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A curated list of Clojure resources for dealing with graph-like data.

clojure datalog graph-theory graphs neo4j owl rdf semantic-web triples

Last synced: 7 days ago
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A curated list of Clojure resources for dealing with graph-like data.

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Clojure graph resources
This is a curated list of mostly mature and/or actively developed Clojure resources relevant for dealing with graph-like data. It's currently being expanded as I explore this area more thoroughly. Suggestions are welcome in the form of pull requests or Github issues. I try to steer around abandonware, though.

> If you're interested in DSLs and parsing, be sure to check out [clojure-dsl-resources]( too.

Data structures / algorithms
* [aysylu/loom]( Graph library for Clojure.
* [Engelberg/ubergraph]( An all-purpose Clojure graph data structure that implements Loom protocols and more.
* [ont-app/igraph]( IGraph defines a protocol which aims to provide a general interface to a variety of graph-based representations.
* [totakke/jungerer]( Clojure network/graph library wrapping JUNG.
* [pangloss/fermor]( Fast, powerful, general-purpose graph traversal and modelling tools plus a performant immutable in-memory graph database.
* [ekoontz/dag-unify]( A Clojure library for combining directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) via unification.
* [aroemers/rmap]( Clojure library for defining recursive maps; literally, programmatically and with pure data.
* [cjsauer/joinery]( Enables traversal of in-memory graph-like data structures using Clojure(Script)'s map protocols.

* [chrismurrph/show-graph]( Translates a particular directed graph data structure (graph with vertices and edges) into a JavaFX view that can be seen from Reveal.
* [jebberjeb/specviz]( Generate Graphviz images from clojure.spec.
* [benedekfazekas/morpheus]( Generate dependency graph(s) for variables in Clojure(Script) namespaces.
* [jpmonettas/clograms]( Clojure[Script] source code diagrams.
* [jafingerhut/cljol]( Visualise the memory usage of a Java object and all the objects that it references as a graph.

### Labeled-property graph
Labeled-property graph databases use complex graph models where edges and vertices can have both labels and associated properties.

* [gorillalabs/neo4j-clj]( Clojuresque client to Neo4j database, based upon the bolt protocol.
* [full-spectrum/neo4clj]( Neo4clj is a idomatic clojure client, exclusivly using Bolt for performance.

### RDF + OWL
RDF triplestores are a specialised type of graph database for representing knowledge graphs; part of the W3C Semantic Web standards.

* [arachne-framework/aristotle]( An RDF/OWL library for Clojure, providing a data-oriented wrapper for Apache Jena.
- [ont-app/igraph-jena]( This is a port of the Jena APIs to the IGraph protocol.
* [Swirrl/grafter]( Linked Data & RDF Manufacturing Tools in Clojure.
- [Swirrl/matcha]( In-memory, schemaless triplestore with a SPARQL-like DSL.
- [ont-app/igraph-grafter]( A port of the IGraph protocols to the Grafter protocols.
* [stardog-union/stardog-clj]( Clojure language bindings for the proprietary Stardog Graph / RDF Database.
* [fluree/db]( Fluree is an immutable, temporal, ledger-backed semantic graph database that has a cloud-native architecture.
* [fluree/json-ld]( A Clojure(script) JSON-LD library.
* [yetanalytics/flint]( A Clojure(Script) DSL for creating SPARQL query and update strings.
* [Swirrl/csv2rdf]( Clojure library and application implementing the [W3C CSV on the Web tabular metadata specifications]( for converting CSV to RDF.
* [ont-app/vocabulary]( Utilities to map between clojure namespaced keywords and RDF-style URIs.
* [phillord/tawny-owl]( Tawny-OWL allows construction of OWL ontologies, in a evaluative, functional and fully programmatic environment.
- [phillord/owl-primer]( The Ontology from the owl-primer written using Tawny-OWL.
* [sam_russell/porta-owl-sqwrl]( (GITLAB) A Clojure domain-specific language for Web Ontology Language (OWL) and Semantic (Query) Web Rule Language (SQWRL).

### Datalog
Clojure's Datomic-like databases also model data as triplets... or in some cases technically as quintuplets AKA datoms. See []( for a comparison of some of the Datalog database options listed below.

