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.NET micro ORM done right.

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.NET micro ORM done right.

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![TinyORM](TinyORM-Logo.png "TinyORM")
# Simple, fast, and secure micro ORM for .NET [![NuGet](](

**TinyORM** by [Stan Drapkin]( "Stan Drapkin") [sdrapkin at sdprime dot com]

## [Documentation]( [wiki]( ##

## Features: ##
1. Focused on **SQL Server** (any `SqlClient`-based db engine). [Azure SQL]( is supported as well.
2. **Intuitive, tiny, simple API**. This is usually the hardest part for libraries to get right.
3. **Does not obscure or reinvent `T-SQL`**. If you prefer APIs that hide `T-SQL` incompetence, look [elsewhere](
4. **Very fast.** As fast as competition (`Dapper`, `OrmLite`, `LLBLGen`, `EF Core`, etc. [benchmarks](
5. **Seamlessly transactional** and **safe**. Transactions are not merely supported - they are the default.
* [`XACT_ABORT=ON`]( (automatic transaction rollback on runtime T-SQL errors).
* Custom transaction scopes are declared via standard `TransactionScope` instance (created via `TinyORM`.`DbContext`.`CreateTransactionScope()` factory).
6. **Transparent connection management**. One less thing to worry about and screw up. Never think about connections again.
7. `Task`-based `async` API (ie. *the* API). All calls are buffered (focus on safety and fast connection release).
8. **POCOs** or `anonymous` objects are fine. No inheritance, interface, or attribute requirements.
9. Returns `dynamic` entities which can be consumed directly, or projected to statically-typed objects (*fast!*).
* Either strict (perfect-match) or relaxed (best-effort) projection of `dynamic` to statically-typed objects.
10. Full **parameterization**, with parameter list expansion (ex. `WHERE Id IN (@IdList)`). This also helps prevent SQL injection.
* `CHAR`, `VARCHAR`, `NCHAR`, `NVARCHAR` support for `string` parameters.
11. Single or multiple Result Sets.
12. **Snapshots** provide change-tracking, with `UPDATE` `T-SQL` generation for partial updates.
13. Intelligent **batched \*bulk\* command sequences** via `QueryBatch` (not just for `INSERT` - for all `CREATE/UPDATE/DELETE/MERGE` commands).
14. **Streaming data-out** support (ex. streaming out `BLOBs`/files).
15. **Auditing**
* Caller identity tracking (*which user made the call?*).
* Callsite tracking (*which source code filename, method, and line# made the call?*).
16. Helpers for `CREATE`, `UPDATE`, `DELETE`, and `UPSERT` `T-SQL` generation.
17. `SequentialGuid` generator for **fragmentation-free**, **unique**, **unguessable**, **code-generated** clustered `uniqueidentifier` indexes.
18. c# 10.0 in `safe` mode. Compiled `any cpu` for .NET 4.5.2+ and NetStandard 2.0/.NET Core 2.0+.
19. Tiny codebase. Tiny ~45k `.dll`.
20. `TinyORM` on [NuGet]( (`Install-Package TinyORM`).
21. **MS-PL** ([Microsoft Public]( license. If MS-PL does not suit you, contact me.

If you are serious about SQL Server, give **TinyORM** a try (even if you're a `Dapper` fan).

## Simple TinyORM query ##
var db = DbContext.Create(connString);
var query = await db.QueryAsync("select [Answer] = @a + @b", new { @a = 123, @b = 2 });

Console.WriteLine(query.First().Answer); // prints "125"

static string connString = "Data Source=.\\SQL2012; Initial Catalog=tempdb; Integrated Security=True;";

## ##
Nature graphic by [Freepik]( is licensed under [CC BY 3.0](