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🧩 A TaskDriver plugin for HashiCorp Nomad to run IIS workloads.

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🧩 A TaskDriver plugin for HashiCorp Nomad to run IIS workloads.

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# HashiCorp Nomad IIS Task Driver


Nomad IIS Logo

This repository contains a task driver for [HashiCorp Nomad]( to run web-applications in IIS on Windows machines. Unlike most other Nomad task drivers, this one is written in the C# language using ASP.NET 8.
It uses the *Microsoft.Web.Administration*-API to communicate with IIS.
Feel free to use it as-is or as a reference implementation for your own C#-based Nomad-plugins.

> [!NOTE]
> This document always represents the latest version, which may not have been released yet.
> Therefore, some features may not be available currently but will be available soon.
> You can use the GIT-Tags to check individual versions.

## 🎉 Features

| Feature | Status | Details |
| Single Web App per Nomad Task | ✔ | The Task Driver creates an IIS Application Pool and Website for every Nomad Task in the job specification. |
| Multiple Applications | ✔ | Support for multiple sub-applications below the website. |
| Virtual Directories | ✔ | Support for multiple *virtual directories* below an application. |
| HTTP Bindings | ✔ | |
| HTTPS Bindings | ✔ | [GH-3]( |
| Environment Variables | ✔ | [Details](#-environment-variables) |
| Resource Statistics | ✔ | |
| Logging | ✔ | Experimental UDP logging. See [GH-6]( for details. |
| Signals with `nomad alloc signal` | ✔ | [Details](#-supported-signals) |
| Exec (Shell Access) | ❌ | I'am playing around a little bit but don't want to give you hope :/. See [GH-15]( for status. |
| Filesystem Isolation | 🔶 | [Details](#-filesystem-isolation) |
| Nomad Networking | ❌ | |

## 🖥 Client Requirements

- Windows Server 2016+
- Microsoft IIS 10.0+

## ⚙ Driver Configuration

| Option | Type | Required | Default Value | Description |
| enabled | bool | no | true | Enables/Disables the Nomad IIS Plugin |
| fingerprint_interval | string | no | 30s | Defines the interval how often the plugin should report the driver's fingerprint to Nomad. The smallest possible value is 10s. |
| directory_security | bool | no | true | Enables Directory Permission Management for [Filesystem Isolation](#-filesystem-isolation). |
| allowed_target_websites | string[] | no | *none* | A list of IIS websites which are allowed to be used as [target_website](#-using-an-existing-website). An asterisk (*\**) may be used as a wildcard to allow any website. |
| udp_logger_port | number | no | 64001 | The local UDP port where the driver is listening for log-events which will be shipped to the Nomad client. The value 0 will disable this feature. Please read the details [here](#-udp-logging). |


plugin "nomad_iis" {
#args = ["--port 1234"] # Optional. To change the static port. The default is 5003.
#args = ["--port 0"] # Optional. To use a random port
config {
enabled = true,
fingerprint_interval = "30s",
directory_security = true
allowed_target_websites = [ "Default Web Site" ]

## ⚙ Task Configuration

| Option | Type | Required | Default Value | Description |
| *application* | block list | yes | *none* | Defines one more applications. See *application* schema below for details. |
| target_website | string | no | *none* | Specifies an existing target website. In this case the driver will not create a new website but instead use the existing one where it provisions the virtual applications only. Please read the details [here]([Details](#-using-an-existing-website)). |
| managed_pipeline_mode | string | no | *IIS default* | Valid options are *Integrated* or *Classic* |
| managed_runtime_version | string | no | *IIS default* | Valid options are *v4.0*, *v2.0*, *None* |
| start_mode | string | no | *IIS default* | Valid options are *OnDemand* or *AlwaysRunning* |
| idle_timeout | string | no | *IIS default* | The AppPool idle timeout in the form *HH:mm:ss* or *[00w][00d][00h][00m][00s]* |
| disable_overlapped_recycle | bool | no | *IIS default* | Defines whether two AppPools are allowed to run while recycling |
| periodic_restart | string | no | *IIS default* | The AppPool periodic restart interval in the form *HH:mm:ss* or *[00w][00d][00h][00m][00s]* |
| enable_udp_logging | bool | no | false | Enables a UDP log-sink your application can log to. Please read the details [here](#-udp-logging). |
| permit_iusr | bool | no | true | Specifies whether you want to permit the [IUSR-account]( on the *local* directory. When you disable this, you may need to tweak your *web.config* a bit. Read [this](#anonymous-authentication-and-the-iusr-account) for details. |
| *binding* | block list | yes | *none* | Defines one or two port bindings. See *binding* schema below for details. |

### `application` Block Configuration

| Option | Type | Required | Default Value | Description |
| path | string | yes | *none* | Defines the path of the web application, containing the application files |
| alias | string | no | / | Defines an optional alias at which the application should be hosted below the website. If not set, the application will be hosted at the website level. |
| enable_preload | bool | no | *IIS default* | Specifies whether the application should be pre-loaded. |
| *virtual_directory* | block list | no | *none* | Defines optional virtual directories below this application. See *virtual_directory* schema below for details. |

### `virtual_directory` Block Configuration

| Option | Type | Required | Default Value | Description |
| alias | string | yes | *none* | Defines the alias of the virtual directory |
| path | string | yes | *none* | Defines the path of the virtual directory |

### `binding` Block Configuration

| Option | Type | Required | Default Value | Description |
| type | string | yes | *none* | Defines the protocol of the port binding. Allowed values are *http* or *https*. |
| port | string | yes | *none* | Defines the port label of a `network` block configuration or a static port like "80". Static ports can only be used when *hostname* is also set. Otherwise use a nomad *network*-stanza to specify the port. |
| hostname | string | no | *IIS default* | Only listens to the specified hostname |
| require_sni | bool | no | *IIS default* | Defines whether SNI (Server Name Indication) is required |
| ip_address | string | no | *IIS default* | Specifies the IP-Address of the interface to listen on |
| certificate_hash | string | no | *none* | Specifies the hash of the certificate to use when using type=https |


