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⛳ Exprext is a Next/Nuxt-like framework for Express + TypeScript

express express-boilerplate express-generator nodejs typescript

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⛳ Exprext is a Next/Nuxt-like framework for Express + TypeScript

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# Exprext

Exprext is a Next.js/Nuxt.js-like starter for building Express + TypeScript apps.

## ⭐ Features

- Automatic route generation based on directory structure
- First-class TypeScript support (literally you can't use this without TS)
- Modern, async returns by default (no need for Promise middleware)
- Handles HTTP responses based on JS objects (no need for `res.json()`)
- Decorators for routes, controllers, middleware, wrappers, and more
- Build and launch process scripts and helper packages

## 📄 License

- Code: [MIT](./LICENSE) © [Anand Chowdhary](
- Logo and assets: [CC BY 4.0](