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Efficientnet V2 adapted to Keras functional API.

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Efficientnet V2 adapted to Keras functional API.

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EfficientNetV2 models rewritten in Keras functional API.

### Changelog:
* Feb 2022:
* As of 2.8 Tensorflow release, the models in this repository (apart from XL variant) are accessible through `keras.applications.efficientnet_v2`
You are free to use this repo or Keras directly.
* Nov 2021:
* added more weights variants from original repo.
* added option to manually get preprocessing layer.
* Sept. 2021 - Added XL model variant.
* Changed layer naming convention.
* Re-exported weights.

# Table of contens
1. [Introduction](
2. [Quickstart](
3. [Installation](
4. [How to use](
5. [Original Weights](

# Introduction
This is a package with EfficientNetV2 model variants adapted to Keras functional API.
I rewrote them this way so that the usage is similar to `keras.applications`.

The model's weights are converted from [original repository](

# Quickstart
You can use these models, similar to `keras.applications`:

# Install
!pip install git+

# Import package:
from efficientnet_v2 import EfficientNetV2S
import tensorflow as tf

# Use model directly:
model = EfficientNetV2S(
weights='imagenet', input_shape=(384, 384, 3)

# Or to extract features / fine tune:
backbone = EfficientNetV2S(
input_shape=(384, 384, 3),

model = tf.keras.Sequential([
tf.keras.layers.Dense(10) # 10 = num classes

You can fine tune these models, just like other Keras models.

For end-to-end fine-tuning and conversion examples check out the
[Colab Notebook](

# Installation
There are multiple ways to install.
The only requirements are Tensorflow 2.2+ and Python 3.6+.
(Though, it is recommended to use **at least** Tensorflow 2.4)

### Option A: (recommended) pip install from github
`pip install git+`

### Option B: Build from source
git clone
cd efficientnet-v2-keras
pip install .

### Option C: (alternatively) no install:
If you do not want to install you could just drop the `efficientnet_v2/` directory, directly into your project.

### Option D: Docker
You can also install this package as an extension to official Tensorflow docker container:
Build: `docker build -t efficientnet_v2_keras .`
Run: `docker run -it --rm efficientnet_v2_keras`

For GPU support or different TAG you can (for example) pass
`--build-arg IMAGE_TAG=2.5.0-gpu`
in build command.

### Verify installation
If all goes well you should be able to import:
`from efficientnet_v2 import *`

# How to use

### Pretrained weights
Weights converted from original repository will be automatically downloaded, once you
pass `weights="imagenet"` (or `imagenet-21k`, `imagenet-21k-ft1k`) upon model creation.

There are 3 weight variants:
* `imagenet` - pretrained on Imagenet1k
* `imagenet-21k` - pretrained on Imagenet21k
* `imagenet-21k-ft1k` - pretrained on Imagenet21k and fine tuned on Imagenet1k

Note: `imagenet` weights have not been released for `XL` variant.

### Input shapes
The variants expect the following input shapes.

| Model variant | Input shape |
| B0 | `224,224` |
| B1 | `240,240` |
| B2 | `260,260` |
| B3 | `300,300` |
| S | `384,384` |
| M | `480,480` |
| L | `480,480` |
| XL | `512,512` |

### Preprocessing
##### Option A: preprocessing function
The preprocessing is different for `Bx` and `S/M/L/XL` variants.
`Bx`'s expect image normalized with Imagenet mean and stddev, while other's a simple
import tensorflow as tf

# Bx preprocessing:
def preprocess(image): # input image is in range 0-255.
mean_rgb = [0.485 * 255, 0.456 * 255, 0.406 * 255]
stddev_rgb = [0.229 * 255, 0.224 * 255, 0.225 * 255]
image -= tf.constant(mean_rgb, shape=(1, 1, 3), dtype=image.dtype)
image /= tf.constant(stddev_rgb, shape=(1, 1, 3), dtype=image.dtype)
return image

# S/M/L/XL preprocessing
def preprocess(image):
return (tf.cast(image, dtype=tf.float32) - 128.00) / 128.00
##### Option B: Preprocessing layers
or you can use [Preprocessing Layer](
included in this repo:
from efficientnet_v2 import get_preprocessing_layer

preprocessing_layer = get_preprocessing_layer(variant="b0")

### Fine-tuning
For fine-tuning example, check out the [Colab Notebook](

### Tensorflow Lite
The models are TFLite compatible. You can convert them like any other Keras model:
converter = tf.lite.TFLiteConverter.from_keras_model(model)
tflite_model = converter.convert()
with open("efficientnet_lite.tflite", "wb") as file:

### ONNX
The models are ONNX compatible. For ONNX Conversion you can use
[tf2onnx]( package:
!pip install tf2onnx==1.8.4

# Save the model in TF's Saved Model format:"my_saved_model/")

# Convert:
!python -m tf2onnx.convert \
--saved-model my_saved_model/ \
--output efficientnet_v2.onnx
# Original Weights
The original weights are present in the
[original repoistory](
The original models were also trained using Keras are compatible with TF 2.

### (Optionally) Convert the weights
The converted weights are on this repository's GitHub. If, for some reason, you wish to
download and convert original weights yourself, I prepared the utility scripts:
1. `bash scripts/`
2. `bash scripts/`

# Bibliography
[1] [Original repository](

# Closing words
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