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ejabberd XMPP Server docker image built for multiple architectures and with initial configuration file

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ejabberd XMPP Server docker image built for multiple architectures and with initial configuration file

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Note: This repository is archived as the official ejabberd image has been further reworked (from security and usabilty point of view), so that from the author's perspective, this image is not further needed. Feel free to fork this repo and further improve the image.

Thanks for using!

# Docker image for ejabberd xmpp server

This is a multi-arch [ejabberd]( "ejabberd") docker image, currently built for

* linux/amd64
* linux/386
* linux/arm64
* linux/arm/v7
* linux/arm/v6

and based on Alpine Linux. It contains a startup configuration script and an option for kubernetes to perform automatic clustering.

The image itself is now based upon the [official ejabberd docker image]( since the recent improvements of that image. It only contains small differences, mainly to reduce the # of layers, and, of course, to include the configuration script into the running process.

**Please also look for breaking changes in the [release descriptions](!**

[Docker Hub link](

There may be further architectures supported in future. If you need another, raise an issue on github.

## Usage

In the current setup, the image provides a default ejabberd configuration file, which will provide a running server at localhost. However, it is strongly advised to tune the configuration file. This may be achieved in two ways:

* using various environment variables like described below,
* providing/ mounting own configuration file(s)

To pull the image, just refer to the Docker Hub repository:

docker pull sando38/docker-ejabberd-multiarch

The image will run in ejabberd foreground mode, if started this way:

docker run --rm -d --name ejabberd -p 5222:5222 -p 5443:5443 sando38/docker-ejabberd-multiarch

The image can also run in an unprivileged mode:

docker run --rm -d \
--name ejabberd \
--user 9000:9000 \
--security-opt no-new-privileges \
--cap-drop=ALL \
--read-only \
-p 5222:5222 \
-p 5443:5443 \

Inspect the running container with

`docker logs < container name >`

## Kubernetes auto clustering

The image has experimental kubernetes auto clustering support. The variables `ERLANG_COOKIE` and `KUBERNETES_AUTO_CLUSTER` must be defined for that.

Furthermore, this feature needs a statefulset combined with a headless service to function. A `kustomize` configuration example is provided in this repository. A helm chart may follow in the near future.

The kustomize example is not ready to use and must be adjusted to your needs, i.e. PVCs for ejabberd nodes, TLS certificates mounted as generic secrets. A PVC for `HTTP Upload` and `HTTP File Server` should be considered as a `ReadWriteMany` type.

Furthermore, the kustomize example assumes a reverse proxy in front of ejabberd. The example provides traefik proxy services. This also needs to be adjusted to your needs.

## Tags

`XX-YY` represents the official ejabberd release, `-vX.Y.Z` is the version of the Docker image, which rises in number, e.g. due to bug fixes, enhancements, etc.

For CAPTCHA, please use the suffix `-captcha`.

| TAGS | Description | Additional notes |
| ------------ | ------------ | ------------ |
| `latest`, `22.05-v3.1.2` | [offical ejabberd release notes](, changes see [image release notes]( | |
| `latest-captcha`, `22.05-v3.1.2-captcha` | like above | plus additional packages `bash ghostscript-fonts imagemagick` needed for CAPTCHA |

## Configure the image

This image provides a way to adjust the standard configuration file `ejabberd.yml` at initial startup. If the configuration file is not made persistent (e.g. via a mounted volume), the configuration file will be (re)created at every startup. The configuration file will not be configured, if one provides an own `ejabberd.yml` file and mounts it into the container.

` -v /path/to/ejabberd.yml:/opt/ejabberd/conf/ejabberd.yml`

[Link to ejabberd.yml example file]( "Link to ejabberd.yml example file")

## Volume mounts

It is advised to make some data persistent. Those can be mounted here:

- /path/to/config-files:/opt/ejabberd/conf # for (custom) configuration files
- /path/to/database:/opt/ejabberd/database # mnesia database & acme client certificates
- /path/to/fileserver/docs:/opt/ejabberd/files # for HTTP fileserver functionality
- /path/to/cert-files:/opt/ejabberd/tls # for custom tls certicates
- /path/to/upload/files:/opt/ejabberd/upload # for HTTP upload functionality

NOTE: if you mount a docker volume for the configuration files, those will be persistent and the startup script is not going to be applied at next startup. Therefore, manual changes must occur within the docker volume and the respective configuration files.

TLS certificates must be owned by ejabberd user/ group `9000:9000` and should not have world readable access rights.

To trigger the startup script, at least the file `ejabberd.yml` must be deleted/ renamed from the docker volume.

## Parameters to configure ejabberd

If the default column is empty, then there is no default.

