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Runs JVM closures in Docker containers on Kubernetes

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Runs JVM closures in Docker containers on Kubernetes

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A library for seamlessly executing arbitrary JVM closures in [Docker] containers on [Kubernetes].


- [User guide](#user-guide)
* [Dependency](#dependecy)
* [Run functions](#run-functions)
* [Full example](#full-example)
* [Leveraging implicits](#leveraging-implicits)
* [Custom environment images](#custom-environment-images)
- [Process overview](#process-overview)
- [Persistent disk](#persistent-disk)
* [GCE Persistent Disk](#gce-persistent-disk)
+ [Volume re-use](#volume-re-use)
- [Environment Pod from YAML](#environment-pod-from-yaml)


# User guide

Hype lets you execute arbitrary JVM code in a distributed environment where different parts
might run concurrently in separate Docker containers, each using different amounts of memory,
CPU and disk. With the help of Kubernetes and a cloud provider such as Google Cloud Platform,
you'll have dynamically scheduled resources available for your code to utilize.

All this might sound a bit abstract, so let's run through a concrete example. We'll be using Scala
for the examples, but all the core functionality is available from Java as well.

## Dependency


"com.spotify" %% "hype" %

## Run functions

In order to run functions on the cluster, you'll have to set up a `Submitter` value.
The submitter encapsulates "where" to submit your functions.
val submitter = GkeSubmitter("gcp-project-id", "gce-zone-id", "gke-cluster-id", "gs://my-staging-bucket")

For testing, where you might want to run on a local Docker daemon, use `LocalSubmitter(...)`.

Writing functions that can be executed with Hype is simple, just wrap them up as an `HFn[T]`. An
`HFn[T]` is a closure that allows Hype to move the actual evaluation into a Docker container.

def example(arg: String) = HFn[String] {
arg + " world!"

In the previous example, the default Hype Docker image (`spotify/hype`) is used. If you wish to use
your own image, you can easily do so:

def example(arg: String) = HFn.withImage("") {
arg + " world!"

Now we'll have to define the environment we want this function to run in.

val env = RunEnvironment()

Finally, use use the `Submitter` and `RunEnvironment` to execute an `HFn[T]`.
When execution is complete, it'll return the function value back to your local context.

val result = submitter.submit(example("hello"), env.withRequest("cpu", "750m"))

## Full example

This is a full example that runs a simple function that executes an arbitrary command and lists all
environment variables. It uses the Scala [sys.process] package to execute commands in the function.
Also see the [docs on how to create k8s secrets](

import sys.process._
import com.spotify.hype._

// A simple model for describing the runtime environment
case class EnvVar(name: String, value: String)
case class Res(cmdOutput: String, mounts: String, vars: List[EnvVar])

def extractEnv(cmd: String) = HFn[Res] {
val cmdOutput = cmd !!
val mounts = "df -h" !!
val vars = for ((key, value) <- sys.env.toList)
yield EnvVar(key, value)

Res(cmdOutput, mounts, vars)

val submitter = GkeSubmitter("gcp-project-id", "gce-zone-id", "gke-cluster-id", "gs://my-staging-bucket")
val env = RunEnvironment()
.withSecret("gcp-key", "/etc/gcloud") // a pre-created k8s secret volume named "gcp-key"

val res = submitter.submit(extractEnv("uname -a"), env)


The `res.vars` list returned should contain the environment variables that were present in the
docker container while running on the cluster. Here's the output:

[info] Running HypeExample
[info] 22:15:14.211 | INFO | StagingUtil |> Uploading 69 files to staging location gs://my-staging-bucket to prepare for execution.
[info] 22:15:51.057 | INFO | StagingUtil |> Uploading complete: 4 files newly uploaded, 65 files cached
[info] 22:15:51.673 | INFO | Submitter |> Submitting gs://my-staging-bucket/manifest-9vhb5u18.txt to RunEnvironment{base=RunEnvironment.SimpleBase{}, secretMounts=[Secret{name=gcp-key, mountPath=/etc/gcloud}], volumeMounts=[], resourceRequests={}}
[info] 22:15:52.221 | INFO | DockerRunner |> Created pod hype-run-mymlbuw8
[info] 22:15:52.351 | INFO | DockerRunner |> Pod hype-run-mymlbuw8 assigned to node gke-hype-test-default-pool-e1122946-fg9k
[info] 22:16:02.454 | INFO | DockerRunner |> Kubernetes pod hype-run-mymlbuw8 exited with status Succeeded
[info] 22:16:02.455 | INFO | DockerRunner |> Got termination message: gs://my-staging-bucket/continuation-993467547293976140-eUWBfwL9J2tHvWuJw0lU3g-hype-run-mymlbuw8-return.bin
[info] Linux hype-run-mymlbuw8 4.4.21+ #1 SMP Fri Feb 17 15:34:45 PST 2017 x86_64 GNU/Linux
[info] Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
[info] overlay 95G 4.1G 91G 5% /
[info] tmpfs 7.4G 0 7.4G 0% /dev
[info] tmpfs 7.4G 0 7.4G 0% /sys/fs/cgroup
[info] tmpfs 7.4G 4.0K 7.4G 1% /etc/gcloud
[info] /dev/sda1 95G 4.1G 91G 5% /etc/hosts
[info] tmpfs 7.4G 12K 7.4G 1% /run/secrets/
[info] shm 64M 0 64M 0% /dev/shm
[info] EnvVar(HYPE_EXECUTION_ID,hype-run-mymlbuw8)
[info] EnvVar(GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS,/etc/gcloud/key.json)
[info] EnvVar(HOSTNAME,hype-run-cv7cln6y)
[info] EnvVar(PATH,/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin)
[info] EnvVar(JAVA_VERSION,8u121)
[info] EnvVar(KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST,xx.xx.xx.xx)

