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PointRCNN: 3D Object Proposal Generation and Detection from Point Cloud, CVPR 2019.

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PointRCNN: 3D Object Proposal Generation and Detection from Point Cloud, CVPR 2019.

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# PointRCNN

## PointRCNN: 3D Object Proposal Generation and Detection from Point Cloud

Code release for the paper **PointRCNN:3D Object Proposal Generation and Detection from Point Cloud**, CVPR 2019.

**Authors**: [Shaoshuai Shi](, [Xiaogang Wang](, [Hongsheng Li](

[[arXiv]](  [[Project Page]](#) 

**New:** We have provided another implementation of PointRCNN for joint training with multi-class in a general 3D object detection toolbox [[OpenPCDet]](

## Introduction
In this work, we propose the PointRCNN 3D object detector to directly generated accurate 3D box proposals from raw point cloud in a bottom-up manner, which are then refined in the canonical coordinate by the proposed bin-based 3D box regression loss.
To the best of our knowledge, PointRCNN is **the first two-stage 3D object detector** for 3D object detection by using only the raw point cloud as input. PointRCNN is evaluated on the KITTI dataset and achieves state-of-the-art performance on the KITTI 3D object detection [leaderboard]( among all published works at the time of submission.

For more details of PointRCNN, please refer to [our paper]( or [project page](#).

### Supported features and ToDo list
- [x] Multiple GPUs for training
- [x] GPU version rotated NMS
- [x] Faster PointNet++ inference and training supported by [Pointnet2.PyTorch](
- [x] PyTorch 1.0
- [x] TensorboardX
- [ ] Still in progress

## Installation
### Requirements
All the codes are tested in the following environment:
* Linux (tested on Ubuntu 14.04/16.04)
* Python 3.6+
* PyTorch 1.0

### Install PointRCNN

a. Clone the PointRCNN repository.
git clone --recursive
If you forget to add the `--recursive` parameter, just run the following command to clone the `Pointnet2.PyTorch` submodule.
git submodule update --init --recursive

b. Install the dependent python libraries like `easydict`,`tqdm`, `tensorboardX ` etc.

c. Build and install the `pointnet2_lib`, `iou3d`, `roipool3d` libraries by executing the following command:

## Dataset preparation
Please download the official [KITTI 3D object detection]( dataset and organize the downloaded files as follows:
├── data
│ ├── KITTI
│ │ ├── ImageSets
│ │ ├── object
│ │ │ ├──training
│ │ │ ├──calib & velodyne & label_2 & image_2 & (optional: planes)
│ │ │ ├──testing
│ │ │ ├──calib & velodyne & image_2
├── lib
├── pointnet2_lib
├── tools
Here the images are only used for visualization and the [road planes]( are optional for data augmentation in the training.

## Pretrained model
You could download the pretrained model(Car) of PointRCNN from [here(~15MB)](, which is trained on the *train* split (3712 samples) and evaluated on the *val* split (3769 samples) and *test* split (7518 samples). The performance on validation set is as follows:
Car [email protected], 0.70, 0.70:
bbox AP:96.91, 89.53, 88.74
bev AP:90.21, 87.89, 85.51
3d AP:89.19, 78.85, 77.91
aos AP:96.90, 89.41, 88.54
### Quick demo
You could run the following command to evaluate the pretrained model (set `RPN.LOC_XZ_FINE=False` since it is a little different with the default configuration):
python --cfg_file cfgs/default.yaml --ckpt PointRCNN.pth --batch_size 1 --eval_mode rcnn --set RPN.LOC_XZ_FINE False

## Inference
* To evaluate a single checkpoint, run the following command with `--ckpt` to specify the checkpoint to be evaluated:
python --cfg_file cfgs/default.yaml --ckpt ../output/rpn/ckpt/checkpoint_epoch_200.pth --batch_size 4 --eval_mode rcnn

* To evaluate all the checkpoints of a specific training config file, add the `--eval_all` argument, and run the command as follows:
python --cfg_file cfgs/default.yaml --eval_mode rcnn --eval_all

* To generate the results on the *test* split, please modify the `TEST.SPLIT=TEST` and add the `--test` argument.

Here you could specify a bigger `--batch_size` for faster inference based on your GPU memory. Note that the `--eval_mode` argument should be consistent with the `--train_mode` used in the training process. If you are using `--eval_mode=rcnn_offline`, then you should use `--rcnn_eval_roi_dir` and `--rcnn_eval_feature_dir` to specify the saved features and proposals of the validation set. Please refer to the training section for more details.