Parameters in **bold** can be adjusted according to [ejabberd docs]( "ejabberd docs"). The Parameters may have a slightly different naming.

### General settings
| Parameter | Description | Default |
| ------------ | ------------ | ------------ |
| XMPP_DOMAIN1 | XMPP Server Domain (with a matching TLS certificate) | localhost |
| XMPP_DOMAIN2 | Additional XMPP Server Domain (with a matching TLS certificate) | |
| XMPP_DOMAIN3 | Additional XMPP Server Domain (with a matching TLS certificate) | |
| **LOGLEVEL** | **Possible values**: none, emergency, alert, critical, error, warning, notice, info, debug | info |
| **HIDE_SENSITIVE_LOG_DATA** | Disables logging of ip addresses of users | false |
| **LANGUAGE_DEFAULT** | Default language of the xmpp server | en |
| JID_ADMIN_USER0 | Admin account of ejabberd server | admin@$XMPP_DOMAIN1 |
| **ERLANG_COOKIE** | [erlang cookie]( needed for clustering. To achieve clustering, this one must be defined or the cookie must be mounted into the container at `/opt/ejabberd/.erlang.cookie` | |
| KUBERNETES_AUTO_CLUSTER | Set to `true` to start auto clustering with a kubernetes statefulset and headless service. An example kustomize setup can be found in this repository. This setting requires `ERLANG_COOKIE` to be set to a value or the `.erlang.cookie` to be mounted. | false |
| | | |

Further settings for shapers will be added in the future.

### Database settings

| Parameter | Description | Default |
| ------------ | ------------ | ------------ |
| **DEFAULT_DB** | Defines the default database for ejabberd and its functions/ modules. Options are: `mnesia` or `sql` | mnesia |
| **DEFAULT_RAM_DB** | Defines the default in-memory storage. Options are: `mnesia`, `sql` or `redis` | mnesia |
| | | |

For more information for the paramters, please look at [ejabberd documentation]( When using a database which is not `sqlite`, the database must exist prior to ejabberd startup and must be preconfigured with the respective [SQL schema](

SQL database must be configure either if `DEFAULT_DB=sql` or `DEFAULT_RAM_DB=sql`.

| Parameter | Description | Default |
| ------------ | ------------ | ------------ |
| **DB_TYPE** | defines the database driver. Options are: `mysql`, `pgsql`, `sqlite` | pgsql |
| **DB_SERVER_ADDRESS** | Host address or ip of the database server | localhost |
| **DB_USER** | Database user name | ejabberd |
| **DB_PASSWORD** | Database user password | |
| **DB_DATABASE_NAME** | Name of the database. For SQLite this must be a full path to a database file. | ejabberd |
| **DB_NEW_SQL_SCHEMA** | Shall be considered, if more than one XMPP domain is used. [Link]( | false |
| **DB_QUEUE_TYPE** | | ram |
| **DB_START_INTERVAL** | | 30 |
| **DB_QUERY_TIMEOUT** | | 60 |
| **DB_SERVER_PORT** | [defaults]( to depending on the db type | |
| **DB_PREPARED_STATEMENTS** | only for type `pgsql`. Options: `true` or `false` | true |
| **DB_KEEPALIVE_INTERVAL** | to keep the database connection alive, measures in seconds. | |
| **DB_POOL_SIZE** | If type `sqlite` is used, pool size is hard coded value `1`. | 10 |
| **DB_SSL** | only applies to type `mysql` and `pgsql`. Options are `true` or `false` | false |
| **DB_SSL_VERIFY** | wheter to verify or not. If enable, set to `true`. If `true`, it needs DB_SSL_CAFILE_NAME & DB_SSL_CERTFILE_NAME set | false |
| **DB_SSL_CAFILE_NAME** | Mounted CA certificate in path `/opt/ejabberd/tls` | ca.pem |
| **DB_SSL_CERTFILE_NAME** | Mounted client certificate in path `/opt/ejabberd/tls` | server.pem |
| | | |

Note: `DB_PASSWORD` may be also mounted as docker secret with `_FILE` (see docker compose example)

#### REDIS settings

Redis must be defined either, if `DEFAULT_RAM_DB=redis` or `REDIS_ENABLED=true`.

| Parameter | Description | Default |
| ------------ | ------------ | ------------ |
| REDIS_ENABLED | Redis can be activated by setting this to `true`. No default. | |
| **REDIS_SERVER_ADDRESS** | [Description from ejabberd docs]( | localhost |
| **REDIS_SERVER_PORT** | [Description from ejabberd docs]( | 6379 |
| **REDIS_PASSWORD** | [Description from ejabberd docs]( | |
| **REDIS_DB_NUMBER** | [Description from ejabberd docs]( | 0 |
| **REDIS_POOL_SIZE** | [Description from ejabberd docs]( | 10 |
| **REDIS_QUEUE_TYPE** | [Description from ejabberd docs]( | ram |
| **REDIS_CONNECT_TIMEOUT** | [Description from ejabberd docs]( | 1 |
| | | |