## Leveraging implicits

In order to save some keystrokes, you can use our `implicit` operators:
import com.spotify.hype.magic._

Now you can set up an `implicit` `Submitter` value.
implicit val submitter = GkeSubmitter("gcp-project-id", "gce-zone-id", "gke-cluster-id", "gs://my-staging-bucket")

The environment value can also be declared `implicit`,
but this is not required as it can explicitly be referenced when submitting functions.

implicit val env = RunEnvironment().withSecret("gcp-key", "/etc/gcloud")

Finally, use the `#!` (hashbang) operator to execute an `HFn[T]` in a given environment. It will
use the `Submitter` and `RunEnvironment` which should be in scope.

val result = example("hello") #!

Using an `implicit` value as we did above works in most cases, but the hashbang (`#!`)
operator also allows you to specify an explicit environment.

val result = example("hello") #! env.withRequest("cpu", "750m")
## Custom environment images

In order for Hype to be able to execute functions in your custom Docker images, you'll have to
install the `hype-run` command by adding the following to your `Dockerfile`:

# Install hype-run command
RUN /bin/sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"
ENTRYPOINT ["hype-run"]

It is important to have exactly this `ENTRYPOINT` as the Kubernetes Pods will expect to run the
`hype-run` command.

See example [`Dockerfile`](hype-docker/Dockerfile)

# Process overview

This describes what Hype does from a high level point of view.

# Persistent disk

Hype makes it easy to schedule persistent disk volumes across different closures in a workflow.
A typical pattern seen in many use cases is to first use a disk in read-write mode to download and
prepare some data, and then fork out to several parallel tasks that use the disk in read-only mode.

## GCE Persistent Disk

In this example, we're using a StorageClass for [GCE Persistent Disk] that we've already set up on
our cluster.

kind: StorageClass
name: gce-ssd-pd
type: pd-ssd

We can then request volumes from this StorageClass using the Hype API:

import sys.process._
import com.spotify.hype.magic._

implicit val submitter = GkeSubmitter("gcp-project-id",

// Create a 10Gi volume from the 'gce-ssd-pd' storage class
val ssd10Gi = TransientVolume("gce-ssd-pd", "10Gi")
val mount = "/usr/share/volume"

val env = RunEnvironment()
val readWriteEnv = env.withMount(ssd10Gi.mountReadWrite(mount))
val readOnlyEnv = env.withMount(ssd10Gi.mountReadOnly(mount))

def write = HFn[Int] {
// get a random word and store it in the volume
s"curl -so $mount/word" !

def read = HFn[String] {
// read the word file
s"cat $mount/word" !!

// Write to the volume
write #! readWriteEnv

// Run 10 parallel functions that have read only access to the volume
val results = for (_ <- Range(0, 10).par)
yield read #! readOnlyEnv

The submissions from the parallel range will each run concurrently in separate pods and have
read-only access to the `/usr/share/volume` mount. The volume should contain the random word that
was written to it from the `write` function.

Coordinating metadata and parameters across multiple submissions should be just as trivial as
passing values from function calls as arguments to other functions.

### Volume re-use

By default, the backing claim for a `TransientVolume` on Kubernetes is deleted when the JVM

If you wish to persist the Volume between invocations, you can use:

val disk = PersistentVolume("my-persistent-volume", "gce-ssd-pd", "10Gi")

If the volume does not exist, it will be created. Subsequent invocations will return use already
created volume.

This is useful in use cases with larger volumes that take a significant amount of time to load,
or when there's some sort of workflow orchestration around the Hype code that might run
different parts in separate JVM invocations.

# Environment Pod from YAML

Sometimes more control over the Kubernetes Pod is desired. For these cases a regular Pod YAML file
can be used as a base for the `RunEnvironment`. Hype will still manage any used Volume Claims and
mounts, but will leave all other details as you've specified them.

Hype will expect at least this field to be specified:

- `spec.containers[name:hype-run]` - There must at least be a container named `hype-run`

Please note that the image field should *not* bet set (Hype requires each module to define its image).

_Hype will override the `spec.containers[name:hype-run].args` field, so don't set it._

Here's a minimal Pod YAML file with some custom settings, `./src/main/resources/pod.yaml`:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod

restartPolicy: Never # do not retry on failure

- name: hype-run
imagePullPolicy: Always # pull the image on each run

env: # additional environment variables
- name: EXAMPLE
value: my-env-value

Any resource requests added through the `RunEnvironment` API will merge with, and override the ones
set in the YAML file.

Then simply load your `RunEnvironment` through

val env = RunEnvironmentFromYaml("/pod.yaml")


_This project is in early development stages, expect anything you see to change._

[GCE Persistent Disk]: