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Explore and share. Highly-configurable directory listing made with nodejs.

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Explore and share. Highly-configurable directory listing made with nodejs.

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# ![Logo]( Explorer [![Build Status](](

Explore and share. Highly-configurable directory listing made with nodejs.


- [Requirements](#requirements)
- [Install](#install)
- [Configuration](#configuration)
- [Update](#update)
- [More installation methods](#more-installation-methods)
- [Plugins](#plugins)
- [Development](#development)
- [Performances](#performances)
- [Why](#why)

## Requirements

- nodejs (v4 with harmony support)

0.12 and iojs are no longer supported as of v3.0.0

### Installing nodejs with [nvm](

curl -o- | bash
nvm install 4 #nvm ls-remote to see available versions
nvm alias default 4
nvm use default

## Install

npm install pm2 -g
pm2 install xplorer

Go to IP:4859, login with `admin:admin` Don't forget to change the password.

With pm2 configuration file is located in `~/.config/explorer`

You may want to create your own HTTPS certs or disable it ([see below](#certs)).

[More installation methods](#more-installation-methods)

## Configuration

# Available: pt, ack, find, mdfind, custom, native
method: 'native'
# Custom search command (${search} will be replaced by the string)
command: "pt --nocolor --nogroup -l -i '${search}' ." # not used by native
maxDepth: 10 # Default 10
concurrency: 100 # Default 100 (only used with native search)
# String match score (only used with native search)
maxScore: 0.65
# Maximum number of items per page
limit: 10 # Default 100
# Be careful with this next section as it will have an impact on performances
# When calculating directory size we stop at the max_depth
maxDepth: 10 #Default 10
concurrency: 100 #Default 100
cache: true # set to false to disable size caching
cacheTTL: 86400 # dir size cache duration in second
# 'mv' will move files to a trash directory
# 'rm' will delete files
# empty to disable deletion
method: 'mv' # default is to mv (move instead of remove)
path: './trash'
# disable with:
# archive: false
path: './tmp'
# disable with:
# upload: false
path: './upload'
concurrency: 10
maxSize: '50mb' # default to 50mb see
maxCount: 10 # max number of files
# note that path values will be overridden by the user path if set
# path will be created if non-existant
database: './data/users' # don't touch if you don't know what you're doing
app_root: '/' # app root for client ressources
session_secret: 'Some string here' #Change this
port: 4859
port: 6859
enabled: true # default option!
key: './certs/key.pem' # change those are dummies
cert: './certs/cert.pem'
plugins: # those are enable by default, use below options to disable them
upload: {}
archive: {}
cache: 'memory' # redis is available too
host: 'redis://'
# host: 'somesocket.sock'
dev: false # more verbose error (stack)
auth: false # disable auth
user: admin # user to use without auth

The `config.yml` will be searched in:
- `~/.config/explorer/config.yml`
- `./config/explorer/config.yml` (relative to the script directory!)

To reload the configuration you'll need to restart the script `pm2 restart xplorer`!

See also: [minimal](, [dev](

## Search

Search accepts globs and filters:

somefile -exact # should match exactly, alias -e
somedir -e -dir # exact and a directory, -d or -directory
* -video # every video files
-audio # every audio files
* -video --no-recursive # search in the current path only
--directory --atime=1h # directory accessed in the last hour
*.js --mtime=>2015-10-13 --mtime=<2015-10-14 # get all javascript files modified between dates

## HTTP(S)

### Nginx

upstream explorer {
server localhost:4859 #port can be changed in the config.yml

server {
listen 80;

location / { #if you want to change this, change `app_root` in the config.yml
proxy_pass http://explorer/

### Apache


ServerAdmin [email protected]

ProxyRequests off

Order deny,allow
Allow from all

ProxyPass http://localhost:4859/
ProxyPassReverse http://localhost:4859/


### Certs

You can either change the paths in the `config.yml`, or replace those located in your configuration path (see [Configuration](#configuration)).

### Rss

By calling your tree url or a search path (`localhost:4859/search?search=*.mkv&key=my-key`), set the `Accept` header to `application/rss+xml`:

http GET localhost:4859/?key=get-your-key-from-settings Accept:application/rss+xml

## Update

[From 1.x to 2.x see configuration migration](

### As a pm2 module

pm2 install xplorer

### From tarball

cd /path/to/your/explorer
curl -L | tar xz --strip-components 1
npm rebuild

## More installation methods

### Docker

git clone
cd explorer
docker build -t explorer .
# you have to mount the configuration to /opt/explorer (see EXPLORER_CONFIG env)
docker run -p 8080:4859 -d -v $(pwd)/doc/examples:/opt/explorer --name explorer explorer

Use a mounted volume with data by changing your `home` in the Explorer admin panel.
Here we forward `8080` to `4859`, where `4859` is the default http port.

### Tarball package

Download latest release, unpack, configure, launch :

cp doc/examples/config.yml config.yml #copy default configuration
cp -r doc/examples/data data #copy default database
cp -r doc/examples/certs certs #copy default certificates for https
npm rebuild

### Git

git clone
cd explorer
cp doc/examples/config.yml config.yml #copy default configuration
cp -r doc/examples/data data #copy default database
cp -r doc/examples/certs certs #copy default certificates for https
npm install #install packages
Then run ``gulp`` to compile minified resources
npm install gulp bower -g
bower install

### Beta/master installation

After using the default method (i.e. `pm2 install xplorer`):

cd ~/.pm2/node_modules
npm install gulp bower -g
npm install git://
cd xplorer
bower install
pm2 restart xplorer

## Run

Installed as a pm2 module explorer will already be daemonized.

### Development

DEBUG="explorer:*" node --harmony index.js

### Daemonize with pm2

npm i pm2 -g
pm2 start --node-args="--harmony" --name explorer index.js

## Plugins

### Install a plugin:

explorer plugin install [plugin-name]

**See `explorer --help` for more commands.**

### Configure

In the `config.yml`:

module: 'npm-package-name'
local-name: {} # located in path/to/explorer/plugins/local-name

### Available plugins:

- [explorer-unrar](

module: 'explorer-unrar'

- [explorer-cksfv](

module: 'explorer-cksfv'

- [explorer-m3u](

module: 'explorer-m3u'

### Development

[See plugins documentation](

## Development

Clone [see From git](#from-git)

DEBUG="explorer:*" node --harmony index.js -c

Sass is compiled with gulp:

gulp watch

To get stack traces from errors use `dev: true` in your configuration file.

### Tests

Tests are using their own configuration file `test/fixtures/config.yml`:

mocha --harmony

### Api docs

Generated with [apidocjs]( ([available here](

`apidoc -i routes -o doc/api`

## Performances

We use Bluebird with concurrency, for your information you may speed things up:

$ sync && echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
$ node test.js 1
reading files 35ms
$ sync && echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
$ node test.js Infinity
reading files: 9ms

See [bluebird docs](, `tree.concurrency` and `search.concurrency` configuration options.

In the configuration there is a `tree.maxDepth` parameter. It's used when *estimating* the size of a directory, we'll stop recursivity when depth is more than 10.
10 is a lot actually, to improve performances you should lower the number. To get a more precise number increase it.

The `search.maxDepth` indicates wether to search in the directory or not if it's too deep. Search will go faster but you'll get less results.

## Why?

I did this because I could not find a light file explorer. It had to be simple, easy to install and fast.
I tried [pydio]( but it's heavy and long to install. I also tried [h5ai]( but it does not have user support and has a lot of client-side javascript. I also have the feeling that it's slow.