Note: `REDIS_PASSWORD` may be also mounted as docker secret with `_FILE` (see docker compose example)

### Authentication

Currently only `mnesia`, `sql`, `ldap` or `anonymous` are supported by the configuration script of this image.

| Parameter | Description | Default |
| ------------ | ------------ | ------------ |
| **AUTH_METHOD** | Currently supported by this image are `mnesia`, `sql`, `ldap` or `anonymous` | mnesia |
| **AUTH_PASSWORD_FORMAT** | only valid/ applied if AUTH_METHOD is `mnesia` or `sql`, options are: `scram` or `plain` | scram |
| **AUTH_SCRAM_HASH** | hash of scram if AUTH_PASSWORD_FORMAT=scram. Options are `sha`, `sha256`, `sha512` | sha256 |
| | | |

#### LDAP authentication

These variables only take effect if `AUTH_METHOD=ldap`. See also [ejabberd docs]( for further explanations.

| Parameter | Description | Default |
| ------------ | ------------ | ------------ |
| **LDAP_BIND_DN** | if empty, anonymous bind | |
| **LDAP_BIND_PW** | password of the bind user, can be empty | |
| **LDAP_USER_BASE_DN** | BASE DN to query users | |
| **LDAP_UID** | User attribute, e.g. `uid` | %u |
| **LDAP_UID_ALTERNATIVE** | alternative user attribute | |
| **LDAP_UID_ALTERNATIVE_2** | another alternative user attribute | |
| **LDAP_DEREF_ALIASES** | | never |
| **LDAP_USER_FILTER** | NOTE: user attribute must not be included since it will be appended automatically | (objectClass=inetOrgPerson) |
| **LDAP_ENCRYPT** | wether to use non-encrypted or encrypted LDAP connection. Options are: `tls` or `none` | none |
| **LDAP_TLS_VERIFY** | Whether to verify the LDAP certificate or not | false |
| **LDAP_TLS_VERIFY_DEPTH** | [Description from ejabberd documentation]( | 1 |
| **LDAP_TLS_CA_CRT_FILE_NAME** | [Description from ejabberd documentation]( | ca.pem |
| **LDAP_TLS_CRT_FILE_NAME** | [Description from ejabberd documentation]( | server.pem |
| **LDAP_SERVER_1** | LDAP host address, if non is provided, defaults to localhost | localhost |
| **LDAP_SERVER_2** | 2nd LDAP host address | |
| **LDAP_SERVER_3** | 3rd LDAP host address | |
| **LDAP_PORT** | LDAP server port to connect. | `389` or `636` |
| **LDAP_BACKUP_SERVER_1** | LDAP backup server if LDAP_SERVER* are not available anymore | |
| **LDAP_BACKUP_SERVER_2** | Alternative LDAP backup server if LDAP_SERVER* are not available anymore | |
| **LDAP_BACKUP_SERVER_3** | Another alternative LDAP backup server if LDAP_SERVER* are not available anymore | |
| | | |

Note: `LDAP_BIND_PW` may be also mounted as docker secret with `_FILE` (see docker compose example)

### SSL/TLS settings

TLS certificates if not recieved by the internal ACME client need to be mounted into the following directory as `*.pem` files:

`-v /path/to/certfiles:/opt/ejabberd/tls`

A wildcard reference is created from the configuration script if any STARTTLS or TLS is enabled in any of the various listeners.

| Parameter | Description | Default |
| ------------ | ------------ | ------------ |
| DHPARAM_KEYSIZE | Size of the dhparam key generated at startup if no dhparam file is mounted into the container. Can also be set to `4096`. Mount path is `/opt/ejabberd/conf/$DHPARAM_FILE_NAME` | 2048 |
| DHPARAM_FILE_NAME | Name of the dhparam file, if own file is mounted. Must be mounted in the configuration path `-v /path/to/dh.pem:/opt/ejabberd/conf/dh.pem`. If no file is mounted, the dhparam file will be generated. | dh.pem |
| **TLS_PROTOCOL_SSL_V3_DISABLED** | Rejects request with *insecure* SSLv3 protocol | true |
| **TLS_PROTOCOL_TLS_V1_DISABLED** | Rejects request with *insecure* TLSv1 protocol | true |
| **TLS_PROTOCOL_TLS_V1_1_DISABLED** | Rejects request with *insecure* TLSv1.1 protocol | true |
| **TLS_PROTOCOL_TLS_V1_2_DISABLED** | Rejects request with TLSv1.2 protocol | false |
| | | |

