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create temporary websites

coverage-reports ephemeral http https pydantic temporary-websites

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create temporary websites

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# smokeshow



Deploy ephemeral websites via HTTP or [a CLI](#cli-usage).

If you need to do any of the following:
* 🚀 preview a site before launch
* 🙈 view the HTML version of coverage reports
* 👀 create a quick website to show someone something

_smokeshow_ is here to help. It lets you create a static website, 1 year after the site is created, it vanishes
like smoke in the wind.

What's great about _smokeshow_:
* 💸 It's free
* 🔑 You don't need to sign up, just create a key using the instructions below
* 💨 It's super fast around the world, _smokeshow_ uses CloudFlare's 280+ edge locations to store files meaning
they're next to your users wherever they are

## Usage Warning

_smokeshow_ is currently free for anyone to use ([within limits](#limits)), but if it starts to cost me a
significant amount, I might reduce the limits, or stop it being free.
Please [watch the github repo](
to get notifications of changes to the service if you're using it regularly or in an automated way.

_smokeshow_ is [open source]( so if you want to modify it and/or deploy
your own instance to cloudflare workers, you can.

## Usage

Uploading a site to _smokeshow_ requires three steps:

1. Create an upload key where a numeric representation of its `sha-256` hash is less than `2 ^ 234`.
In other words; a simple proof of work. This key can then be used to create multiple sites.
2. Create a new site.
3. Upload one or more files to that site.

All three steps can be performed **either** [the python CLI](#cli-usage), or using [manually](#manual-usage).

### CLI Usage

The command line interface (CLI) for _smokeshow_ is written in python and available to download via
[pypi]( Assuming you have python 3.7+ and pip installed, installing
the _smokeshow_ CLI should be as simple as:

pip install smokeshow

You can then get help on usage with:

smokeshow --help

To generate an upload key, use:

smokeshow generate-key

You should then set the key as an environment variable with


With that, you can upload a site with:

smokeshow upload path/to/upload

For more help run `smokeshow upload --help`, if you run `smokeshow upload` without either
setting the `SMOKESHOW_AUTH_KEY` environment variable or using the `--auth-key` option, _smokeshow_ will generate
a new upload key before uploading the site.

If you're having trouble with python versions and accessing the CLI, you can also run the _smokeshow_ library
module as a script via

python -m smokeshow

### GitHub actions & commit status integration

I build _smokeshow_ primarily to preview documentation and coverage generate with
[github actions](

_smokeshow_ therefore integrates directly with github actions to add a status to commits with a link to
the newly created ephemeral site.

In addition, _smokeshow_ has custom logic to extract the total coverage figure from
[]( HTML coverage reports to both annotate commit status
updates and decide if the commit status is "success" or "failure".

Example of setting the commit status from a github action:

- run: smokeshow upload cli/htmlcov
SMOKESHOW_GITHUB_PR_HEAD_SHA: ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha }}

(this is taken directly from smokeshow's own CI, see

The following environment variables are used when setting commit statuses:

* `SMOKESHOW_GITHUB_STATUS_DESCRIPTION` (or alternatively the `--github-status-description` CLI option) set the description
for the commit status; the string `{coverage-percentage}` has a special meaning and will be replaced by the actual
coverage percentage if it can be extract from the root `index.html` file being uploaded, this must be set
for _smokeshow_ to set the commit status
* `SMOKESHOW_GITHUB_COVERAGE_THRESHOLD` (or alternatively the `--github-coverage-threshold` CLI option) decide
the "state" of the commit status update; `success` is used if either the total coverage number isn't available or it's
above the threshold, `failure` is used if the coverage number is below this threshold
* `SMOKESHOW_GITHUB_TOKEN` this is used to authenticate the status update, more details
* `SMOKESHOW_GITHUB_PR_HEAD_SHA` or if it's omitted or empty `GITHUB_SHA` (which is set automatically by github actions)
are used to decide which commit to set the status on.
The `SMOKESHOW_GITHUB_PR_HEAD_SHA: ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha }}` trick shown above is required since
github set the `GITHUB_SHA` env var to a merge commit on pull requests which isn't what you want
* `SMOKESHOW_GITHUB_CONTEXT` suffix for github status context
* `GITHUB_REPOSITORY` is set automatically by github actions, it's used to choose the repo to set the status on

### Manual Usage

You can create an upload key using the following python3.6+ script:

import base64, hashlib, os

print('Searching for a key with valid hash. Hold tight, this might take a minute...')
threshold = 2 ** 234
attempts = 0
while True:
attempts += 1
seed = os.urandom(50)
h = int.from_bytes(hashlib.sha256(seed).digest(), 'big')
if attempts % 100_000 == 0:
print('.', end='', flush=True)
if h < threshold:
key = base64.b64encode(seed).decode().rstrip('=')
print(f'\nSuccess! Key found after {attempts:,} attempts:\n\n {key}\n')
_(This script should take between a few seconds and a minute to generate a valid key)_

Once you have your key, create a site using the following `curl` command:

curl -X POST \ \
-H 'Authorisation:{generated-key-from-above}'

This should create a site and return a JSON object with details required
to upload files to that site:

"message": "New site created successfully",
"secret_key": "... secret upload key ...",
"site_creation": "2021-03-13T18:36:44.419Z",
"site_expiration": "2021-04-12T18:36:44.419Z",
"sites_created_24h": 0,
"upload_expiration": "2021-03-13T19:36:44.419Z",
"url": " 20 char random string .../"

You can then upload a file, again using `curl` (here `RESPONSE_JSON` refers to the response above):

curl -X POST \
'{RESPONSE_JSON.url}path-to-upload.html' \
-H 'Authorisation:{RESPONSE_JSON.secret_key}' \
-H 'Content-Type:text/html' \
--data-binary @file-to-upload.html

## Features

_smokeshow_ doesn't have too many special features, most things are designed to be
boringly predictable, But a few things warrant explanation.

### Content Type

The `Content-Type` header in responses is not inferred by _smokeshow_, instead it's taken from the same
header in the upload request.

### Path Matches

The following path equivalence is supported:
* `/path/to/file/` should return `/path/to/file/index.html` or `/path/to/file.html` or
(less canonically) `/path/to/file/index.json`
* trailing slashes don't matter

### Referrer Redirects

_smokeshow_ deploys sites at a random subdirectory (e.g. `/3y4x0n6a200u2n6m316j/`) this works fine, but could occasionally
lead to problems with sites that assume they will be deployed at root (`/`), we work round that problem by
inspecting the `Referer` header and redirecting to the intended page.

**Example** of how this works:
* 🔗 The page `` has a link to `/another/` \
which of course we want to resolve to ``
* 👆 When a user clicks on the link, the browser loads ``
* 🎯 _smokeshow_ catches this request, inspects the `Referer` headers and spots `/3y4x0n6a200u2n6m316j/foobar/`
* 🤔 _smokeshow_ calculates that the request should be to ``
* ↪️ _smokeshow_ returns a `307` redirect to that page
* 🏗️ the browser loads that page
* 😊 user is happy

## Limits

The following limits apply to usage of _smokeshow_:
* **200**: maximum number of sites you can create a day with a given key
* **50 MB**: maximum site size
* **25 MB**: maximum size of a file - this is a limit of [Cloudflare's KV store](