* []( _(PROPRIETARY)_ A transactional database with a flexible data model, elastic scaling, and rich queries.
- [vvvvalvalval/datofu]( This library provides common utilities for working with Datomic, mostly in the form of database functions.
- [vvvvalvalval/datomock]( Mocking and forking Datomic Peer connections in-memory.
- [vvvvalvalval/datalog-rules]( Utilities for managing Datalog rulesets from Clojure.
- [avescodes/conformity]( A Clojure/Datomic library for idempotently transacting norms into your database.
- [JarrodCTaylor/schema-cartographer]( Schema Cartographer provides a means to visualize, navigate, create, edit and share the relationships that exist in your Datomic schema.
- [Provisdom/spectomic]( Generate Datomic or Datascript schema from your Clojure(script) specs.
- [ivarref/gen-fn]( Generate Datomic function literals from regular Clojure namespaces (on-prem).
- [ivarref/rewriting-history]( A library to rewrite Datomic history (on-prem).
- [ivarref/yoltq]( An opinionated Datomic queue for building more reliable systems (on-prem).
- [ivarref/double-trouble]( Handle duplicate Datomic transactions with ease.
- [ivarref/datomic-schema]( Simplified writing of Datomic schemas.
- [ont-app/datomic-client]( Ports the Datomic Client to the IGraph protocols.
* [tonsky/datascript]( An immutable in-memory database and Datalog query engine in Clojure and ClojureScript.
- [mpdairy/posh]( Posh is a ClojureScript / React library that lets you use a single DataScript database to store your app state.
- [denistakeda/re-posh]( Re-posh allows Posh and re-frame to work together by adding support for re-frame specific subscriptions, events, effects, and co-effects to Posh.
- [metasoarous/datsync]( This library offers tools for building DataScript databases as materialized views (very much in the re-frame/samsa sense) of some master/central Datomic database.
- [frankiesardo/minikusari]( minikusari is a minimal rule engine built on top of Datascript (and can work with Datomic or Datahike).
- [ont-app/datascript-graph]( An implementation of the IGraph protocol extended to datascript.
* [mhuebert/re-db]( Attempts to be a fast, reactive, client-side triple-store for handling global state in ClojureScript apps, inspired by Datomic/DataScript, working in conjunction with Reagent.
* [replikativ/datahike]( Datahike is a durable Datalog database powered by an efficient Datalog query engine.
- [replikativ/datahike-frontend]( A front-end to Datahike written in Fulcro.
- [lambdaforge/datalog-parser]( This parser is used by Datahike and follows the Datalog dialect of Datomic.
* [juji-io/datalevin]( Datalevin is a simple durable Datalog database.
* [quoll/asami]( A graph database, for Clojure and ClojureScript.
- [quoll/asami-loom]( This library extends Asami in-memory graphs to Loom.
* [xtdb/xtdb]( XTDB is a general purpose database with graph-oriented bitemporal indexes.
* [Workiva/eva]( Eva is a distributed database-system implementing an entity-attribute-value data-model that is time-aware, accumulative, and atomically consistent.
* [ribelo/doxa]( An in-memory datalog database implemented with [Meander](
* [threatgrid/naga]( Datalog based rules engine.
* [den1k/nldl]( Natural Language for Clojure's Datalog flavor as present in Datomic, Datascript, Datahike etc.

### Other

* [clojurewerkz/ogre]( Ogre is a Clojure Gremlin Language Variant of the Gremlin graph traversal language from Apache Tinkerpop, which is an open source, vendor-agnostic, graph computing framework.
* [fern-flower-lab/sqlg-clj]( Tinkerpop3 graphs in a relalional database ([Sqlg]( wrapper).
* [stuartsierra/mapgraph]( Basic in-memory graph database of maps with links.
* [den1k/subgraph]( Reactive graph database for re-frame; a fork of stuartsierra/mapgraph.
* [keechma/keechma-entitydb]( EntityDB is a client side database and normalization engine.

* [juxt/pull]( Like Datomic pull, but can be used on any map.
* [edn-query-language/eql]( EQL is a declarative way to make hierarchical (and possibly nested) selections of information about data requirements.
- [souenzzo/eql-style-guide]( This guide covers both EQL as an abstract API and common library usage, like fulcro and pathom.
- [wilkerlucio/pathom]( Pathom is a Clojure(script) engine for processing EQL requests.
* [wilkerlucio/pathom3]( Pathom3 is a redesign of Pathom.
* [jlesquembre/pathom-pedestal]( A library to integrate pathom and pedestal.
- [graphqlize/honeyeql]( HoneyEQL transforms EQL into efficient SQL.
- [lilactown/pyramid]( A library for storing and querying graph data in a Clojure map.
* [sixthnormal/pullql]( A GraphQL-like query language for DataScript, optimized for execution across many entities at once.
* [walkable-server/walkable]( A Clojure(script) SQL library for building APIs: Datomic® (GraphQL-ish) pull syntax, data driven configuration, dynamic filtering with relations in mind.
* [walmartlabs/lacinia]( This library is a full implementation of Facebook's GraphQL specification.
- [vlaaad/plusinia]( Solution to N+1 problem in Lacinia.
* [graphqlize/graphqlize]( A library for creating a GraphQL API for a Postgres or MySQL database.
* [timrichardt/hicgql]( GraphQL in Clojure data structures.
* [ivarref/clj-paginate]( Pagination of vectors and maps with Clojure for GraphQL

* [fulcrologic/fulcro]( Fulcro is a full-stack web framework where a single underlying graph acts as the shared data model of both backend and frontend.
* [plumatic/plumbing]( Plumbing and Graph: the Clojure utility belt. Graph is a simple and declarative way to specify a structured computation, which is easy to analyze, change, compose, and monitor.
* [simongray/datalinguist]( Stanford CoreNLP in idiomatic Clojure. Support for dependency grammar graphs, pattern matching, and visualisation.
* [nwjsmith/generators.graph]( test.check generators for graph data.
* [jackrusher/mundaneum]( A clojure wrapper around WikiData.
* [Swirrl/cubiql]( A proof of concept GraphQL service for querying Linked Data Cubes.
* [esuomi/muotti]( A graph-based value transformer library.

### Personal knowledge graphs
It is perhaps worth mentioning that several tools have been written in Clojure for making personal knowledge graphs through note-taking. The first one to appear was [Roam Research]( (proprietary). It has since inspired [Athens Research]( (open source, commercial) and [Logseq]( (open source, community-driven). These tools are all based on libraries listed in the Datalog section.

* [Open Source Clojure-Datalog Databases](
* [Domain modeling with Datalog](
* [Introduction to Asami](

RDF has a small, but steady Clojure following. People are using Neo4j with Clojure, but not talking much about it. Datomic-like Datalog databases have the most momentum.

* [Clojurians Slack]( Where Clojure's most active users seem to hang out.
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- [#xtdb](
- [#neo4j]( - currently dead, but maybe you can make it come alive?