### ACME client

For the ACME client to work correctly, the HTTP listener needs to enabled (`LISTENER_HTTP_ENABLED=true`) and port 80 of the host machine needs to be forwarded to the HTTP listener port (default: `5280`). **The HTTP listener is disabled by default.**

| Parameter | Description | Default |
| ------------ | ------------ | ------------ |
| LISTENER_HTTP_ACME_ENABLED | ACME listening option of HTTP listener is enabled, HTTP listener must be enabled to use ACME client `LISTENER_HTTP_ENABLED=true` | true |
| **ACME_ENABLED** | if set to *false*, ACME client will not try to request certificates for the listed `XMPP_DOMAIN*`s | true |
| **ACME_EMAIL** | needs an email address for registring an account at LetsEncrypt | [email protected] |
| **ACME_URL** | either the staging or production URL from LetsEncrypt | |
| **ACME_CERT_TYPE** | Defines the type of the private key (rsa or ec) | rsa |
| | | |

### ejabberd listeners

Definition of the different [XMPP listeners](

#### Client to Server connections (TCP / STARTTLS)

This listener cannot be disabled.

| Parameter | Description | Default |
| ------------ | ------------ | ------------ |
| **LISTENER_C2S_PORT** | Listening port | 5222 |
| **LISTENER_C2S_IP** | Listening ip | :: |
| **LISTENER_C2S_STARTTLS** | Whether to activate STARTTLS or not. This option gets implicitly enabled when enabling `LISTENER_C2S_STARTTLS_REQUIRED=true`. | false |
| **LISTENER_C2S_STARTTLS_REQUIRED** | Whether to enforce STARTTLS or not. To enforce, set with `true` | false |
| **LISTENER_C2S_PROXY_PROTOCOL** | If ejabberd is behind a layer4 load balancer, this can be set to `true`, if the corresponding load balancer supports HAproxy protocol. Herewith, the real IP addresses of connecting clients are preserved. This is especially important in conjunction with [mod_fail2ban]( This is especially important in conjunction with [mod_fail2ban]( | false |
| | | |

#### Client to Server connections (TLS)

For legacy TLS connections. This may be interesting also to map via port 443, either behind a layer4 load balancer or directly with e.g. an iptables rule, since ejabberd cannot listen to 443 (privileged ports) directly.

| Parameter | Description | Default |
| ------------ | ------------ | ------------ |
| LISTENER_C2S_LEGACY_TLS_ENABLED | Setting to `true` enables the listener | false |
| **LISTENER_C2S_LEGACY_TLS_PORT** | Listening port | 5223 |
| **LISTENER_C2S_LEGACY_TLS_IP** | Listening ip | :: |
| **LISTENER_C2S_LEGACY_TLS_PROXY_PROTOCOL** | If ejabberd is behind a layer4 load balancer, this can be set to `true`, if the corresponding load balancer supports HAproxy protocol. Herewith, the real IP addresses of connecting clients are preserved. This is especially important in conjunction with [mod_fail2ban]( | false |
| | | |

#### Server to Server connections (TCP / STARTTLS)

For XMPP federation with other XMPP servers. It supports plain TCP or STARTTLS.

| Parameter | Description | Default |
| ------------ | ------------ | ------------ |
| LISTENER_S2S_ENABLED | Setting to `true` enables the listener | false |
| **LISTENER_S2S_PORT** | Listening port | 5269 |
| **LISTENER_S2S_IP** | Listening ip | :: |
| **LISTENER_S2S_USE_STARTTLS** | [Whether to support STARTTLS or not]( To enforce, set to `required`. To enable, set to `optional` | false |
| **LISTENER_S2S_PROXY_PROTOCOL** | If ejabberd is behind a layer4 load balancer, this can be set to `true`, if the corresponding load balancer supports HAproxy protocol. Herewith, the real IP addresses of connecting clients are preserved. This is especially important in conjunction with [mod_fail2ban]( | false |
| | | |

#### Server to Server connections (TLS)

For legacy TLS connections. This may be interesting also to map via port 443, either behind a layer4 load balancer or directly with e.g. an iptables rule, since ejabberd cannot listen to 443 (privileged ports) directly.

