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A modern library to swizzle elegantly in Swift.

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A modern library to swizzle elegantly in Swift.

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InterposeKit is a modern library to swizzle elegantly in Swift, supporting hooks on classes and individual objects. It is [well-documented](, [tested](, written in "pure" Swift 5.2 and works on `@objc dynamic` Swift functions or Objective-C instance methods. The Inspiration for InterposeKit was [a race condition in Mac Catalyst](, which required tricky swizzling to fix, I also wrote up [implementation thoughts on my blog](

Instead of [adding new methods and exchanging implementations]( based on [`method_exchangeImplementations`](, this library replaces the implementation directly using [`class_replaceMethod`]( This avoids some of [the usual problems with swizzling](

You can call the original implementation and add code before, instead or after a method call.
This is similar to the [Aspects library](, but doesn't yet do dynamic subclassing.

Compare: [Swizzling a property without helper and with InterposeKit](

## Usage

Let's say you want to amend `sayHi` from `TestClass`:

class TestClass: NSObject {
// Functions need to be marked as `@objc dynamic` or written in Objective-C.
@objc dynamic func sayHi() -> String {
print("Calling sayHi")
return "Hi there 👋"

let interposer = try Interpose(TestClass.self) {
try $0.prepareHook(
methodSignature: (@convention(c) (AnyObject, Selector) -> String).self,
hookSignature: (@convention(block) (AnyObject) -> String).self) {
store in { `self` in
print("Before Interposing \(`self`)")
let string = store.original(`self`, store.selector) // free to skip
print("After Interposing \(`self`)")
return string + "and Interpose"

// Don't need the hook anymore? Undo is built-in!

Want to hook just a single instance? No problem!

let hook = try testObj.hook(
methodSignature: (@convention(c) (AnyObject, Selector) -> String).self,
hookSignature: (@convention(block) (AnyObject) -> String).self) { store in { `self` in
return store.original(`self`, store.selector) + "just this instance"

Here's what we get when calling `print(TestClass().sayHi())`
[Interposer] Swizzled -[TestClass.sayHi] IMP: 0x000000010d9f4430 -> 0x000000010db36020
Before Interposing
Calling sayHi
After Interposing
Hi there 👋 and Interpose

## Key Features

- Interpose directly modifies the implementation of a `Method`, which is [safer than selector-based swizzling]((
- Interpose works on classes and individual objects.
- Hooks can easily be undone via calling `revert()`. This also checks and errors if someone else changed stuff in between.
- Mostly Swift, no `NSInvocation`, which requires boxing and can be slow.
- No Type checking. If you have a typo or forget a `convention` part, this will crash at runtime.
- Yes, you have to type the resulting type twice This is a tradeoff, else we need `NSInvocation`.
- Delayed Interposing helps when a class is loaded at runtime. This is useful for [Mac Catalyst](

## Object Hooking

InterposeKit can hook classes and object. Class hooking is similar to swizzling, but object-based hooking offers a variety of new ways to set hooks. This is achieved via creating a dynamic subclass at runtime.

Caveat: Hooking will fail with an error if the object uses KVO. The KVO machinery is fragile and it's to easy to cause a crash. Using KVO after a hook was created is supported and will not cause issues.

## Various ways to define the signature

Next to using `methodSignature` and `hookSignature`, following variants to define the signature are also possible:

### methodSignature + casted block
let interposer = try Interpose(testObj) {
try $0.hook(
methodSignature: (@convention(c) (AnyObject, Selector) -> String).self) { store in { `self` in
let string = store.original(`self`, store.selector)
return string + testString
} as @convention(block) (AnyObject) -> String }

### Define type via store object
// Functions need to be `@objc dynamic` to be hookable.
let interposer = try Interpose(testObj) {
try $0.hook(#selector(TestClass.returnInt)) { (store: TypedHook<@convention(c) (AnyObject, Selector) -> Int, @convention(block) (AnyObject) -> Int>) in {

// You're free to skip calling the original implementation.
let int = store.original($0, store.selector)
return int + returnIntOverrideOffset

## Delayed Hooking

Sometimes it can be necessary to hook a class deep in a system framework, which is loaded at a later time. Interpose has a solution for this and uses a hook in the dynamic linker to be notified whenever new classes are loaded.

try Interpose.whenAvailable(["RTIInput", "SystemSession"]) {
let lock = DispatchQueue(label: "com.steipete.document-state-hack")
try $0.hook("documentState", { store in { `self` in
lock.sync {
store((@convention(c) (AnyObject, Selector) -> AnyObject).self)(`self`, store.selector)
}} as @convention(block) (AnyObject) -> AnyObject})

try $0.hook("setDocumentState:", { store in { `self`, newValue in
lock.sync {
store((@convention(c) (AnyObject, Selector, AnyObject) -> Void).self)(`self`, store.selector, newValue)
}} as @convention(block) (AnyObject, AnyObject) -> Void})

## FAQ

### Why didn't you call it Interpose? "Kit" feels so old-school.
Naming it Interpose was the plan, but then [SR-898]( came. While having a class with the same name as the module works [in most cases](, [this breaks]( when you enable build-for-distribution. There's some [discussion]( to get that fixed, but this will be more towards end of 2020, if even.

### I want to hook into Swift! You made another ObjC swizzle thingy, why?
UIKit and AppKit won't go away, and the bugs won't go away either. I see this as a rarely-needed instrument to fix system-level issues. There are ways to do some of that in Swift, but that's a separate (and much more difficult!) project. (See [Dynamic function replacement #20333]( aka `@_dynamicReplacement` for details.)

### Can I ship this?
Yes, absolutely. The goal for this one project is a simple library that doesn't try to be too smart. I did this in [Aspects]( and while I loved this to no end, it's problematic and can cause side-effects with other code that tries to be clever. InterposeKit is boring, so you don't have to worry about conditions like "We added New Relic to our app and now [your thing crashes](".

### It does not do X!
Pull Requests welcome! You might wanna open a draft before to lay out what you plan, I want to keep the feature-set minimal so it stays simple and no-magic.

## Installation

Building InterposeKit requires Xcode 11.4+ or a Swift 5.2+ toolchain with the Swift Package Manager.

### Swift Package Manager

Add `.package(url: "", from: "0.0.1")` to your
`Package.swift` file's `dependencies`.

### CocoaPods

[InterposeKit is on CocoaPods]( Add `pod 'InterposeKit'` to your `Podfile`.

### Carthage

Add `github "steipete/InterposeKit"` to your `Cartfile`.

## Improvement Ideas

- Write proposal to allow to [convert the calling convention of existing types](
- Use the C block struct to perform type checking between Method type and C type (I do that in [Aspects library](, it's still a runtime crash but could be at hook time, not when we call it.
- Add a way to get all current hooks from an object/class.
- Add a way to revert hooks without super helper.
- Add a way to apply multiple hooks to classes
- Enable hooking of class methods.
- Add [dyld_dynamic_interpose]( to hook pure C functions
- Combine Promise-API for `Interpose.whenAvailable` for better error bubbling.
- Experiment with [Swift function hooking]( ⚡️
- Test against Swift Nightly as Cron Job
- Switch to Trampolines to manage cases where other code overrides super, so we end up with a super call that's [not on top of the class hierarchy](
- I'm sure there's more - Pull Requests or [comments]( very welcome!

Make this happen:
[![Carthage compatible](](

## Thanks

Special thanks to [JP Simard]( who did such a great job in setting up [Yams]( with GitHub Actions - this was extremely helpful to build CI here fast.

## License

InterposeKit is MIT Licensed.