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User friendly API query language

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User friendly API query language

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User friendly API query language

# iris-ql [![NPM version][npm-image]][npm-url] [![Downloads][downloads-image]][npm-url] [![Build Status][circle-image]][circle-url]

Iris is a safe and user-friendly query system for building flexible APIs with intuitive UIs to match. Built on top of [human-schema]( and Sequelize. Check out the docs folder to get started!

## Install

npm install iris-ql --save

## Basic Example

import { Query } from 'iris-ql'

// Find all crimes by criminal 1 or 2 after 2017
const query = new Query({
limit: 100,
filters: {
createdAt: { $gt: '2017-05-13T00:00:00.000Z' },
$or: [
{ name: 'Criminal 1' },
{ name: 'Criminal 2' }
orderings: [
{ value: { field: 'createdAt' }, direction: 'desc' }
}, { model: crime })

const results = await query.execute()

## Analytics Example

import { AnalyticsQuery } from 'iris-ql'

// get a time series of all 911 calls
const crimeTimeSeries = new AnalyticsQuery({
filters: {
data: {
receivedAt: { $ne: null }
aggregations: [
{ value: { function: 'count' }, alias: 'total' },
alias: 'day',
value: {
function: 'bucket',
arguments: [
{ field: 'data.receivedAt' }
orderings: [
{ value: { field: 'day' }, direction: 'desc' }
groupings: [
{ field: 'day' }
}, { model: emergencyCall })

const results = await crimeTimeSeries.execute()

{ total: 20, day: '2017-05-13T00:00:00.000Z' },
{ total: 3, day: '2017-05-14T00:00:00.000Z' },
{ total: 2, day: '2017-05-15T00:00:00.000Z' }

## DB Support

Currently only works with Postgres 12+. Some features and specific functions may require newer versions. In the future, the database layer will be broken out into adapters and multiple stores will be supported.

