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The SPIFFE Runtime Environment

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The SPIFFE Runtime Environment

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![SPIRE Logo](/doc/images/spire_logo.png)

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SPIRE (the [SPIFFE]( Runtime Environment) is a toolchain of APIs for establishing trust between software systems across a wide variety of hosting platforms. SPIRE exposes the [SPIFFE Workload API](, which can attest running software systems and issue [SPIFFE IDs]( and [SVID]( to them. This in turn allows two workloads to establish trust between each other, for example by establishing an mTLS connection or by signing and verifying a JWT token. SPIRE can also enable workloads to securely authenticate to a secret store, a database, or a cloud provider service.

- [Get SPIRE](#get-spire)
- [Learn about SPIRE](#learn-about-spire)
- [Integrate with SPIRE](#integrate-with-spire)
- [Contribute to SPIRE](#contribute-to-spire)
- [Further Reading](#further-reading)
- [Security](#security)

SPIRE is a [graduated]( project of the [Cloud Native Computing Foundation]( (CNCF). If you are an organization that wants to help shape the evolution of technologies that are container-packaged, dynamically-scheduled and microservices-oriented, consider joining the CNCF.

## Get SPIRE

- Pre-built releases of SPIRE can be found at []( These releases contain both SPIRE Server and SPIRE Agent binaries.
- Container images are published for [spire-server](, [spire-agent](, and [oidc-discovery-provider](
- Alternatively, you can [build SPIRE from source](/

## Learn about SPIRE

- Before trying SPIRE, it's a good idea to learn about its [architecture]( and design goals.
- Once ready to get started, see the [Quickstart Guides]( for Kubernetes, Linux, and MacOS.
- There are several examples demonstrating SPIRE usage in the [spire-examples]( and [spire-tutorials]( repositories.
- Check [](./ for a list of production SPIRE adopters, a view of the ecosystem, and use cases.
- See the [SPIRE Roadmap](/ for a list of planned features and enhancements.
- [Join]( the SPIFFE community on Slack. If you have any questions about how SPIRE works, or how to get it up and running, the best places to ask questions are the [SPIFFE Slack channels](
- Download the free book about SPIFFE and SPIRE, "[Solving the Bottom Turtle]("

## Integrate with SPIRE

- See [Extend SPIRE]( to learn about the highly extensible SPIRE plugin framework.
- Officially maintained client libraries for interacting with the [SPIFFE Workload API]( are available in [Go]( and [Java]( See [SPIFFE Library Usage Examples]( for a full list of official and community libraries, as well as code samples.
- SPIRE provides an implementation of the [Envoy]( [Secret Discovery Service]( (SDS) for use with [Envoy Proxy]( SDS can be used to transparently install and rotate TLS certificates and trust bundles in Envoy. See [Using SPIRE with Envoy]( for more information.

For supported integration versions, see [Supported Integrations](/doc/

## Contribute to SPIRE

The SPIFFE community maintains the SPIRE project. Information on the various SIGs and relevant standards can be found in

- See [CONTRIBUTING]( to get started.
- Use [GitHub Issues]( to request features or file bugs.
- See [GOVERNANCE]( for SPIFFE and SPIRE governance policies.

## Further Reading

- The [Scaling SPIRE guide](/doc/ covers design guidelines, recommendations, and deployment models.
- For an explanation of how SPIRE compares to related systems such as secret stores, identity providers, authorization policy engines and service meshes see [comparisons](

## Security

### Security Assessments

A third party security firm ([Cure53]( completed a security audit of SPIFFE and SPIRE in February of 2021. Additionally, the [CNCF Technical Advisory Group for Security]( conducted two assessments on SPIFFE and SPIRE in 2018 and 2020. Please find the reports and supporting material, including the threat model exercise results, below.

- [Cure53 Security Audit Report](doc/cure53-report.pdf)
- [SIG-Security SPIFFE/SPIRE Security Assessment: summary](
- [SIG-Security SPIFFE/SPIRE Security Assessment: full assessment](
- [Scrutinizing SPIRE to Sensibly Strengthen SPIFFE Security](

### Reporting Security Vulnerabilities

If you've found a vulnerability or a potential vulnerability in SPIRE please let us know at . We'll send a confirmation email to acknowledge your report, and we'll send an additional email when we've identified the issue positively or negatively.