## Training
Currently, the two stages of PointRCNN are trained separately. Firstly, to use the ground truth sampling data augmentation for training, we should generate the ground truth database as follows:
python --class_name 'Car' --split train

### Training of RPN stage
* To train the first proposal generation stage of PointRCNN with a single GPU, run the following command:
python --cfg_file cfgs/default.yaml --batch_size 16 --train_mode rpn --epochs 200

* To use **mutiple GPUs for training**, simply add the `--mgpus` argument as follows:
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1 python --cfg_file cfgs/default.yaml --batch_size 16 --train_mode rpn --epochs 200 --mgpus

After training, the checkpoints and training logs will be saved to the corresponding directory according to the name of your configuration file. Such as for the `default.yaml`, you could find the checkpoints and logs in the following directory:
which will be used for the training of RCNN stage.

### Training of RCNN stage
Suppose you have a well-trained RPN model saved at `output/rpn/default/ckpt/checkpoint_epoch_200.pth`,
then there are two strategies to train the second stage of PointRCNN.

(a) Train RCNN network with fixed RPN network to use online GT augmentation: Use `--rpn_ckpt` to specify the path of a well-trained RPN model and run the command as follows:
python --cfg_file cfgs/default.yaml --batch_size 4 --train_mode rcnn --epochs 70 --ckpt_save_interval 2 --rpn_ckpt ../output/rpn/default/ckpt/checkpoint_epoch_200.pth
(b) Train RCNN network with offline GT augmentation:
1. Generate the augmented offline scenes by running the following command:
python --class_name Car --split train --aug_times 4
2. Save the RPN features and proposals by adding `--save_rpn_feature`:

* To save features and proposals for the training, we set `TEST.RPN_POST_NMS_TOP_N=300` and `TEST.RPN_NMS_THRESH=0.85` as follows:
python --cfg_file cfgs/default.yaml --batch_size 4 --eval_mode rpn --ckpt ../output/rpn/default/ckpt/checkpoint_epoch_200.pth --save_rpn_feature --set TEST.SPLIT train_aug TEST.RPN_POST_NMS_TOP_N 300 TEST.RPN_NMS_THRESH 0.85

* To save features and proposals for the evaluation, we keep `TEST.RPN_POST_NMS_TOP_N=100` and `TEST.RPN_NMS_THRESH=0.8` as default:
python --cfg_file cfgs/default.yaml --batch_size 4 --eval_mode rpn --ckpt ../output/rpn/default/ckpt/checkpoint_epoch_200.pth --save_rpn_feature
3. Now we could train our RCNN network. Note that you should modify `TRAIN.SPLIT=train_aug` to use the augmented scenes for the training, and use `--rcnn_training_roi_dir` and `--rcnn_training_feature_dir` to specify the saved features and proposals in the above step:
python --cfg_file cfgs/default.yaml --batch_size 4 --train_mode rcnn_offline --epochs 30 --ckpt_save_interval 1 --rcnn_training_roi_dir ../output/rpn/default/eval/epoch_200/train_aug/detections/data --rcnn_training_feature_dir ../output/rpn/default/eval/epoch_200/train_aug/features
For the offline GT sampling augmentation, the default setting to train the RCNN network is `RCNN.ROI_SAMPLE_JIT=True`, which means that we sample the RoIs and calculate their GTs in the GPU. I also provide the CPU version proposal sampling, which is implemented in the dataloader, and you could enable this feature by setting `RCNN.ROI_SAMPLE_JIT=False`. Typically the CPU version is faster but costs more CPU resources since they use mutiple workers.

All the codes supported **mutiple GPUs**, simply add the `--mgpus` argument as above. And you could also increase the `--batch_size` by using multiple GPUs for training.

* The strategy (a), online augmentation, is more elegant and easy to train.
* The best model is trained by the offline augmentation strategy with CPU proposal sampling (set `RCNN.ROI_SAMPLE_JIT=False`).
* Theoretically, the online augmentation should be better, but currently the online augmentation is a bit lower than the offline augmentation, and I still didn't know why. All discussions are welcomed.
* I am still working on this codes to make it more stable.

## Citation
If you find this work useful in your research, please consider cite:
author = {Shi, Shaoshuai and Wang, Xiaogang and Li, Hongsheng},
title = {PointRCNN: 3D Object Proposal Generation and Detection From Point Cloud},
booktitle = {The IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
month = {June},
year = {2019}