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# PSToolKit

## Description

A Repository of my random scripts and functions writen over the years, there is a wyde range of tools in this module, used by a SysAdmin and EUC Administrator.


## Win-Bootstrap

Boxstarter scripts to setup a new windows machine.

- Run the following commands to install Boxstarter:

Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force
[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072
iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))
Get-Boxstarter -Force

- Then click on one of the below links to start.

|Click link to run |Description |
| [System Setup](') | Use [PSToolKit]( to Install a new System.|

> **Warning**
>> You will need a valid **github userid** and **token** to continue.

## Manage Modules and Apps
- Run the following to update or install apps using the module: [PSPackageMan]( ([PS Gallary](
Invoke-RestMethod | Invoke-Expression
- Run the following to update or install PS Modules using the module: [PWSHModule]( ([PS Gallary](
Invoke-RestMethod | Invoke-Expression
- Install this module.
Invoke-RestMethod | Invoke-Expression
## Getting Started

- Run this script to install from GitHub [GitHub Repo](

$CurrentLocation = Get-Item .
$ModuleDestination = (Join-Path (Get-Item (Join-Path (Get-Item $profile).Directory 'Modules')).FullName -ChildPath PSToolKit)
git clone --depth 1 $ModuleDestination 2>&1 | Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow
Set-Location $ModuleDestination
git filter-branch --prune-empty --subdirectory-filter Output HEAD 2>&1 | Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow
Set-Location $CurrentLocation
- Or from the created Powershell Script:
Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force
(New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('', "$($env:tmp)\Start-PSToolkitSystemInitialize.ps1")
Import-Module (Get-Item "$($env:tmp)\Start-PSToolkitSystemInitialize.ps1") -Force; Start-PSToolkitSystemInitialize

- Then import the module into your session

Import-Module PSToolKit -Verbose -Force

- or run these commands for more help and details.

Get-Command -Module PSToolKit
Get-Help about_PSToolKit

Documentation can be found at: [Github_Pages](

## PS Controller Scripts
- boxstarter-install.ps1
- call-initial.ps1
- Initial-Setup.ps1
- Run-Install-Apps.ps1
- Run-Install-Modules.ps1
- Run-Install-PSToolKit.ps1

