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This repo has all my favorite and recommended tools for Mac

Last synced: 18 days ago
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This repo has all my favorite and recommended tools for Mac

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# Favorite DevTools - FavTools

This repository contains a curated list of my favorite and recommended tools for macOS. It includes software for development, terminal emulators, themes, CLI tools, applications, Chrome extensions, search engines, and Git aliases.

## Table of Contents

- [Dev Tools](#dev-tools)
- [Terminal](#terminal)
- [Themes](#themes)
- [CLI Tools](#cli-tools)
- [Iterm specific settings](#iterm-settings)
- [Applications](#applications)
- [Chrome Extensions](#chrome-extensions)
- [Chrome Search Engines](#chrome-search-engines)
- [Git Aliases](#git-aliases)

## Dev Tools

- **Xcode** - [Installation Guide](
xcode-select --install

- **brew** - The missing package manager for macOS (or Linux), used to install, update and uninstall software. [Official Website](
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

## Terminal

- **iterm2** - An open-source replacement for Apple's Terminal. It's highly customizable and comes with a lot of useful features. [Official Website](
brew install --cask iterm2

- **zsh** - An extended Bourne shell with a large number of improvements, including some features of Bash, ksh, and tcsh. [Official Website](
brew install zsh

- **Oh-my-zsh** - A community-driven and open-source framework for managing your ZSH configuration. It comes with a lot of helpful functions, helpers, plugins, and themes. [Official Website](
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"

- **Warp** - A blazingly fast, intuitive terminal specifically designed for developers. [Official Website](
brew install --cask warp

### Iterm settings:
- *Hotkey:* `Preferences -> Keys -> Hotkey`
- *Native key mappings:* `Preferences -> Profile -> Keys -> Key Mappings -> Presets... -> Native`

## Themes

- **Powerlvl10k** - A theme for Zsh. It emphasizes speed, flexibility, and out-of-the-box experience. [GitHub](
brew install romkatv/powerlevel10k/powerlevel10k
echo "source $(brew --prefix)/opt/powerlevel10k/powerlevel10k.zsh-theme" >>~/.zshrc

## CLI Tools

- **tig** - Text-mode interface for git. Tig is a git repository browser that additionally can act as a pager for output from various git commands. [GitHub](
brew install tig

- **tldr** - A collection of simplified and community-driven man pages. [Official Website](
brew install tldr

- **fzf** - A general-purpose command-line fuzzy finder. It's an interactive Unix filter for command-line that can be used with any list. [GitHub](
brew install fzf
$(brew --prefix)/opt/fzf/install

- **Z** - Jump around. Tracks your most used directories, based on 'frecency'. [GitHub](
git clone $ZSH_CUSTOM/plugins/zsh-z

- **zsh-autosuggestions** - Fish-like fast/unobtrusive autosuggestions for zsh. It suggests commands as you type, based on command history. [GitHub](
git clone ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/plugins/zsh-autosuggestions

- **zsh-syntax-highlighting** - Provides syntax highlighting for the shell zsh. It enables highlighting of commands whilst they are typed at a zsh prompt into an interactive terminal. [GitHub](
git clone
echo "source ${(q-)PWD}/zsh-syntax-highlighting/zsh-syntax-highlighting.zsh" >> ${ZDOTDIR:-$HOME}/.zshrc

- **fx** - Command-line JSON processing tool. [GitHub](
brew install fx

- **Lvim** - LunarVim is a distribution of neovim crafted to ensure you are working in a moon-like development environment. [Official Website](
LV_BRANCH='release-1.3/neovim-0.9' bash <(curl -s

- **bat** - A cat clone with syntax highlighting and git integration. [GitHub](
brew install bat

- **exa** - A modern replacement for 'ls'. Exa is a modern replacement for the command-line program ls that ships with Unix and Linux operating systems, with more features and better defaults. [Official Website](
brew install exa
alias ls="exa"
- **thefuck** - A tool that corrects errors in previous console commands. [GitHub](
brew install thefuck
alias fuck="thefuck"