| Parameter | Description | Default |
| ------------ | ------------ | ------------ |
| LISTENER_S2S_LEGACY_TLS_ENABLED | Setting to `true` enables the listener | false |
| **LISTENER_S2S_LEGACY_TLS_PORT** | Listening port | 5270 |
| **LISTENER_S2S_LEGACY_TLS_IP** | Listening ip | :: |
| **LISTENER_S2S_LEGACY_TLS_PROXY_PROTOCOL** | If ejabberd is behind a layer4 load balancer, this can be set to `true`, if the corresponding load balancer supports HAproxy protocol. Herewith, the real IP addresses of connecting clients are preserved. This is especially important in conjunction with [mod_fail2ban]( | false |
| | | |

#### STUN-TURN listener

ejabberd offers a STUN-TURN listener. In a docker environment, TURN service may be problematic, because docker is not handling large port ranges well, which would be required by the TURN feature. More information [here](

Additinally, it is advised to also set SRV records for the XMPP domains in the domains' DNS server.

Please note: STUN-TURN listener does not support HAproxy Protocol as of now (ejabberd-v21-12).


| Parameter | Description | Default |
| ------------ | ------------ | ------------ |
| LISTENER_STUNTURN_UDP_ENABLED | Setting to `true` enables the listener | false |
| **LISTENER_STUNTURN_UDP_PORT** | Listening port | 3478 |
| **LISTENER_STUNTURN_UDP_IP** | Listening ip | :: |
| **LISTENER_STUNTURN_UDP_USE_TURN** | Wheter to offer TURN service or not. To enable, set `true`. | false |
| **LISTENER_STUNTURN_UDP_TURN_IP4** | The public ip address of the host machine | `$(getent hosts $XMPP_DOMAIN1 \| awk '{ print $1 }')` |
| **LISTENER_STUNTURN_UDP_TURN_MIN_PORT** | Minimum port range of the TURN services. Note: Please consider the range *smaller* in a docker / kubernetes environment, if you do not use the host network. | 49152 |
| **LISTENER_STUNTURN_UDP_TURN_MAX_PORT** | Maximum port range of the TURN services. Note: Please consider the range *smaller* in a docker / kubernetes environment, if you do not use the host network. | 65535 |
| | | |


STUN-TURN via TCP is non-default and should not be considered.

| Parameter | Description | Default |
| ------------ | ------------ | ------------ |
| LISTENER_STUNTURN_TCP_ENABLED | Setting to `true` enables the listener | false |
| **LISTENER_STUNTURN_TCP_PORT** | Listening port | 3478 |
| **LISTENER_STUNTURN_TCP_IP** | Listening ip | :: |
| **LISTENER_STUNTURN_TCP_USE_TURN** | Wheter to offer TURN service or not. To enable, set `true`. | false |
| **LISTENER_STUNTURN_TCP_TURN_IP4** | The public ip address of the host machine | `$(getent hosts $XMPP_DOMAIN1 \| awk '{ print $1 }')` |
| **LISTENER_STUNTURN_TCP_TURN_MIN_PORT** | Minimum port range of the TURN services. Note: Please consider the range *smaller* in a docker / kubernetes environment, if you do not use the host network. | 49152 |
| **LISTENER_STUNTURN_TCP_TURN_MAX_PORT** | Maximum port range of the TURN services. Note: Please consider the range *smaller* in a docker / kubernetes environment, if you do not use the host network. | 65535 |
| **LISTENER_STUNTURN_TCP_PROXY_PROTOCOL** | If ejabberd is behind a layer4 load balancer, this can be set to `true`, if the corresponding load balancer supports HAproxy protocol. Herewith, the real IP addresses of connecting clients are preserved and STUN discovery is actually possible. | false |



| Parameter | Description | Default |
| ------------ | ------------ | ------------ |
| LISTENER_STUNSTURNS_TLS_ENABLED | Setting to `true` enables the listener | false |
| **LISTENER_STUNSTURNS_TLS_PORT** | Listening port | 5349 |
| **LISTENER_STUNSTURNS_TLS_IP** | Listening ip | :: |
| **LISTENER_STUNSTURNS_TLS_USE_TURN** | Wheter to offer TURN service or not. To enable, set `true`. | false |
| **LISTENER_STUNSTURNS_TLS_TURN_IP4** | The public ip address of the host machine | `$(getent hosts $XMPP_DOMAIN1 \| awk '{ print $1 }')` |
| **LISTENER_STUNSTURNS_TLS_TURN_MIN_PORT** | Minimum port range of the TURN services. Note: Please consider the range *smaller* in a docker / kubernetes environment, if you do not use the host network. | 49152 |
| **LISTENER_STUNSTURNS_TLS_TURN_MAX_PORT** | Maximum port range of the TURN services. Note: Please consider the range *smaller* in a docker / kubernetes environment, if you do not use the host network. | 65535 |
| **LISTENER_STUNSTURNS_TLS_PROXY_PROTOCOL** | If ejabberd is behind a layer4 load balancer, this can be set to `true`, if the corresponding load balancer supports HAproxy protocol. Herewith, the real IP addresses of connecting clients are preserved and STUN discovery is actually possible. | false |

#### HTTP listener

This listener may only be configured for test purposes and/ or ACME client usage.

| Parameter | Description | Default |
| ------------ | ------------ | ------------ |
| LISTENER_HTTP_ENABLED | Setting to `true` enables the listener | false |
| **LISTENER_HTTP_PORT** | Listening port | 5280 |
| **LISTENER_HTTP_IP** | Listening ip | :: |
| **LISTENER_HTTP_PROXY_PROTOCOL** | If ejabberd is behind a layer4 load balancer, this can be set to `true`, if the corresponding load balancer supports HAproxy protocol. Herewith, the real IP addresses of connecting clients are preserved. | false |
| **LISTENER_HTTP_ADMIN_ENABLED** | To reach the admin interface at http://XMPP_DOMAIN*:LISTENER_HTTP_PORT/admin | false |
| **LISTENER_HTTP_ACME_ENABLED** | To enable ACME client challenge response. To make it work, there must be some mechanism to forward port 80 from the host machine to the LISTENER_HTTP_PORT | true |
| | | |

#### HTTPS listener

The general HTTP services listener for various services, which may be offered through ejabberd. This may be interesting also to map via port 443, either behind a layer4 load balancer or directly with e.g. an iptables rule, since ejabberd cannot listen to 443 (privileged ports) directly.

| Parameter | Description | Default |
| ------------ | ------------ | ------------ |
| LISTENER_HTTPS_ENABLED | Setting to `false` disables the listener | true |
| **LISTENER_HTTPS_PORT** | Listening port | 5443 |
| **LISTENER_HTTPS_IP** | Listening ip | :: |
| **LISTENER_HTTPS_PROXY_PROTOCOL** | If ejabberd is behind a layer4 load balancer, this can be set to `true`, if the corresponding load balancer supports HAproxy protocol. Herewith, the real IP addresses of connecting clients are preserved. | false |
| **LISTENER_HTTPS_HOST_META_ENABLED** | From ejabberd version `22.05` on. Requires, that either `LISTENER_HTTPS_BOSH_ENABLED` or `LISTENER_HTTPS_WS_ENABLED` is enabled as well. | true |
| **LISTENER_HTTPS_ADMIN_ENABLED** | To reach the admin interface at https://XMPP_DOMAIN*:LISTENER_HTTP_PORT/admin | true |
| **LISTENER_HTTPS_API_ENABLED** | HTTP API listener, accessible at https://XMPP_DOMAIN*:LISTENER_HTTP_PORT/api, to enable set to `true` | false |
| **LISTENER_HTTPS_BOSH_ENABLED** | HTTP bosh listener, accessible at https://XMPP_DOMAIN*:LISTENER_HTTP_PORT/bosh, to disable set to `false` | true |
| **LISTENER_HTTPS_CONVERSEJS_ENABLED** | Please note: if mod_conversejs shall be enabled (set to `true`), either HTTPS bosh or websocket must be enabled as well. If both are enabled, then websocket will be configured. Link to [ejabberd docs]( The conversejs client is accessible at https://XMPP_DOMAIN*:LISTENER_HTTPS_PORT/conversejs, please also consider the module `mod_conversejs` configurations | false |
| **LISTENER_HTTPS_FILESERVER_ENABLED** | HTTP fileserver, accessible at https://XMPP_DOMAIN*:LISTENER_HTTP_PORT/files, to enable set to `true`, please also consider the module `mod_http_fileserver` configurations | false |
| **LISTENER_HTTPS_UPLOAD_ENABLED** | HTTP upload service, accessible at https://XMPP_DOMAIN*:LISTENER_HTTP_PORT/upload, to disable set to `false`, please also consider the module `mod_http_upload` configurations | true |
| **LISTENER_HTTPS_WS_ENABLED** | HTTP websocket listener. The websocket is available via wss://XMPP_DOMAIN*:LISTENER_HTTP_PORT/ws | true |
| | | |

#### MQTT listener

More information are [here](

| Parameter | Description | Default |
| ------------ | ------------ | ------------ |
| LISTENER_MQTT_ENABLED | Setting to `true` enables the listener, please also consider the module `mod_mqtt` configurations | false |
| **LISTENER_MQTT_PORT** | Listening port | 1883 |
| **LISTENER_MQTT_IP** | Listening ip | :: |
| **LISTENER_MQTT_TLS** | | false |
| | | |


