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# CarePulse

## Demo Video of the Project

![Screenshot (694)](

## Introduction

CarePulse is a comprehensive healthcare management application designed to streamline patient and admin interactions. The application is divided into two main parts: user and admin functionalities. Users can register, submit their medical information, and book appointments, while admins can manage appointments and handle user requests.

## Features of the Application

### User Features

1. **User Registration:**
- Users can register by providing their full name, email address, and phone number.

2. **Personal Information Form:**
- Full Name
- Email Address
- Mobile Number
- Date of Birth
- Gender
- Full Address
- Occupation
- Emergency Contact Name and Number

3. **Medical Information Form:**
- Primary Physician
- Insurance Provider
- Emergency Policy Number
- Allergies
- Current Medication
- Family Medical History
- Past Medical History

4. **Identification and Verification:**
- Identification Type (e.g., Birth Certificate)
- Identification Number
- Scanned Copy of Identification Document

5. **Consent and Privacy Agreement:**
- Consent to receive treatment
- Consent to use and disclose health information
- Acknowledgment of privacy policy

6. **Appointment Booking:**
- Select Doctor
- Choose Date and Time
- Provide Reason for Appointment

7. **Success Message:**
- Users receive a confirmation email with appointment details upon successful submission.

### Admin Features

1. **Appointment Management:**
- View and manage Scheduled, Pending, and Cancelled Appointments

2. **Appointment Table:**
- ID
- Patient
- Status
- Date of Doctor Appointment
- Doctor
- Actions (Schedule or Cancel Appointment)

3. **Admin Access:**
- Admins can access the admin page by entering a correct passcode available on the landing page.

4. **Notification System:**
- Email notifications are sent to users regarding appointment status changes, managed via Gmail SMTP through Nodemailer.

## Technologies Used

- **Next.js:** Framework for building the React application.
- **Appwrite:** Backend server for handling authentication and data management.
- **TailwindCSS:** Utility-first CSS framework for styling.
- **Shadcn UI:** UI components library for a modern user interface.
- **Zod:** Schema validation library for input validation.
- **Gmail SMTP via Nodemailer:** Service for sending email notifications.
- **** Error tracking and monitoring tool.

## Deployement URL

The application is deployed on Vercel.

Deployment Link: