This repository provides the official implementations and experiments for models related to [S4](,
including [HiPPO](, [LSSL](, [SaShiMi](,
[DSS](, [HTTYH](, [S4D](,
and [S4ND](
Project-specific information for each of these models, including overview of the source code and specific experiment reproductions,
can be found under [models/](models/).
## Table of Contents
Setting up the environment and porting S4 to external codebases:
- [Setup](#setup)
- [Getting Started with S4](#getting-started-with-s4)
Using this repository for training models:
- [Training](#training)
- [Generation](#generation)
- [Repository Structure](#overall-repository-structure)
- [Citation](#citation)
### Changelog
See [](
### Roadmap
- More documentation for training from scratch using this repository
- Compilation of S4 resources and implementations
- pip package
## Setup
### Requirements
This repository requires Python 3.9+ and Pytorch 1.10+.
It has been tested up to Pytorch 1.13.1.
Other packages are listed in [requirements.txt](./requirements.txt).
Some care may be needed to make some of the library versions compatible, particularly torch/torchvision/torchaudio/torchtext.
A core operation of S4 are the Cauchy and Vandermonde kernels described in the [paper](
These are very simple matrix multiplications; a naive implementation of these operation can be found in the [standalone](models/s4/ in the function `cauchy_naive` and `log_vandermonde_naive`.
However, as the paper describes, this has suboptimal memory usage that currently requires a custom kernel to overcome in PyTorch.
Two more efficient methods are supported. The code will automatically detect if either of these is installed and call the appropriate kernel.
#### Custom CUDA Kernel
This version is faster but requires manual compilation for each machine environment.
Run `python install` from the directory `extensions/kernels/`.
#### Pykeops
This version is provided by the [pykeops library](
Installation usually works out of the box with `pip install pykeops cmake` which are also listed in the requirements file.
## Getting Started with S4
### S4 Module
Self-contained files for the S4 layer and variants can be found in [models/s4/](./models/s4/),
which includes instructions for calling the module.
See [notebooks/](notebooks/) for visualizations explaining some concepts behind HiPPO and S4.
### Example Train Script (External Usage)
[]( is a self-contained training script for MNIST and CIFAR that imports the standalone S4 file. The default settings `python` reaches 88% accuracy on sequential CIFAR with a very simple S4D model of 200k parameters.
This script can be used as an example for using S4 variants in external repositories.
### Training with this Repository (Internal Usage)
This repository aims to provide a very flexible framework for training sequence models. Many models and datasets are supported.
The basic entrypoint is `python -m train`, or equivalently
python -m train pipeline=mnist model=s4
which trains an S4 model on the Permuted MNIST dataset.
This should get to around 90% after 1 epoch which takes 1-3 minutes depending on GPU.
More examples of using this repository are documented throughout. See [Training](#training) for an overview.
### Optimizer Hyperparameters
One important feature of this codebase is supporting parameters that require different optimizer hyperparameters.
In particular, the SSM kernel is particularly sensitive to the $(A, B)$ (and sometimes $\Delta$ parameters),
so the learning rate on these parameters is sometimes lowered and the weight decay is always set to $0$.
See the method `register` in the model (e.g. [](py)) and the function `setup_optimizer` in the training script (e.g. []( for an examples of how to implement this in external repos.
## Training
The core training infrastructure of this repository is based on [Pytorch-Lightning]( with a configuration scheme based on [Hydra](
The main entrypoint is `` and configs are found in `configs/`.
### Data
Basic datasets are auto-downloaded, including MNIST, CIFAR, and Speech Commands.
All logic for creating and loading datasets is in [src/dataloaders](./src/dataloaders/) directory.
The README inside this subdirectory documents how to download and organize other datasets.
### Models
Models are defined in [src/models](src/models). See the README in this subdirectory for an overview.
### Configs and Hyperparameters
Pre-defined configs reproducing end-to-end experiments from the papers are provided, found under project-specific information in [models/](models/), such as for the [original S4 paper](models/s4/
Configs can also be easily modified through the command line.
An example experiment is
python -m train pipeline=mnist dataset.permute=True model=s4 model.n_layers=3 model.d_model=128 model.norm=batch model.prenorm=True wandb=null
This uses the Permuted MNIST task with an S4 model with a specified number of layers, backbone dimension, and normalization type.
See [configs/](configs/) for more detailed documentation about the configs.
#### Hydra
It is recommended to read the [Hydra documentation]( to fully understand the configuration framework. For help launching specific experiments, please file an issue.
### Resuming
Each experiment will be logged to its own directory (generated by Hydra) of the form `./outputs//
### PyTorch Lightning Trainer
The PTL [Trainer]( class controls the overall training loop and also provides many useful pre-defined flags. Some useful examples are explained below.
The full list of allowable flags can be found in the PTL documentation, as well as our [trainer configs](configs/trainer/). See the default trainer config [configs/trainer/default.yaml](configs/trainer/default.yaml) for the most useful options.
#### Multi-GPU training
Simply pass in `trainer.gpus=2` to train with 2 GPUs.
#### Inspect model layers
`trainer.weights_summary=full` prints out every layer of the model with their parameter counts. Useful for debugging internals of models.
#### Data subsampling
`trainer.limit_{train,val}_batches={10,0.1}` trains (validates) on only 10 batches (0.1 fraction of all batches). Useful for testing the train loop without going through all the data.
### WandB
Logging with [WandB]( is built into this repository.
In order to use this, simply set your `WANDB_API_KEY` environment variable, and change the `wandb.project` attribute of [configs/config.yaml](configs/config.yaml) (or pass it on the command line e.g. `python -m train .... wandb.project=s4`).
Set `wandb=null` to turn off WandB logging.
## Generation
Autoregressive generation can be performed with the []( script.
This script can be used in two ways after training a model using this codebase.
### Option 1: Checkpoint Path
The more flexible option requires the checkpoint path of the trained PyTorch Lightning model.
The generation script accepts the same config options as the train script, with a few additional flags that are documented in [configs/generate.yaml](configs/generate.yaml).
After training with `python -m train `, generate with
python -m generate checkpoint_path=
Any of the flags found in the config can be overridden.
Note: This option can be used with either `.ckpt` checkpoints (PyTorch Lightning, which includes information for the Trainer) or `.pt` checkpoints (PyTorch, which is just a model state dict).
### Option 2: Experiment Path
The second option for generation does not require passing in training flags again, and instead reads the config from the Hydra experiment folder, along with a PyTorch Lightning checkpoint within the experiment folder.
### Example 1 (Language)
Download the [WikiText-103 model checkpoint](, for example to `./checkpoints/`.
This model was trained with the command `python -m train experiment=lm/s4-wt103`. Note that from the config we can see that the model was trained with a receptive field of length 8192.
To generate, run
python -m generate experiment=lm/s4-wt103 checkpoint_path=checkpoints/ n_samples=1 l_sample=16384 l_prefix=8192 decode=text
This generates a sample of length 16384 conditioned on a prefix of length 8192.
### Example 2 (Audio)
Let's train a small SaShiMi model on the SC09 dataset. We can also reduce the number of training and validation batches to get a checkpoint faster:
python -m train experiment=audio/sashimi-sc09 model.n_layers=2 trainer.limit_train_batches=0.1 trainer.limit_val_batches=0.1
After the first epoch completes, a message is printed indicating where the checkpoint is saved.
Epoch 0, global step 96: val/loss reached 3.71754 (best 3.71754), saving model to "/outputs///checkpoints/val/loss.ckpt"
Option 1:
python -m generate experiment=audio/sashimi-sc09 model.n_layers=2 checkpoint_path=/outputs///checkpoints/val/loss.ckpt n_samples=4 l_sample=16000
This option redefines the full config so that the model and dataset can be constructed.
Option 2:
python -m generate experiment_path=/outputs// checkpoint_path=checkpoints/val/loss.ckpt n_samples=4 l_sample=16000
This option only needs the path to the Hydra experiment folder and the desired checkpoint within.
## Overall Repository Structure
configs/ Config files for model, data pipeline, training loop, etc.
data/ Default location of raw data
extensions/ CUDA extensions (Cauchy and Vandermonde kernels)
src/ Main source code for models, datasets, etc.
callbacks/ Training loop utilities (e.g. checkpointing)
dataloaders/ Dataset and dataloader definitions
models/ Model definitions
tasks/ Encoder/decoder modules to interface between data and model backbone
models/ Model-specific information (code, experiments, additional resources) Example training script for using S4 externally Training entrypoint for this repo Autoregressive generation script
## Citation
If you use this codebase, or otherwise found our work valuable, please cite S4 and [other relevant papers](models/
title={Efficiently Modeling Long Sequences with Structured State Spaces},
author={Gu, Albert and Goel, Karan and R\'e, Christopher},
booktitle={The International Conference on Learning Representations ({ICLR})},