To enable captcha e.g. for [in-band registration](, you need to use the special image tag suffix `-captcha`, e.g. `sando38/docker-ejabberd-multiarch:latest-captcha`.

| Parameter | Description | Default |
| ------------ | ------------ | ------------ |
| CAPTCHA_ENABLED | Setting to `true` enables captcha script and listener. `LISTENER_HTTPS_ENABLED=true` must be set as well to have captcha function. | false |
| **CAPTCHA_FILE_PATH** | You can further include your own captcha script with the following variable `CAPTCHA_FILE_PATH` and mount the file at the respective path, e.g.: `CAPTCHA_FILE_PATH=/opt/ejabberd/conf/` | [/path/to/]( |
| **CAPTCHA_LIMIT** | Maximum number of CAPTCHA generated images per minute for any given JID. | 5 |

Captcha must be specified further in the respective modules.

### Core modules addressed by the startup script of this image

These is a list of modules addressed by the startup script. For some it may be advised to mount an own configuration script at the following path:

`-v /path/to/module/configuration/files:/opt/ejabberd/conf`

A general description of modules options can be found here: [Ejabberd docs](

Some modules will only be enabled if the respective listener is active (e.g. mod_bosh, mod_conversejs mod_http_api, etc.)

Some modules depend on other modules to be anabled. For example, mod_avatar depends on mod_pubsub, mod_vcard and mod_vcard_xupdate.

| Parameter | Description | Default |
| ------------ | ------------ | ------------ |
| MOD_ADHOC_ENABLED | **mod_adhoc.yml** | true |
| MOD_ADMIN_EXTRA_ENABLED | **mod_admin_extra.yml** | true |
| MOD_ANNOUNCE_ENABLED | **mod_announce.yml** | true |
| MOD_AVATAR_ENABLED | **mod_avatar.yml** | true |
| MOD_BLOCKING_ENABLED | **mod_blocking.yml** | true |
| LISTENER_HTTPS_BOSH_ENABLED | **mod_bosh.yml** | true |
| MOD_CAPS_ENABLED | **mod_caps.yml** | true |
| MOD_CARBONCOPY_ENABLED | **mod_carboncopy.yml** | true |
| MOD_CLIENT_STATE_ENABLED | **mod_client_state.yml** | true |
| MOD_CONFIGURE_ENABLED | **mod_configure.yml** | true |
| LISTENER_HTTPS_CONVERSEJS_ENABLED | **mod_conversejs.yml** Please note: if mod_conversejs shall be enabled, either HTTPS bosh or websocket must be enabled as well. If both are enabled, then websocket will be configured. Link to [ejabberd docs]( The conversejs client may be accessible at https://XMPP_DOMAIN*:LISTENER_HTTPS_PORT/conversejs | false |
| MOD_DISCO_ENABLED | **mod_disco.yml** | true |
| MOD_FAIL2BAN_ENABLED | **mod_fail2ban.yml** | true |
| LISTENER_HTTPS_HOST_META_ENABLED | From ejabberd version `22.05` on. **mod_host_meta.yml** Please note: if mod_conversejs shall be enabled, either HTTPS bosh or websocket must be enabled as well. | true |
| LISTENER_HTTPS_API_ENABLED | **mod_http_api.yml** | false |
| LISTENER_HTTPS_FILESERVER_ENABLED | **mod_http_fileserver.yml** it is advised to mount own configuration file for HTTP fileserver if desired. Files will be served at https://XMPP_DOMAIN*:LISTENER_HTTPS_PORT/files | false |
| LISTENER_HTTPS_UPLOAD_ENABLED | **mod_http_upload.yml** | true |
| MOD_LAST_ENABLED | **mod_last.yml** | true |
| MOD_MAM_ENABLED | **mod_mam.yml** | true |
| LISTENER_MQTT_ENABLED | **mod_mqtt.yml** | false |
| MOD_MUC_ENABLED | **mod_muc.yml** | true |
| MOD_MUC_ADMIN_ENABLED | **mod_muc_admin.yml** | true |
| MOD_OFFLINE_ENABLED | **mod_offline.yml** | true |
| MOD_PING_ENABLED | **mod_ping.yml** | true |
| MOD_PRIVACY_ENABLED | **mod_privacy.yml** | true |
| MOD_PRIVATE_ENABLED | **mod_private.yml** | true |
| MOD_PROXY65_ENABLED | **mod_proxy65.yml** | false |
| MOD_PUBSUB_ENABLED | **mod_pubsub.yml** | true |
| MOD_PUSH_ENABLED | **mod_push.yml** | true |
| MOD_PUSH_KEEPALIVE_ENABLED | **mod_push_keepalive.yml** | true |
| MOD_REGISTER_ENABLED | **mod_register.yml** | true |
| LISTENER_HTTPS_REGISTER_WEB_ENABLED | enables [mod_register_web](, `MOD_REGISTER_ENABLED` must be set to `true` as well. | false |
| MOD_ROSTER_ENABLED | **mod_roster.yml** | true |
| MOD_S2S_DIALBACK_ENABLED | **mod_s2s_dialback.yml** | true |
| MOD_SHARED_ROSTER_ENABLED | **mod_shared_roster.yml** | true |
| MOD_STREAM_MGMT_ENABLED | **mod_stream_mgmt.yml** | true |
| MOD_STUN_DISCO_ENABLED | **mod_stun_disco.yml** | true |
| MOD_VCARD_ENABLED | **mod_vcard.yml** | true |
| MOD_VCARD_XUPDATE_ENABLED | **mod_vcard_xupdate.yml** | true |
| MOD_VERSION_ENABLED | **mod_version.yml** | true |
| | | |

