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Dark powered plugin manager for Vim/neovim

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Dark powered plugin manager for Vim/neovim

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# dpp.vim

> Dark Powered Plugin manager for Vim/neovim

If you don't want to configure plugins, you don't have to use the plugin
manager. It does not work with zero configuration. You can use other plugin


Please read [help](doc/dpp.txt) for details.

The development is supported by
[github sponsors]( Thank you!

Note: If you want to know why I use Deno or what means "dark powered", please
see "FAQ" section in [help](doc/dpp.txt).

- [Introduction](#introduction)
- [Install](#install)
- [Requirements](#requirements)
- [Config example](#config-example)
- [Extensions](#extensions)
- [Protocols](#protocols)

## Introduction

## Install

**Note:** Dpp.vim requires Neovim (0.10.0+ and of course, **latest** is
recommended) or Vim 9.0.1276. See [requirements](#requirements) if you aren't
sure whether you have this.

NOTE: To install plugins from remote, you need to install

### Requirements

Please install both Deno 1.45+ and "denops.vim" v7.0+.


### Config example

Show Vim script configuration example using
"~/.cache/dpp" as the base path location.

" Ward off unexpected things that your distro might have made, as
" well as sanely reset options when re-sourcing .vimrc
set nocompatible

" Set dpp base path (required)
const s:dpp_base = '~/.cache/dpp/'

" Set dpp source path (required)
" NOTE: The plugins must be cloned before.
const s:dpp_src = '~/.cache/dpp/repos/'
const s:denops_src = '~/.cache/dpp/repos/'
"const s:denops_installer =
"\ '~/.cache/dpp/repos/'

" Set dpp runtime path (required)
execute 'set runtimepath^=' .. s:dpp_src

if s:dpp_base->dpp#min#load_state()
" NOTE: dpp#make_state() requires denops.vim
" NOTE: denops.vim and dpp plugins are must be added
execute 'set runtimepath^=' .. s:denops_src
"execute 'set runtimepath^=' .. s:denops_installer

autocmd User DenopsReady
\ : echohl WarningMsg
\ | echomsg 'dpp load_state() is failed'
\ | echohl NONE
\ | call dpp#make_state(s:dpp_base, '{TypeScript config file path}')

autocmd User Dpp:makeStatePost
\ : echohl WarningMsg
\ | echomsg 'dpp make_state() is done'
\ | echohl NONE

" Attempt to determine the type of a file based on its name and
" possibly its " contents. Use this to allow intelligent
" auto-indenting " for each filetype, and for plugins that are
" filetype specific.
filetype indent plugin on

" Enable syntax highlighting
if has('syntax')
syntax on

Show Lua configuration using "~/.cache/dpp" as the base
path location.

local dppSrc = "~/.cache/dpp/repos/"
local denopsSrc = "~/.cache/dpp/repos/"
--local denopsInstaller =
-- "~/.cache/dpp/repos/"


local dpp = require("dpp")

local dppBase = "~/.cache/dpp"
if dpp.load_state(dppBase) then

vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("User", {
pattern = "DenopsReady",
callback = function()
vim.notify("dpp load_state() is failed")
dpp.make_state(dppBase, {TypeScript config file path})

vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("User", {
pattern = "Dpp:makeStatePost",
callback = function()
vim.notify("dpp make_state() is done")

vim.cmd("filetype indent plugin on")
vim.cmd("syntax on")

## Extensions

Extensions implement fancy features like other plugin managers.





You can find other extensions by
[the topic](

## Protocols

Protocols implement VCS related features.


You can find other protocols by
[the topic](