**Note:** The following example downloads a very simple HTML app from this repository.
Feel free to inspect the ZIP before running the job.

job "static-sample-app" {
datacenters = ["dc1"]
type = "service"

group "app" {
count = 1

# You may want to set this to true
# prevent_reschedule_on_lost = true

network {
port "httplabel" {}

task "app" {
driver = "iis"

artifact {
source = ""
destination = "local"

config {
application {
path = "local"

binding {
type = "http"
port = "httplabel"

resources {
cpu = 100
memory = 20

## 🌎 Environment Variables

All System Environment Variables available to the Nomad Client will be applied to the Application Pool.
You can supply additional ones by using the [`env` Block]( in the `task` stanza.

## ✨ Supported Signals

The Nomad IIS driver supports the following signals:

| Signal | Description |
| `SIGHUP` or `RECYCLE` | Recycles the Application Pool |
| `SIGINT` or `SIGKILL` | Stops and removes the Application. Note: When sending this signal manually, the job gets re-scheduled. |

To send a *RECYCLE* signal, run:

nomad alloc signal -s RECYCLE

Details about the command can be found [here](

## 🛡 Filesystem Isolation

Because there is no `chroot` on Windows, filesystem isolation is only handled via permissions.
For every AppPool, IIS creates a dedicated AppPool Service Account which is only allowed to access it's own directories. See commits of [GH-5]( for details.

Given a job spec with two tasks, the following table depicts the permissions for each AppPool *task1* and *task2* inside the [allocation directory](

| Directory | Access Level |
| `/alloc` | No Access |
| `/alloc/data` | Full Access for *task1* and *task2* |
| `/alloc/logs` | Full Access for *task1* and *task2* |
| `/alloc/tmp` | Full Access for *task1* and *task2* |
| `/task1/local` | Full Access for *task1* |
| `/task1/private` | No Access |
| `/task1/secrets` | Read Only for *task1*, No Access for *task2*, no file listing |
| `/task1/tmp` | Full Access for *task1* |
| `/task2/local` | Full Access for *task2* |
| `/task2/private` | No Access |
| `/task2/secrets` | Read Only for *task2*, No Access for *task1*, no file listing |
| `/task2/tmp` | Full Access for *task2* |

## 🌐 Using an existing Website

By specifying a *target_website* in the task configuration you can re-use an existing website managed outside of nomad.
In this case the driver will not create a new website but instead use the existing one where it provisions the virtual applications only.

Note that there're a few restrictions when using a target_website:

- The feature [needs to be enabled](#-driver-configuration).
- Re-using an existing website managed by nomad (owned by a different job or task), is not allowed.
- Bindings and other website-related configuration will have no effect.
- You need to make sure you constrain your jobs to nodes having this target_website available, otherwise the job will fail.
- You cannot create a root-application when using a target_website.

## 💬 UDP Logging

> This feature is considered experimental and not very well tested yet.

Unfortunately, IIS doesn't attach a Console to the *w3wp* processes and therefore *STDOUT* and *STDERR* streams are not available.
As a solution, *nomad-iis* can provide a UDP-endpoint and ship those log messages to the Nomad-Client.

The UDP log-sink exposes two more environment variables:

| Name | Description |
| `NOMAD_STDOUT_UDP_LOCAL_PORT` | The local port the appender has to use. Only messages from this port get received and forwarded to nomad. |
| `NOMAD_STDOUT_UDP_REMOTE_PORT` | The remote port of the log-sink where log events must be sent to. |

Please note, that you need to configure your app's logging provider to log to this UDP endpoint.
Here is an example log4net-appender on how to log to the UDP log-sink:



## 💡 Good to know / FAQ

### Anonymous Authentication and the IUSR account

By default, this driver will permit the built-in [*IUSR-account*]( to the *local* task directory.
This should allow anonymous authentication to work directly.
You can optionally disable this by setting `permit_iusr = false`.
In this case you may need to add the following snippet to your *web.config* to make anonymous authentication use the *AppPoolIdentity* instead.



> By default, changing the anonymous authentication via custom web.config is not allowed in IIS and you will get a *500 - Internal Server Error*.
> The corresponding section is locked on IIS Instance level.
> To unlock it, open the IIS Management Console, select the Server node on the left side and then navigate to *Feature Delegation*. Look for the entry *Authentication - Anonymous* and change it to *Read/Write*.
> If you want to automate this process, run the following Powershell Command:
> `Set-WebConfiguration //System.WebServer/Security/Authentication/anonymousAuthentication -metadata overrideMode -value Allow -PSPath IIS:/`

### asp-net-sample-app returns 500 - Internal Server Error

The asp-net-sample-app changes the anonymous authentication in a way, so that the App Pool Identity is being used.
Please see the *Important*-box above.

## 🛠 How to Compile

Run the setup command to download the nomad binary.


Build the project by running the following command:

cd src
dotnet build

Of course you can also compile with Visual Studio :)

## 🐛 How to Debug locally

There is a launch-profile to run nomad in dev-mode which automatically loads the driver plugin.
Open Visual Studio, select the *Nomad (Dev)* launch profile and press *F5*.

Note: To debug the driver itself, you need to attach the debugger to the nomad_iis.exe process manually.

## 🎁 How to build Release version

Run the *Release.pubxml* publish profile from Visual Studio. This will create a single binary exe called *nomad_iis.exe*.

## 🚧 TODOs and Known Issues

Check the [Open Issues here](

## ☕ Support

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