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A more helpful way to view differences between complex data structures in RSpec.

rspec ruby testing

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A more helpful way to view differences between complex data structures in RSpec.

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# SuperDiff [![Gem Version][version-badge]][rubygems] [![Build Status][gh-actions-badge]][gh-actions] ![Downloads][downloads-badge]


**SuperDiff** is a Ruby gem
which is designed to display the differences between two objects of any type
in a familiar and intelligent fashion.

📢 **[See what's changed in recent versions.][changelog]**

[changelog]: ./

## Introduction

The primary motivation behind this gem
is to vastly improve upon RSpec's built-in diffing capabilities.
RSpec has many nice features,
and one of them is that whenever you use a matcher such as `eq`, `match`, `include`, or `have_attributes`,
you will get a diff of the two data structures you are trying to match against.
This is great if all you want to do is compare multi-line strings.
But if you want to compare other, more "real world" kinds of values such as API or database data,
then you are out of luck.
Since [RSpec merely runs your `expected` and `actual` values through Ruby's PrettyPrinter library][rspec-differ-fail]
and then performs a diff of these strings,
the output it produces leaves much to be desired.


For instance, let's say you wanted to compare these two hashes:

actual = {
customer: {
person: "Marty McFly, Jr.", age: 17),
shipping_address: {
line_1: "456 Ponderosa Ct.",
city: "Hill Valley",
state: "CA",
zip: "90382"
items: [
{ name: "Fender Stratocaster", cost: 100_000, options: %w[red blue green] },
{ name: "Mattel Hoverboard" }

expected = {
customer: {
person: "Marty McFly", age: 17),
shipping_address: {
line_1: "123 Main St.",
city: "Hill Valley",
state: "CA",
zip: "90382"
items: [
{ name: "Fender Stratocaster", cost: 100_000, options: %w[red blue green] },
{ name: "Chevy 4x4" }

If, somewhere in a test, you were to say:

expect(actual).to eq(expected)

You would get output that looks like this:

![Before super_diff](docs/assets/before.png)

What this library does
is to provide a diff engine
that knows how to figure out the differences between any two data structures
and display them in a sensible way.
So, using the example above,
you'd get this instead:

![After super_diff](docs/assets/after.png)

## Installation & Usage

📘 For more on how to install and use SuperDiff,
[read the user documentation][user-docs].

[user-docs]: ./docs/users/

## Support

My goal for this library is to improve your development experience.
If this is not the case,
and you encounter a bug or have a suggestion,
feel free to [create an issue][issues-list].
I'll try to respond to it as soon as I can!


## Contributing

Any code contributions to improve this library are welcome!
Please see the [contributing](./docs/contributors/ document
for more on how to do that.

## Compatibility

`super_diff` is [tested][gh-actions] to work with
Ruby >= 3.x,
RSpec 3.x,
and Rails >= 6.x.


## Inspiration/Thanks

In developing this gem
I made use of or was heavily inspired by these libraries:

- [Diff::LCS][diff-lcs],
the library I started with in the [original version of this gem][original-version]
(made in 2011!)
- The pretty-printing algorithms and API within [PrettyPrinter][pretty-printer] and [AwesomePrint][awesome-print],
from which I borrowed ideas to develop the [inspectors][inspection-tree].

Thank you to the authors of these libraries!


## Author/License

SuperDiff was created by Elliot Winkler and is maintained by Splitwise, Inc.
It is released under the [MIT license](LICENSE).