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A toy, event-driven command line app inspired by the Elm Architecture

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A toy, event-driven command line app inspired by the Elm Architecture

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# sigswift

This was actually an excuse to design a completely event-driven terminal program in Swift.
It's inspired by the [Elm Architecture][].


How it works:

- Sets the terminal to [raw mode][], to enable processing input
character-by-character instead of line-by-line.

- Configures a Grand Central Dispatch (GCD) `DispatchReadSource` to read from
standard input one character at a time.

- Configures a number of GCD `DispatchSignalSource`s to process signals as

- With the event handlers in place, models the application as an `App` struct
that receives an `Event`, optionally updates its state, and dispatches an
array of `Action`.

- No side effects are implemented in `App`, but are instead implemented in
top-level functions `handle()` and `dispatch()`, which convert `Action`s
into side effects.

[Elm Architecture]:
[raw mode]: