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💫 Designed to be used with MobX-State-Tree to create asynchronous actions using RxJS

async asynchronous-programming mobx mobx-state-tree mst observable promise react redux-observable rxjs state-management stream

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💫 Designed to be used with MobX-State-Tree to create asynchronous actions using RxJS

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`mst-effect` is designed to be used with MobX-State-Tree to create asynchronous actions using RxJS. In case you haven't used them before:

> `MobX-State-Tree` is a full-featured reactive state management library that can **structure the state model** super intuitively.
`RxJS` is a library for composing asynchronous and event-based programs that provides the best practice to **manage async codes**.

If you are still hesitant about learning `RxJS`, check the examples below and play around with them. I assure you that you'll be amazed by what it can do and how clean the code could be.

Already using `MobX-State-Tree`? Awesome! `mst-effect` is 100% compatible with your current project.

## Examples

- [Fetch data](
- [Fetch with token](
- [Handle user input](
- [Mutually exclusive actions](
- [Back pressure](

## Installation

`mst-effect` has peer dependencies of [mobx](, [mobx-state-tree]( and [rxjs](, which will have to be installed as well.

##### Using [yarn](

yarn add mst-effect

##### Or via [npm](

npm install mst-effect --save

## Basics

**`effect`** is the core method of `mst-effect`. It can automatically manage subscriptions and execute the emitted actions. For example:

import { types, effect, action } from 'mst-effect'
import { map, switchMap } from 'rxjs/operators'

const Model = types
value: types.string,
.actions((self) => ({
fetch: effect(self, (payload$) => {
function setValue(value: string) {
self.value = value

return payload$.pipe(
switchMap((url) => fetch$(url)),
map((value) => action(setValue, value)),

#### Import location

As you can see in the example above, `types` need to be imported from `mst-effect`([Why?](#why-we-need-to-import-types-from-mst-effect)).

#### The definition of the `effect`

The first parameter is the model instance, as `effect` needs to unsubscribe the [`Observable`]( when the model is destroyed.

The second parameter, a factory function, can be thought of as the `Epic` of [redux-observable]( The factory function is called only once at model creation. It takes a stream of payloads and returns a stream of actions. — **Payloads in, actions out.**

Finally, `effect` returns a function to feed a new value to the `payload$`. In actual implementation code, it's just an alias to ``.

#### What is `action`?

`action` can be considered roughly as a higher-order function that takes a callback function and the arguments for the callback function. But instead of executing immediately, it returns a new function. Action will be immediately invoked when emitted.

function action(callback, ...params): EffectAction {
return () => callback(...params)

## API Reference

### [👾]( effect

`effect` is used to manage subscriptions automatically.

type ValidEffectActions = EffectAction | EffectAction[]

type EffectDispatcher

= (payload: P) => void

function effect

self: AnyInstance,
fn: (payload$: Observable

) => Observable,
): EffectDispatcher


`payload$` emits data synchronously when the function returned by the effect is called. The returned `Observable` will automatically subscribed by `effect`

### [👾]( dollEffect

type ValidEffectActions = EffectAction | EffectAction[]

type DollEffectDispatcher

= (
payload: P,
handler?: (resolve$: Observable) => Observable,
) => Promise

type SignalDispatcher = (value: S) => void

function dollEffect

self: AnyInstance,
fn: (
payload$: Observable

signalDispatcher: SignalDispatcher,
) => Observable,
): DollEffectDispatcher


`dollEffect` is almost identical with `effect`. The primary difference is `DollEffectDispatcher` will return a `Promise` which is useful when you want to report some message to the caller. The `Promise` will fulfill when `SignalDispatcher` being invoked ([example]( Also, you can use the `handler` to control when and what the `Promise` should resolve ([example](

### [👾]( signal

export function signal

self: AnyInstance,
fn?: (payload$: Observable

) => Observable,
): [Observable, (payload: P) => void]

`signal` is an encapsulation of the [`Subject`]( You can use the second parameter to do some processing of the output data.

### [👾]($/index.ts) reaction$

export function reaction$(
expression: (r: IReactionPublic) => T,
opts?: IReactionOptions,
): Observable<{ current: T; prev: T; r: IReactionPublic }>

`reaction$` encapsulates the [`reaction`]( method from `mobx`. When the returned value changes, it will emit the corresponding data to the returned `Observable`.

## Recipes

#### Error Handling

When an error occurred in `Observable`, `effect` will re-subscribe the `Observable` (will not re-run the factory function). The common practice is to use the [`catchError`]( operator for error handling. Check [fetch data]( example for more detail.

#### Cancellation

You can combine `signal` and [`takeUntil()`]( operator to cancel an `Observable`. Check [mutually exclusive actions]( example for more detail.

## FAQ

#### Why we need to import `types` from `mst-effect`

Currently, `mobx-state-tree` does not support modifying the model outside of actions.
`mst-effect` overrides `types.model` so that the model can be modified in an asynchronous process.
Because `mst-effect` re-export all the variables and types in `mobx-state-tree`, you can simply change the import location to `mst-effect`.

- import { types, Instance } from 'mobx-state-tree'
+ import { types, Instance } from 'mst-effect'