools and RightJS

[user@machine tmp]$ ls
Example lib monorail.js monorail.js-small.png monorail.js.png package.json

[user@machine tmp]$ cd Example/

[user@machine Example]$ ../monorail.js
install [mootools | rightjs | jquery | dojo | prototype ] ; Install JS Framework in this project
start server ; Start project Redis & Express server
new project [project_name] ; Creates project
new page [page_name] ; Creates new project page

[user@machine Example]$ ../monorail.js install mootools
[user@machine Example]$ ../monorail.js install rightjs
[user@machine Example]$ tree static/
|-- css
|-- img
`-- js
|-- mootools-core-1.4.5-full-compat.js
`-- right-2.3.1.js

3 directories, 2 files

Make a new page

$ ../monorail.js new page user

Lets view our user view

$ cat views/user.xml
<#CODE#>html_body = 'This code block takes 100% node.js code.';#CODE#>

Change it to this

<#CODE#>html_body = 'Viewing profile of '+username;#CODE#>

Lets view our user model

$ cat models/user.js

var nohm = require('../lib/nohm').Nohm;
var redis = require('../lib/nohm/node_modules/redis');
var client = redis.createClient();


Lets add a controller to the bottom of route.js

app.get('/user/:name', function(req, res) {
user =;
view = loadView('user',{ username: user });
page = railed('Viewing User - '+user, view);


Lets start the server up and point our browser to http://localhost:8123/user/any_name_here

$ ../monorail.js start server
Starting Redis...
Redis Running on Process 3822
Starting Express
Express Running on Process 3825

There's more examples in the wiki :)

# Scaffolding in Node.js
[user@machine Exampel]$ ../monorial.js generate blogpost title:string pubDate:timestamp
[user@machine Example]$ cat models/blogpost.js
var nohm = require('../lib/nohm').Nohm;
var redis = require('../lib/nohm/node_modules/redis');
var client = redis.createClient();

nohm.model('blogpost', {
idGenerator: 'increment',
properties: {
title: {
type: 'string',
validations: ['notEmpty']
pubDate: {
type: 'timestamp',
defaultValue: new Date()

# What's new in version 1

[user@machine Monorail.js]$ ./monorail.js new project Example
Creating Project Example
Making directory Example
Making directory Example/static
Making directory Example/static/img
Making directory Example/static/js
Making directory Example/static/css
Making directory Example/themes
Making directory Example/themes/classic
Making directory Example/themes/classic/img
Making directory Example/themes/classic/js
Making directory Example/themes/classic/css
Making directory Example/models
Making directory Example/views
Making file Example/monorail.project
Making file Example/routes.js
Making file Example/redis.config
Making file Example/themes/classic/classic.html
Making file Example/themes/classic/css/classic.css
Copying libs...
[user@machine Monorail.js]$ cd Example/
[user@machine Example]$ ls
lib models monorail.project redis.config routes.js static themes views

[user@machine Example]$ ../monorail.js
|_ Return a hash tree of the current project

install [mootools | rightjs | jquery | dojo | prototype ]
|_ Install JS Framework in this project

new model [model_name]
|_ Creates model w/ no view

new page [page_name]
|_ Creates new project page

new project [project_name]
|_ Creates project

new view [view_name]
|_ Creates view w/ no model

reset project
|_ Removes files from static, models, and views

snapshot [ create | clean ]
|_ backup your models, views, and routes

start server
|_ Start project Redis & Express server

|_ Returns a project summary

|_ Download the latest Monorail.js (script only)

[user@machine Example]$ ../monorail.js snapshot create
[user@machine Example]$ ls -l snapshots/
total 16
-rw-r--r-- 1 user users 3371 Mar 29 00:58
-rw-r--r-- 1 user users 3371 Mar 29 00:58
-rw-r--r-- 1 user users 3371 Mar 29 00:58
-rw-r--r-- 1 user users 3371 Mar 29 00:58
[user@machine Example]$ ../monorail.js snapshot clean

WARNING: All snapshots will be DELETED!
Type continue to continue: continue
Snapshots deleted.

[user@machine Example]$ ls -l snapshots/
total 0

[user@machine Example]$ ../monorail.js new page home
[user@machine Example]$ ../monorail.js new view about
[user@machine Example]$ ../monorail.js new model user
[user@machine Example]$ ../monorail.js summary
views: 2
models: 2
themes: 1

[user@machine Example]$ ../monorail.js hashtree
./views/about.xml: 72c05ce377c77bf828f19290f6a984f3133cabbb
./views/home.xml: 6a1f00f99f017f79d7f683e080f7ebdfa5783211
./models/user.js: be9f2b1e2cf13d2c7ecdb65104b110593718600f
./models/home.js: 5bd607fa91b475405f49ba6314552c0ede345e99
./routes.js: cf579e914e61a235aab5ad25fc72d4052c42fa3d
./redis.config: c220348239ca26abdb54651cd7f340b2a98f0e83
./monorail.project: 958f07662d6ca27b36d744703094ed8d1e761341

[user@machine Example]$ ../monorail.js reset project

WARNING: All files in the views, models, and static folders will be DELETED!
Type the word continue to continue: continue
Cleaning up ./views/about.xml...
Cleaning up ./views/home.xml...
Cleaning up ./models/home.js...
Cleaning up ./models/user.js...
Your project has been reset :)

[user@machine Example]$ ../monorail.js update
Saving to new_monorail.js

[user@machine Example]$ du -hs new_monorail.js
888K new_monorail.js

# Documentation

###### Monorail.js

###### JS Frameworks

###### Redis ORM

###### Redis

###### Express Routing, Cookies, and Sessions

# Compatibility
It has currently only been tested on unix, but should work on windows with little or no changes.

Built and tested with node v0.6.13

nohm ORM vs 0.9.0

express 2.58


Add easy html.escape/html.unescape functions

Create examples for the new switches below

Add scaffolding

Add update Monorail.js switch

Add reset project switch

Add create snapshot switch

Add clear snapshots switch

Add build hash tree switch

Add create model (independent of view) switch

Add create view (independent of model) switch

Add project summary switch

(MAYBE) Add recover snapshot switch  Never

(MAYBE) Add compare snapshot switch  Never

Theme/Template documentation

More Wiki-Examples coming very very soon.

Heavy Bug Testing

# License

MIT License Copyright (c) 2012 Ryan Kelker and individual contributors.