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Manage your Containerfile with Dhall.

containerfile dhall dhall-lang

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Manage your Containerfile with Dhall.

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# dhall-containerfile

Manage your Containerfile with [Dhall][dhall-lang].

Main [documentation](

## Usage

The package provides convenient function to create the statements:

-- ./examples/demo.dhall
let Containerfile = ../package.dhall

in Containerfile.from "fedora"
# Containerfile.emptyLine
"Install emacs"
[ "dnf update -y", "dnf install -y emacs-nox", "dnf clean all" ]
# Containerfile.volume [ "/data" ]
# Containerfile.label
( toMap
{ description = "a text editor"
, maintainer = "[email protected]"
# Containerfile.emptyLine
# Containerfile.entrypoint [ "emacs" ]


# dhall text <<< '(./package.dhall).render ./examples/demo.dhall'
FROM fedora

# Install emacs
RUN dnf update -y && dnf install -y emacs-nox && dnf clean all

VOLUME ["/data"]
LABEL description="a text editor"
LABEL maintainer="[email protected]"

ENTRYPOINT ["emacs"]


## Reference

The package implements the [Containerfile reference][ref] with these changes:

* `Exec` is the `RUN` exec form
* `Cmd` only supports the preferred exec form
* `Empty` denotes an empty lines
* `Add` only supports the list form without chown argument
* `Copy` only supports the list form without chown argument
* `Entrypoint` only supports the prefered exec form

-- ./Containerfile/Statement.dhall
Based on [Dockerfile format](
let Prelude = ../Prelude.dhall

in < From : Text
| Run : Text
| Cmd : List Text
| Exec : List Text
| Label : Prelude.Map.Type Text Text
| Expose : Text
| Env : Prelude.Map.Type Text Text
| Add : List Text
| Copy : List Text
| CopyFrom : { from : Text, files : List Text }
| Entrypoint : List Text
| Volume : List Text
| User : Text
| Workdir : Text
| Arg : Prelude.Map.Type Text Text
| Shell : List Text
| Comment : Text
| Empty
: Type


## Example

A complete example to build an ffmpeg image with some options:

-- ./examples/ffmpeg.dhall
let Containerfile = ../package.dhall

let FfmpegOption =
{ Type = { x264 : Bool, xcb : Bool }
, default = { x264 = True, xcb = True }

let buildLib =
\(name : Text) ->
\(url : Text) ->
\(build-commands : List Text) ->
"${name}: ${Containerfile.concatSep " " build-commands}"
( [ "cd /usr/local/src"
, "git clone --depth 1 ${url}"
, "cd ${name}"
# build-commands
# [ "make", "make install" ]

let make
: FfmpegOption.Type -> Containerfile.Type
= \(options : FfmpegOption.Type) ->
let build-reqs =
[ "autoconf"
, "automake"
, "cmake"
, "freetype-devel"
, "gcc"
, "gcc-c++"
, "git"
, "libtool"
, "make"
, "nasm"
, "pkgconfig"
, "zlib-devel"
, "numactl-devel"
# Containerfile.optionalTexts options.xcb [ "libxcb-devel" ]

let runtime-reqs =
[ "numactl" ]
# Containerfile.optionalTexts options.xcb [ "libxcb" ]

let x264-build =
( buildLib
[ "./configure --prefix=\"/usr/local\" --enable-static" ]

let yasm-build =
[ "autoreconf -fiv", "./configure --prefix=\"/usr/local\"" ]

let ffmpeg-build =
[ Containerfile.concatSep
" "
( [ "PKG_CONFIG_PATH=\"/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig\""
, "./configure"
, "--prefix=\"/usr/local\""
, "--extra-cflags=\"-I/usr/local/include\""
, "--extra-ldflags=\"-L/usr/local/lib\""
, "--pkg-config-flags=\"--static\""
, "--enable-gpl"
, "--enable-nonfree"
# Containerfile.optionalTexts
[ "--enable-libx264" ]
# Containerfile.optionalTexts
[ "--enable-libxcb" ]

let bootstrap =
"Install build and runtime reqs"
[ "dnf install -y "
++ Containerfile.concatSep " " (build-reqs # runtime-reqs)

let cleanup =
[ "rm -Rf /usr/local/src/*"
, "dnf clean all"
, "dnf erase -y " ++ Containerfile.concatSep " " build-reqs

in Containerfile.from "fedora:latest"
# Containerfile.emptyLine
# bootstrap
# yasm-build
# x264-build
# ffmpeg-build
# cleanup
# Containerfile.entrypoint [ "/usr/local/bin/ffmpeg" ]

in { Containerfile = Containerfile.render (make FfmpegOption.default)
, make
, buildLib


# dhall text <<< '(./examples/ffmpeg.dhall).Containerfile'
FROM fedora:latest

# Install build and runtime reqs
RUN dnf install -y autoconf automake cmake freetype-devel gcc gcc-c++ git libtool make nasm pkgconfig zlib-devel numactl-devel libxcb-devel numactl libxcb

# yasm: autoreconf -fiv ./configure --prefix="/usr/local"
RUN cd /usr/local/src && git clone --depth 1 git:// && cd yasm && autoreconf -fiv && ./configure --prefix="/usr/local" && make && make install

# x264: ./configure --prefix="/usr/local" --enable-static
RUN cd /usr/local/src && git clone --depth 1 && cd x264 && ./configure --prefix="/usr/local" --enable-static && make && make install

# ffmpeg: PKG_CONFIG_PATH="/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig" ./configure --prefix="/usr/local" --extra-cflags="-I/usr/local/include" --extra-ldflags="-L/usr/local/lib" --pkg-config-flags="--static" --enable-gpl --enable-nonfree --enable-libx264 --enable-libxcb
RUN cd /usr/local/src && git clone --depth 1 git:// && cd ffmpeg && PKG_CONFIG_PATH="/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig" ./configure --prefix="/usr/local" --extra-cflags="-I/usr/local/include" --extra-ldflags="-L/usr/local/lib" --pkg-config-flags="--static" --enable-gpl --enable-nonfree --enable-libx264 --enable-libxcb && make && make install

# Cleanup
RUN rm -Rf /usr/local/src/* && dnf clean all && dnf erase -y autoconf automake cmake freetype-devel gcc gcc-c++ git libtool make nasm pkgconfig zlib-devel numactl-devel libxcb-devel

ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/local/bin/ffmpeg"]


## Changes

Frozen package are available in the tag commit.

### 0.4.0

- Add `user` helper

### 0.3.0

- Initial release
