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Turn a source image into an animated party emoji

Last synced: 4 months ago
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Turn a source image into an animated party emoji

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# party-party-party
Turn a source image into an animated party emoji!

This smiling emoji is pretty cool:

![Smiling Emoji](./smile.png "Smiling Emoji")

However, it might be jealous of all those parrots and their parties. Let's help out our emoji friend.

![Party Smiling Emoji](./party-smile.gif "Party Smiling Emoji")

Note: If you'd like to create emojis for Slack, make sure your input image is 128x128 (or less).

## Usage
### CLI
`bin/ppp smile.png party.gif`

#### Radius
If you want to tune the radius of the animating circle, you can use the `--radius=` option. The default for this is `10`.

For example, `bin/ppp --radius=0 smile.png party.gif` will create a party version of `smile.png` where the image has an ounce or two less party.

![Still Party Smile Emoji](./still-party-smile.gif "Still Party Smile Emoji")

#### Rotation
If you want the part emoji to rotate instead of (or in addition to!) moving, pass `--rotate=1`. If you want it to rotate extra fast, try `--rotate=2` or more!

![Rotating Party Smile Emoji](./rotating-party-smile.gif "Rotating Party Smile Emoji")

### Node
const fs = require("fs");
const PartyPartyParty = require("party-party-party");

const outputFileStream = fs.createWriteStream("my-output-file.gif");
PartyPartyParty("my-input.png", outputFileStream, 10);

![Party Heart Emoji](./heart.gif "Party Heart Emoji")