### Additional modules

Activation of additional core modules. No configuration file will be generated by the startup script, therefore, they must be mounted into the following path:

`-v /path/to/module/configuration/files:/opt/ejabberd/conf`

To activate the module `mod_http_upload_quota`, e.g. the parameter `ADDITIONAL_CORE_MODULE_1_NAME=mod_http_upload_quota` is set and the configfile `mod_http_upload_quota.yml` is mounted.

| Parameter | Description | Default |
| ------------ | ------------ | ------------ |
| ADDITIONAL_CORE_MODULE_1_NAME | If parameter is set, then module will be added to the configuration file. To make it function, a module configuration file must be mounted at the mentioned path above with the the following name: `$ADDITIONAL_CORE_MODULE_1_NAME.yml` , e.g. `mod_http_upload_quota.yml` | |
| ADDITIONAL_CORE_MODULE_2_NAME | If parameter is set, then module will be added to the configuration file. To make it function, a module configuration file must be mounted at the mentioned path above with the the following name: `$ADDITIONAL_CORE_MODULE_2_NAME.yml` , e.g. `mod_metrics.yml` | |
| ADDITIONAL_CORE_MODULE_3_NAME | If parameter is set, then module will be added to the configuration file. To make it function, a module configuration file must be mounted at the mentioned path above with the the following name: `$ADDITIONAL_CORE_MODULE_3_NAME.yml` , e.g. `mod_shared_roster_ldap.yml` | |
| | | |

Currently three additional modules (configurations) may be enabled. Practically, however, a configuration file can include more than one module, e.g. a configuration could look like this for an example config file `additional-modules.yml`:

max_days: 30
port: 11111

This would activate two modules with only using one parameter (e.g. `ADDITIONAL_CORE_MODULE_1_NAME=additional-modules`)

### Load new modules from ejabberd contributions

Furthermore, the startup script can load additional modules from [ejabberd contributions]( No configuration file will be generated by the startup script, therefore, they must be mounted into the following path:

`-v /path/to/module/configuration/files:/opt/ejabberd/conf`

To activate the ejabberd contributions module `mod_cron`, e.g. the parameter `INSTALL_ADDITIONAL_NON_CORE_MODULE_1_NAME=mod_cron` is set and the configfile `mod_cron.yml` is mounted.

NOTE: if you use/ mount a custom `ejabberd.yml`, the ejabberd contribution modules must not be referenced in the `ejabberd.yml`.

| Parameter | Description | Default |
| ------------ | ------------ | ------------ |
| INSTALL_ADDITIONAL_NON_CORE_MODULE_1_NAME | If parameter is set, then module will be added to the configuration file. To make it function, a module configuration file must be mounted at the mentioned path above with the the following name: `$INSTALL_ADDITIONAL_NON_CORE_MODULE_1_NAME.yml` , e.g. `mod_cron.yml` | |
| INSTALL_ADDITIONAL_NON_CORE_MODULE_2_NAME | If parameter is set, then module will be added to the configuration file. To make it function, a module configuration file must be mounted at the mentioned path above with the the following name: `$INSTALL_ADDITIONAL_NON_CORE_MODULE_2_NAME.yml` , e.g. `mod_default_contacts.yml` | |
| INSTALL_ADDITIONAL_NON_CORE_MODULE_3_NAME | If parameter is set, then module will be added to the configuration file. To make it function, a module configuration file must be mounted at the mentioned path above with the the following name: `$INSTALL_ADDITIONAL_NON_CORE_MODULE_3_NAME.yml` , e.g. `mod_default_rooms.yml` | |
| | | |

Currently three additional contributions modules can be added to the script.

## Notes on the image

ToDos are tracked via the [github]( issue tracker and milestones.