## Functions
- [`Add-ChocolateyPrivateRepo`]( -- Add a private repository to Chocolatey.
- [`Backup-ElevatedShortcut`]( -- Exports the RunAss shortcuts, to a zip file
- [`Backup-PowerShellProfile`]( -- Creates a zip file from the ps profile directories
- [`Compare-ADMembership`]( -- Compare two users AD group memberships
- [`Connect-VMWareCluster`]( -- Connect to a vSphere cluster to perform other commands or scripts
- [`Disable-WebEncoding`]( -- decode a URL
- [`Edit-SSHConfigFile`]( -- Creates and modifies the ssh config file in their profile.
- [`Enable-RemoteHostPSRemoting`]( -- enable ps remote remotely
- [`Enable-WebEncoding`]( -- encode a URL
- [`Export-ESXTemplate`]( -- Export all VM Templates from vSphere to local disk.
- [`Find-ChocolateyApp`]( -- Search the online repo for software
- [`Find-OnlineModule`]( -- Creates reports based on PSGallery.
- [`Find-OnlineScript`]( -- Creates reports based on PSGallery. Filtered by scripts
- [`Get-CitrixClientVersion`]( -- Report on the CItrix workspace versions the users are using.
- [`Get-CitrixPolicy`]( -- Export Citrix Policies
- [`Get-CommandFiltered`]( -- Finds commands on the system and sort it according to module
- [`Get-DotNetVersions`]( -- List all the installed versions of .net.
- [`Get-FolderSize`]( -- Gets folder sizes using COM and with a fallback to robocopy.exe with the logging option
- [`Get-FQDN`]( -- Get FQDN for a device, and checks if it is online
- [`Get-FullADUserDetail`]( -- Extract user details from the domain
- [`Get-MyPSGalleryReport`]( -- Gallery report
- [`Get-MyPSGalleryStat`]( -- Show stats about my published modules.
- [`Get-NestedADGroupMember`]( -- Extract users from an AD group recursive, 4 levels deep.
- [`Get-ProcessPerformance`]( -- Gets the top 10 processes by CPU %
- [`Get-PropertiesToCSV`]( -- Get member data of an object. Use it to create other PSObjects.
- [`Get-PSObject`]( -- Show all Object Methods and Properties.
- [`Get-RDSSessionReport`]( -- Reports on Connects and Disconnects on a RDS Farm.
- [`Get-ServerInventory`]( -- Connect to remote host and collect server details.
- [`Get-SoftwareAudit`]( -- Connects to a remote hosts and collect installed software details
- [`Get-SystemInfo`]( -- Get system details of a remote device
- [`Get-SystemUptime`]( -- Calculates the uptime of a system
- [`Get-WinEventLogExtract`]( -- Extract Event logs of a server list, and create html / excel report
- [`Import-CitrixSiteConfigFile`]( -- Import the Citrix config file, and created a variable with the details
- [`Import-XamlConfigFile`]( -- Import the wpf xaml file and create variables from objects
- [`Install-AppsFromPSPackageMan`]( -- Uses the module PSPackageMan to install apps from a GitHub Gist File.
- [`Install-BGInfo`]( -- Install and auto runs bginfo at start up.
- [`Install-ChocolateyClient`]( -- Downloads and installs the Chocolatey client.
- [`Install-ChocolateyServer`]( -- This will download, install and setup a new Chocolatey Repo Server
- [`Install-LocalPSRepository`]( -- Short desCreates a repository for offline installations.
- [`Install-ModulesFromPWSHModule`]( -- Uses the module PWSHModulePS to install PS Modules from a GitHub Gist File.
- [`Install-MSUpdate`]( -- Perform windows update
- [`Install-NFSClient`]( -- Install NFS Client for windows
- [`Install-PowerShell7x`]( -- Install ps7
- [`Install-RSAT`]( -- Install Remote Admin Tools
- [`Install-VMWareTool`]( -- Install vmware tools from chocolatety
- [`New-CitrixSiteConfigFile`]( -- A config file with Citrix server details and URLs. To be used in scripts.
- [`New-ElevatedShortcut`]( -- Creates a shortcut to a script or exe that runs as admin, without UNC
- [`New-GodModeFolder`]( -- Creates a God Mode Folder
- [`New-GoogleSearch`]( -- Start a new browser tab with search string.
- [`New-MSEdgeWebApp`]( -- Creates a new webapp to a URL, and save the shortcut on your system.
- [`New-PSGenericList`]( -- Creates a .net list object
- [`New-PSModule`]( -- Creates a new PowerShell module.
- [`New-PSProfile`]( -- Creates new profile files in the documents folder
- [`New-PSReportingScript`]( -- Script template for scripts to create reports
- [`New-PSScript`]( -- Creates a new PowerShell script. With PowerShell Script Info
- [`New-SuggestedInfraName`]( -- Generates a list of usernames and server names, that can be used as test / demo data.
- [`Publish-ModuleToLocalRepo`]( -- Checks for required modules and upload all to your local repo.
- [`Remove-CIMUserProfile`]( -- Uses CimInstance to remove a user profile
- [`Remove-FaultyProfileList`]( -- Fixes Profilelist in the registry. To fix user logon with temp profile.
- [`Remove-HiddenDevice`]( -- Removes ghost devices from your system
- [`Remove-UserProfile`]( -- Connects to a server and renames a user profile folder, and delete the key from Profilelist in the registry
- [`Reset-FileOwnership`]( -- Reset the ownership of a directory and add full control to the folder.
- [`Reset-Module`]( -- Removes and force import a module.
- [`Reset-PSGallery`]( -- Reset gallery to default settings
- [`Resolve-SID`]( -- Resolves the Sid
- [`Restore-ElevatedShortcut`]( -- Restore the RunAss shortcuts, from a zip file
- [`Search-Script`]( -- Search for a string in a directory of ps1 scripts.
- [`Set-FolderCustomIcon`]( -- Will change the icon of a folder to a custom selected icon
- [`Set-PSProjectFile`]( -- Creates and modify needed files for a PS project from existing module files.
- [`Set-PSToolKitSystemSetting`]( -- Set multiple settings on desktop or server
- [`Set-ScheduledRestart`]( -- Create a scheduled task to reboot a server.
- [`Set-SharedPSProfile`]( -- Redirects PowerShell and WindowsPowerShell profile folder to another path.
- [`Set-StaticIP`]( -- Set static IP on device
- [`Set-TempFolder`]( -- Set all the temp environmental variables to c:\temp
- [`Set-UserDesktopWallpaper`]( -- Change the wallpaper for the user.
- [`Set-VSCodeExplorerSortOrder`]( -- Change the sort order in VSCode explorer
- [`Set-WindowsAutoLogin`]( -- Enable autologin on a device.
- [`Show-ComputerManagement`]( -- Opens the Computer Management of the system or remote system
- [`Show-ModulePathList`]( -- Show installed module list grouped by install path.
- [`Show-MyPSGalleryModule`]( -- Show version numbers ext. about my modules.
- [`Show-PSToolKit`]( -- Show details of the commands in this module.
- [`Start-DomainControllerReplication`]( -- Start replication between Domain Controllers.
- [`Start-PowerShellAsAdmin`]( -- Starts a porwershell session as an administrator
- [`Start-PSProfile`]( -- My PS Profile for all sessions.
- [`Start-PSRoboCopy`]( -- My wrapper for default robocopy switches
- [`Start-PSScriptAnalyzer`]( -- Run and report ScriptAnalyzer output
- [`Start-PSToolkitSystemInitialize`]( -- Initialize a blank machine.
- [`Test-CitrixCloudConnector`]( -- Perform basic connection tests to Citrix cloud.
- [`Test-CitrixVDAPort`]( -- Test connection between DDC and VDI
- [`Test-IsFileOpen`]( -- Checks if a file is open
- [`Test-PSPendingReboot`]( -- This script tests various registry values to see if the local computer is pending a reboot.
- [`Test-PSRemote`]( -- Test PSb Remote to a device.
- [`Test-SystemOnline`]( -- Does basic checks for connecting to a remote device
- [`Update-ListOfDDC`]( -- Update list of ListOfDDCs in the registry
- [`Update-LocalHelp`]( -- Downloads and saves help files locally
- [`Update-MyModulesFromGitHub`]( -- Updates my modules
- [`Update-PSDefaultParameter`]( -- Updates the $PSDefaultParameterValues variable
- [`Update-PSModuleInfo`]( -- Update PowerShell module manifest file
- [`Write-Ascii`]( -- Create Ascii Art
- [`Write-PSMessage`]( -- Writes the given into to screen
- [`Write-PSReports`]( -- Creates a excel or html report
- [`Write-PSToolKitLog`]( -- Create a log for scripts