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Elm Charts

chart elm elm-lang pet-project

Last synced: 5 days ago
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Elm Charts

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### Hello

It is an experimental Elm charting library. Here I’m attempting to figure out how to use Elm language in practice.
At this moment my project goes through **alpha** version, so your feedback, suggestions and pull requests are welcome!

Check [Interactive Demo](
Or clone this repo to your local machine and explore [examples]( through `elm-reactor`.

**Multiple Bar Chart**

**Line Chart**

**Scatter Chart**

**Percentage Chart**

**Simple Bar Chart**

### TL; DR

1. Add Latte Chart package to your project with `$ elm package install s3k/latte-charts`
1. Import functions and types from Latte package
1. Describe new latte state in your Html.program (The Elm Architecture pattern). Use **latteMake** helper
1. Connect all chart events in **update** section
1. To render Latte Chart component in your view use **latteDraw** function through ****

### How to install?

Just add a new package by running the following command:

$ elm package install s3k/latte

And import main functions and types:

import Latte exposing (..)
import Latte.Model as LatteModel exposing (Chart(..), Dataset)
import Latte.Msg as LatteMsg

### Model. Data preparation

Use helper **latteInit** to create Latte Chart model:

1. Set rendering options: hight x width
1. Choose the chart type: **Bar | Line | Scatter | Percentage**
1. Fill labels and datasets. Labels are Strings and datasets are Floats

type alias Model =
{ latte : LatteModel.Model

init : ( Model, Cmd Msg )
init =
model =
{ latte =
latteInit 640 200 <|
{ chart = Bar
, labels =
[ "Io", "Europa", "Ganymede", "Callisto", "Fake" ]
, datasets =
[ Dataset "Mass" [ 8931900, 4800000, 14819000, 10759000, 10759000 ]
, Dataset "Diameter" <| ( -> n * 1000) [ 3660.0, 3121.6, 5262.4, 4820.6, 4000 ]
, Dataset "Semi-Major" [ 421700, 671034, 1070412, 1882709, 1882709 ]
, title = "Biggest Moons of Jupiter"
model ! []

### Update. Connect latte chart to update event loop

Create new message type and add handler in an update section:

type Msg
= Latte LatteMsg.Msg

update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
case msg of
Latte msg ->
( { model | latte = latteUpdate msg model.latte }, Cmd.none )


### View. Render a component

Use **latteView** function to render a chart through **** function to route all events in a component:

view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
div []
[ Latte (latteView model.latte)]


### Outro

The next steps are:

- adding negative values
- fixing bugs with tooltip position
- auto-scaling by width

If someone have ideas of how to do that, let me know.