## Applications
***Note: 💰 means that they're not free!***

- **Chrome**
brew install --cask google-chrome

- **Jetbrains toolbox** - Helps to manage and keep JetBrains IDEs up to date. Provides a simple and convenient way to keep track of all your IDE projects and applications.
brew install --cask jetbrains-toolbox

- **VSCode** - A freeware source-code editor made by Microsoft for Windows, Linux and macOS. Features include support for debugging, syntax highlighting, intelligent code completion, snippets, code refactoring, and embedded Git. [Official Website](
brew install --cask visual-studio-code

- **Rectangle** - A window management application for MacOS. It allows the user to quickly and easily manage their windows, without the need for complex and time consuming dragging. [Official Website](
brew install --cask rectangle

- **Meetingbar** - A macOS menu bar app for your calendar meetings (Google, Outlook, Zoom, MS Teams, Webex, Jitsi, RingCentral, Hangouts, Telephone, Lark, etc). Quickly join meetings from event or create ad hoc meeting. [GitHub](
brew install --cask meetingbar

- **Spotify** - [Official Website](
brew install --cask spotify

- **Maccy** - A lightweight clipboard manager for macOS. It keeps your copy history at hand, so you don't have to worry about losing any copied data. [Official Website](
brew install --cask maccy
- 💰**Paste** - If you prefer better clipboard manager for macOS. [Official Website](

- **Raycast** - The macOS command line bar. It lets you control your tools with a few keystrokes and create your own script commands. [Official Website](
brew install --cask raycast
- 💰**Fantastical** - A versatile and user-friendly calendar app for macOS, known for its ease of use and integration with various calendar services. [Official Website](

- **Cheatsheet** - A simple tool for macOS that gives you access to shortcuts of the application you are using, just by holding the command key. [Official Website](
brew install --cask cheatsheet

- **Amphetamine** - An app for macOS that keeps your machine awake for a configurable amount of time. Perfect for when you're reading, working, or doing a presentation. [Official App Store page](
- **CameraController** - Control your cameras settings without using the software provided (or not) by the company. [GitHub](
brew tap homebrew/cask-drivers
brew install --cask cameracontroller

## Chrome Extensions

| Extension Name | URL |
| Vimium | [Link]( |
| Viewer Devtools | [Link]( |
| Wix Insiders | [Link]( |
| iWix Extension | [Link]( |
| Wix Statics Override | [Link]( |
| Wix Petri Sidekick | [Link]( |
| WIX BI Monitor | [Link]( |
| Node.js V8 --inspector Manager (NiM) | [Link]( |
| Redux DevTools | [Link]( |
| React Developer Tools | [Link]( |
| X-Seen-By | [Link]( |
| Url Editor PRO | [Link]( |
| Requestly | [Link]( |
| Proxy SwitchyOmega | [Link]( |
| EditThisCookie | [Link]( |
| JSON Viewer | [Link]( |
| Better Pull Request for GitHub | [Link]( |
| Refined GitHub | [Link]( |
| OctoLinker | [Link]( |
| Web Vitals | [Link]( |
| Wix URL Editor | [Link]( |

## Chrome Search Engines
You can use my official [Annie-Bunny](

Or make your own! in chrome://settings/searchEngines
- Backoffice

- Wix-life

- GitHub wix-private
- ***Pro Tip*** Your PRs! add the following for the `pr` search command
My opened Pull-Requests

## Git Aliases

masterbase = !git fetch && git rebase origin/master && git push --force-with-lease
lg = log --color --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --abbrev-commit
graph = log --all --graph --decorate --oneline
undo = reset HEAD~1
yarnshmock = "!f() { git checkout origin/master -- yarn.lock && yarn && git add yarn.lock && git commit -m 'Resolve yarn.lock conflict by accepting master branch version and running yarn' && git push;}; f"