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Convenience library for managing & querying music on iOS devices

avplayer id3 id3-parser id3-reader medialibrary mpmediaplayer music music-library musiclib swift swift4

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Convenience library for managing & querying music on iOS devices

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# Holophonor

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Convenience library for managing & querying music. Written in Swift.

## Features

* Support music file from `iTunes` library or local file & folder.
* Parse ID3 & `iTunes` format tag information, including -
* artist name
* album name
* genre name
* artwork image, aka. cover image
* duration
* title
* track number
* file url
* Query library by name, artist, album & several other dimensions.
* Persistence store using `CoreData`.

## Design
### Dependencies

Holophonor use `CoreData` as persistence store and use `RxSwift` as databus.

### Concepts
#### MediaItem

A `MediaItem` stands for a media item as its name indicates.

A media item can be a song or a representative item which can represent for an album, an artist or a genre.

`MediaItem` will hold meta data of a song or represented media collection.

`MediaItem` works like `MPMediaItem` in iOS's `MediaPlayer` framework.

#### MediaCollection

A `MediaCollection` is a collection of `MediaItem`.

A `MediaCollection` contains a representative item which contains meta data of this collection.

`MediaCollection` works like `MPMediaItemCollection` in iOS's `MediaPlayer` framework.
#### Representative Item

Representative item is an instance of `MediaItem`, which contains common meta data of a media collection.

Representative item works like `MPMediaItemCollection.representativeItem` in iOS's `MediaPlayer` framework.
#### Meta data

ID3 or iTunes format meta data in music file, which usually contains information like artist name, album name, genre name, track duration & etc.

Meta data can be accessed via `MediaItem` instance.

Complete fields of meta data is listed below.

* albumTitle: Album's title.
* artist: Album's artist.
* fileURL: File's URL.
* filePath: File's absolute path, only applied for local item.
* genre: Genre name.
* mediaType: Media item location - iTunes or local file.
* trackNumber: Track number.
* title: Title for this media item.
* duration: Duration for this media item.
* _itemArtwork: Artwork image for this item. Accessed via `getArtworkWithSize`
* persistentID: Persistent id for this media item
* albumPersistentID: Persistent id for album in database.
* genrePersistentID: Persistent id for genre in database.
* artistPersistentID: Persistent id for artist in database.
* mpPersistentID: `MediaPlayer` persistent id, only applied for iTunes item.

### Structures & Relationships

## Installation

Holophonor is available through [CocoaPods]( To install
it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "Holophonor"

## API

### Initialization

Use `Holophonor.instance` to initialize Holophonor and get an instance.

During initialization, Holophonor will save its database file in -

* `Documents` folder for debug build, you can dump the `sqlite` file via `iTunes`.
* `Library` folder for non-debug build.

### Local Directories

Holophonor will search music in local directories and automatically add `Documents` folder to its scan path during initialization.

To add or remove a local directory from scan path, use below functions **before** rescan the library.

addLocalDirectory(dir: String)
removeLocalDirectory(dir: String)

"dir" is the absolute path string of a directory. Also make sure you have access permission for directories you add.

### Rescan Library

You need to perform a rescan action to full fill Holophonor's database.

**A rescan action will drop Holophonor's database** first and search for music files from `iTunes` and local directories.

Call `rescan` function to rescan library.

rescan(_ force: Bool = false, completion: @escaping () -> Void)

You can observe the rescan progress by subscribe the progress subject.

observeProgress() -> PublishSubject

Also you can get a notification when recan started.

observeRescan() -> PublishSubject

### Queries

Use query method like `holophonor.get**By(**: )` to query media items.

## Example

### Get all artist in library

let foo = self.holo.getAllArtists()
foo.forEach({ (each) in

### Get all albums in library
let foo = self.holo.getAllAlbums()
foo.forEach({ (item) in

### Get albums by artist

let albums = self.holo.getAlbumsBy(artist: "The Killers")
let foo = self.holo.getAllArtists()
let bar = self.holo.getAlbumsBy(artistId: foo.first?.artistPersistentID)

### Get songs in album
let songs = self.holo.getAlbumsBy(artist: "Iron Maiden")?.first.items ?? []

### Get meta data in song
let songs = self.holo.getAlbumsBy(artist: "Iron Maiden")?.first.items ?? []
songs.forEach({ (each) in
print(each.getArtworkWithSize(size: CGSize(width: 200, height: 200)) ?? #imageLiteral(resourceName: "ic_album"))

To run the example project:
* clone the repo
* run `bundle install && bundle exec pod install` from the Example directory
* open `Holophonor.xcworkspace`
* hit the run button

## APPs using this library

* [Prodigal Music Player](

## About the name

From [Futurama Wiki](

*The Holophonor is a musical instrument of the 30th Century, it is best described as a combination of an Oboe and a Holographic Projector.*


*According to the commentary for Parasites Lost, the holophoner is based on the Visi-Sonor from Isaac Asimov's Foundation Trilogy published in 1951 to 1953. A similiar idea, the Sensory Syrinx, was created by Samuel R. Delany for his novel 'Nova' published in 1968.*

## Author

sponegbobsun, [email protected]

## License

Holophonor is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.