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chef my recipe collection in one cookbook. NEED TO SPLIT BY RECIPE.

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chef my recipe collection in one cookbook. NEED TO SPLIT BY RECIPE.

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myrecipe Cookbook

My recipe collection in one cookbook. NEED TO SPLIT BY RECIPE.


* depends "hostsfile" cookbook.
* depends "logrotate" cookbook.
* depends "rbenv" cookbook.


* `node["my_environment"]` - environment name for setup data select that will be used by myrecipe::hosts and myrecipe::users.

* `node["myrecipe"]["networking"]["gatewaydev"]` - set GATEWAYDEV to /etc/sysconfig/network. default is nil.

* `node["myrecipe"]["install_packages"]` - packages for install. default is [].

for example:

"install_packages": [
"some-rpm-package.rpm", //will convert to {"name": "some-rpm-package.rpm"}
"name": "some-rpm-package.rpm", //required
"cookbook": "target-cookbook", //optional: use localfile if provided
"url": "" //optional: download package if provided
{"name": "librarian-chef", "provider": "gem"},
{"name": "chef", "version": ">=11.6.0", "provider": "gem"},
{"name": "knife-solo-0.3.0.pre4.gem", "cookbook": "myrecipe"},
{ ... }

* `node["myrecipe"]["install_local_gems"]["rbenv"]` - default is "global".
* `node["myrecipe"]["install_local_gems"]["gems"]` - gem files to install from cookbook_file. default is [].
* `node["myrecipe"]["install_local_gems"]["cookbook"]` - cookbook for files default is nil (current cookbook).

* `node["myrecipe"]["mysql_grants"]` - mysql grants users. default is:

"mydb"=> {
"grants_ipaddresses" => [],
"database_account" => "",
"database_password" => ""

* `node["myrecipe"]["mysql_databases"]` - mysql database names to create. default is [].
* `node["myrecipe"]["mysql_extraconf"]` - mysql extra configuration settings. default is {}.

"section": {
"key1": 1,
"key2": "value2"

* `node["myrecipe"]["certificates"]["path"]` - certificates path. path permission will become 02700.

* `node["myrecipe"]["mha"]["node"]["packages"]` - packages are defined for mha node. see attributes.
* `node["myrecipe"]["mha"]["master"]["packages"]` - packages are defined for mha node. see attributes.

* `node["myrecipe"]["logrotate"] - setup logrotate.d file information array

"name": "mysql-slow",
"path": "/var/log/mysql/slow.log",
"options": ["missingok", "notifempty"],
"frequency": "daily",
"create": "0640 mysql mysql",
"rotate": 90

* `node["myrecipe"]["nginx_proxy"]["sites"]` - nginx application proxy site array

"site-id": { //site-id for nginx conf file name
"host_name": "", //default is node['fqdn']
"host_aliases": ["backup"], //default is []
"listen_ports": [80, 8080], //default is [8080]
"upstream_servers": [], //default is ['localhost:5000']
"www_redirect": false, //default is false
"client_max_body_size": "1024m", //default is nil
"ssl": true, //default is false
//if ssl is true, /etc/ssl/server-name.(key|crt) will be used.
"ssl_path": "/etc/ssl/private", //default is nil (using myrecipe.certificates.path)
"ssl_name": "server-name", //for key, crt file. default is nil (using name value)
"basicauth": { //default is nil
"realm": "realm-name",
"htpasswd": "htpasswd-file-path"
"extra_lines": [
"rewrite /foo/(.*) $1 permanent"
"locations": { //default is {}
"= /_health": [
"return 200 'good.';",
"#for health check."
"nested_proxy": false //default is false. It is effective for ELB.

* `node["myrecipe"]["rhodecode"]["work_dir"]` - default is "/var/www/rhodecode"
* `node["myrecipe"]["rhodecode"]["bind"]` - default is ""
* `node["myrecipe"]["rhodecode"]["user"]` - default is "www"
* `node["myrecipe"]["rhodecode"]["group"]` - default is "www"
* `node["myrecipe"]["rhodecode"]["workers"]` - default is 2
* `node["myrecipe"]["rhodecode"]["log_level"]` - default is "info"
* `node["myrecipe"]["rhodecode"]["ini_cookbook"]` - default is nil

* `node["myrecipe"]["sentry"]` - sentry application

"ini_cookbook": nil, //if you use full custom, set your cookbook name.
"work_dir": "/var/www/sentry", //sentry virtualenv dir
"url_prefix": "", //your domain as:
"url_subpath": nil, //subpath as: /sentry (you need add subpath to url_prefix too)
"bind_host": "", //http server: bind host
"bind_port": "9000", //http server: bind port
"proxy_proto": "https", //http server: proxy protocol. if you use http frontend, set 'http'.
"workers": 2, //http server: worker nums
"user": "www", //sentry directory/file/process user
"group": "www", //sentry directory/file/process group
"log_level": "info", //sentry application log level
"log_dir": "/var/log/sentry", //sentry application log directory
"db_host": "localhost", //mysql host
"db_port": 3306, //mysql port
"db_name": "sentry", //mysql dbname
"db_user": "sentry", //mysql user
"db_passwd": "sentry", //mysql passwd
"allow_registration": false, //allow registration for sentry site
"email_address": nil, //email address for notify email

// udp
"use_udp": true, //set false if you didn't want to install extra packages relates to udp
"udp_host": "", //udp server: bind host
"udp_port": "9001", //udp server: bind port
"extra_packages": {"udp": ['eventlet']},

// cache
"cache": nil, //set {"locations": ['']} if you want to use memcached cache
"extra_packages": {"cache": ['python-memcached']},

// queue and buffer
"use_redis": true, //set false if you didn't want to install extra packages relates to redis
"extra_packages": {"redis": ['redis', 'hiredis', 'nydus']},
"queue": nil, //set {"broker": "redis://localhost:6379/1"} if you want to use redis queue
"buffer": nil,
// configuration for builtin buffer
//{"backend": "sentry.buffer.base.Buffer", "options": "{'delay': 5}"}
// configuration for redis buffer
//{"backend": "sentry.buffer.redis.RedisBuffer", "options": "{'hosts': {0: {'host': 'localhost', 'port': 6379, 'db': 2}}}"}

Data bags

file `data_bags/hosts/.json` used by `myrecipe::hosts`.

example1, `data_bags/hosts/personal.json`:
"id": "personal",
"host-workstation": {
"ipaddr": "",
"aliases": [

example2, `data_bags/hosts/production.json`:
"id": "production",
"host-workstation": {
"ipaddr": "",
"unique": true
"host-ap1": {
"ipaddr": "",

example3, `data_bags/hosts/production.json`:
"id": "production",
"host-workstation": {
//"ipaddr": "", <- IP address is auto resolved by hostname ('host-workstation')
"aliases": [

file `data_bags/certificates/certificates.json` used by `myrecipe::certificates`:

"id": "certificates",
"keys": [
"filename": "jenkins",
"envnode": [
"filename": "rhodecode",
"crt": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\nMIICgzCCAeCCQrHh3AMoijNBk...",
"envnode": [


* `myrecipe::install_packages` - install packages
* `myrecipe::rbenv_prepare` - preparation for rbenv depends libraries
* `myrecipe::install_local_gems` - install gems from cookbook_file
* `myrecipe::certificates` - setup /etc/ssl files from data_bags.
* `myrecipe::users` - setup .ssh/config, authorized_keys, secret keys for users from data_bags. You need set node.users = ['user', 'names'] to work this feature.
* `myrecipe::hostname` - setup hostname from node[:set_fqdn] that need to prepare.
* `myrecipe::hosts` - setup /etc/hosts from data bag under hosts
* `myrecipe::networking` - network setting
* `myrecipe::gemrc` - setup gemrc file at /etc/gemrc for disabling rdoc compiling.
* `myrecipe::logrotate` - setup logrotate.d file.
* `myrecipe::mysql_grants` - grant users for mysql
* `myrecipe::mysql_databases` - create mysql databases
* `myrecipe::mysql_extraconf` - create extra configuration file that work with mysql recipe.
* `myrecipe::mysql_server` - postprocess for server directory.
* `myrecipe::mysql_backup` - create some configuration file for backup.
* `myrecipe::nginx_proxy` - setup nginx proxy site setting.
* `myrecipe::rhodecode` - setup rhadcode application.
* `myrecipe::remote_old_mongo` - uninstall old (before 2.4) mongodb packages.
* `myrecipe::sentry` - install sentry.

#### myrecipe::default

Just include `myrecipe::` in your node's `run_list`:

"run_list": [


1. Fork the repository on Github
2. Create a named feature branch (like `add_component_x`)
3. Write you change
4. Write tests for your change (if applicable)
5. Run the tests, ensuring they all pass
6. Submit a Pull Request using Github

License and Authors
Authors: Takayuki Shimizukawa
License: Apache 2.0