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Programming Language Theory λΠ

category-theory functional-programming logic programming-languages proof-theory type-theory

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Programming Language Theory λΠ

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title: Programming Language Theory

Programming Language Theory

Learning about _Programming Language Theory_ can be a tough journey,
particularly for programming practitioners who haven't studied it formally.
This resource is here to help. Please feel free to get in touch if you have
ideas for improvement.

#### 💡 Top Tips

For a quick course in Type Theory, Philip Wadler recommends: _[Types and
Programming Languages](, _[Proofs
and Types](, followed by
_[Advanced Topics in Types and Programming

See also Daniel Gratzer's [Learn Type Theory](, and Darryl McAdams's [So you want to learn type theory](

Type Theory

### Books

- [PLFA]( - Programming Language Foundations in Agda - [Philip Wadler](, [Wen Kokke](
- [SF]( - Software Foundations - Benjamin C. Pierce et al. [Available with jsCoq](
- [TAPL]( - Types and Programming Languages - Benjamin C. Pierce
- [PROT]( Proofs and Types - Jean-Yves Girard, Yves Lafont and Paul Taylor - 1987-90 [pdf](
- [PFPL]( - Practical Foundations for Programming Languages (Second Edition) - Robert Harper [Online preview edition](
- [ATTAPL]( - Advanced Topics in Types and Programming Languages - Edited by Benjamin C. Pierce
- [CPDT]( - Certified Programming with Dependent Types - Adam Chlipala
- [SEwPR]( - Semantics Engineering with PLT Redex - Matthias Felleisen, Robby Findler, and Matthew Flatt. [Redex](
- [HoTT]( - Homotopy Type Theory, Univalent Foundations of Mathematics
- [Coq'Art]( Interactive Theorem Proving and Program Development, Coq'Art: The Calculus of Inductive Constructions - Yves Bertot, Pierre Castéran.
- [TTFP]( - Type Theory and Functional Programming - Simon Thompson, 1991
- [PiMLTT]( - Programming in Martin-Löf's Type Theory, An Introduction - Bengt Nordström, Kent Petersson, Jan M. Smith
- Using, Understanding, and Unravelling The OCaml Language — An introduction [pdf](
- Polymorphic typing of an algorithmic language (PhD Thesis) - Xavier Leroy [pdf](
- [ATP]( - Handbook of Practical Logic and Automated Reasoning - John Harrison
- Basic Simple Type Theory - J. Roger Hindley [pdf]( [paperback@booko](
- [Lambda Calculus and Combinators]( [pdf]( — J. Roger Hindley and Jonathan P. Seldin
- [Semantics with Applications: An Appetizer]( — Hanne Riis Nielson, Flemming Nielson
- An Introduction to Lambda Calculi for Computer Scientists - Chris Hankin
- [The Definition of Standard ML (1990) and Commentary on Standard ML (1991)]( [definition (pdf)]( [commentary (pdf)](
- [The Definition of Standard ML (Revised)]( - Milner, Fofte, Harper, and MacQueen
- [Programs and Proofs]( — Ilya Sergey [pdf](
- [Type Theory and Formal Proof: An Introduction]( — Rob Nederpelt, Herman Geuvers
- [Lectures on the Curry-Howard Isomorphism (pdf)](
- Program = Proof — Samuel Mimram [pdf](

### Papers

- [A Tutorial Implementation of a Dependently Typed Lambda Calculus]( — Andres Löh, Conor McBride and Wouter Swierstra [pdf]( Previously published as [Simply Easy](
- [ΠΣ: Dependent Types without the Sugar]( - Thorsten Altenkirch, Nils Anders Danielsson, Andres Löh, and Nicolas Oury
- [Lambda Calculi with Types]( — Henk Barendregt
- [Intuitionistic Type Theory](
- [Type Theory]( - Thierry Coquand

### Videos

- [OPLSS — Oregon Programming Language Summer School](
- [OPLSS 2023 — Types, Semantics, and Logic](
- [OPLSS 2022 — Types, Semantics, and Program Reasoning](
- [OPLSS 2021 — Foundations of Programming and Security](
- [OPLSS 2019 — Foundations of Probabilistic Programming and Security](
- [OPLSS 2018 — Parallelism and Concurrency](
- [OPLSS 2017 — A Spectrum of Types](
- [OPLSS 2016 — Types, Logic, Semantics, and Verification](
- [OPLSS 2015 — Types, Logic, Semantics, and Verification](
- [OPLSS 2014 — Types, Logic, Semantics, and Verification](
- [OPLSS 2013 — Types, Logic, and Verification](
- [OPLSS 2012 — Logic, Languages, Compilation, and Verification](
- [OPLSS 2011 — Types, Semantics and Verification](
- [OPLSS 2010 — Logic, Languages, Compilation, and Verification](
- [Complete archives 2002-Present](
- [HoTTEST — Homotopy Type Theory Summer School 2022](
- [ICFP 2012 Monday keynote. Conor McBride: Agda-curious?](

### Subtopics

- [Higher Type Theory]({{site.github.url | replace: 'http://', '//'}}/higher-type-theory/)
- [Module Systems]({{site.github.url | replace: 'http://', '//'}}/module-systems/)
- [Effect Systems]({{site.github.url | replace: 'http://', '//'}}/effect-systems/)

Programming Languages

### Books

- [DCPL]( - Design Concepts in Programming Languages – Franklyn Turbak and David Gifford, 2008. [Course](
- [CTM]( - Concepts, Techniques, and Models of Computer Programming, Peter Van Roy and Seif Haridi
- [EOPL]( - Essentials of Programming Languages, 3rd Edition - Daniel P. Friedman
- [PLAI]( - Programming Languages: Application and Interpretation - Shriram Krishnamurthi
- [PAIP]( Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming: Case Studies in Common Lisp - Peter Norvig, 1992
- [PLP]( Programming Language Pragmatics - Michael L. Scott
- [FSPL]( The Formal Semantics of Programming Languages - Glynn Winskel
- [PL:BPC]( Programming Languages: Build, Prove, and Compare - Norman Ramsey

### Papers

- [An argument against call/cc]( — Oleg Kiselyov

Compiler Construction

### Books

- [MinCaml]( - A Crash Course for the MinCaml Compiler
- [MCIiML]( Modern Compiler Implementation in ML - Andrew W. Appel
- [pj-lester-book]( Implementing functional languages: a tutorial - Simon Peyton Jones and David Lester, 1992
- [slpj-book-1987]( - The Implementation of Functional Programming Languages - Simon Peyton Jones - 1987
- [MCD-2e]( Modern Compiler Design, Second Edition — Dick Grune et al.
- [EaC-2e]( Engineering a Compiler, 2nd Edition, Cooper and Torczon
- [Compiler Construction](, Niklaus Wirth
- [DragonBook]( - "The Dragon Book" Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools
- [LiSP]( - Lisp in Small Pieces - Christian Queinnec
- [CwC]( Compiling with Continuations - Andrew W. Appel
- [Static Program Analysis](, Anders Møller and Michael I. Schwartzbach
- [List of compiler books at the GCC Wiki](

### Papers

- [An Incremental Approach to Compiler Construction](, Abdulaziz Ghuloum
- [A Nanopass Framework for Compiler Education](, Dipanwita Sarkar, Oscar Waddell, R. Kent Dybvig
- [A Nanopass Framework for Commercial Compiler Development](, [Andrew W. Keep](
- [ZINC]( - The ZINC experiment, an economical implementation of the ML language - Xavier Leroy (Technical Report) [more OCaml papers](

### Videos

- [Stanford - Compilers]( - Alex Aiken

Runtime systems

### Books

- [The Garbage Collection Handbook, The Art of Automatic Memory Management]( — Richard Jones, Antony Hosking, Eliot Moss, 2011.

### Papers

- [Debunking the 'Expensive Procedure Call' Myth, or, Procedure Call Implementations Considered Harmful, or, Lambda: The Ultimate GOTO]( — Guy Lewis Steele, Jr. (1977) [pdf](

Functional Programming

### Books

- [Bird and Wadler]( - Introduction to Functional Programming, 1st Edition - Bird and Wadler
- [AoP]( - The Algebra of Programming - Richard Bird, Oege de Moor
- [Programming in Haskell]( — Graham Hutton (2007)
- [RWH]( - Real World Haskell - Bryan O'Sullivan, Don Stewart, and John Goerzen
- [FPiS]( - Functional Programming in Scala - Paul Chiusano and Rúnar Bjarnason
- [SICP](, Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs, by Abelson, Sussman, and Sussman
- [PCPH]( - Parallel and Concurrent Programming in Haskell - Simon Marlow
- [RWOC]( - Real World OCaml - Jason Hickey, Anil Madhavapeddy, and Yaron Minsky
- [Developing Applications With OCaml]( — Emmanuel Chailloux, Pascal Manoury and Bruno Pagano (2000)
- [BTLS]( - The Little Schemer - Daniel P. Friedman, Matthias Felleisen
- [BTSS]( - The Seasoned Schemer - Daniel P. Friedman, Matthias Felleisen
- [BTML]( - The Little MLer - Matthias Felleisen, Daniel P. Friedman
- [The Reasoned Schemer]( and miniKanren
- [HTDP]( - How to Design Programs - Matthias Felleisen, Robert Findler, Matthew Flatt, Shriram Krishnamurthi
- [HR]( - The Haskell Road to Logic, Maths and Programming - 2nd Ed. - Kees Doets, Jan van Eijck [pdf](
- A Book of Abstract Algebra - 2nd Ed. - Charles C. Pinter [booko](
- Purely Functional Data Structures - Chris Okasaki [phd-thesis in pdf]( [paperback@booko]( [More purely functional data structures](

### Papers

- [Lambda Papers]( - Lambda: The Ultimate Imperative/Declarative/GOTO - Guy Steele and Gerald Sussman
- [The Lambda Calculus]( - Jesse Alama and Johannes Korbacher
- [A Tutorial Introduction to the Lambda Calculus]( - Raul Rojas
- [Exploring Generic Haskell]( (PhD thesis) - [Andres Löh]( This an epic, accessible, book-length PhD on datatype generic programming.
- ICFP accepted papers
- [2019](
- [2018](, [video playlist](
- [2017](, [video playlist](
- [2016](, [video playlist](
- [2015](, [by session](, [video playlist](
- [2014](
- [2013](
- [2012](

### Videos

- [C9 Lectures: Dr. Erik Meijer - Functional Programming Fundamentals](
- [C9 Lectures: Dr. Ralf Lämmel - Going Bananas + Advanced Functional Programming](
- [Datatype-Generic Programming in Haskell]( - [Andres Löh]( - [slides in pdf](

Category Theory

Philip Wadler's advice here is "read Pierce for motivation, Mac Lane for the
presentation of the maths".

### Books

- [Cakes, Custard and Category Theory: Easy recipes for understanding complex maths]( — [Eugenia Cheng](
- Category Theory, Steve Awodey. [pdf]( [course](
- Basic Category Theory for Computer Scientists - Benjamin C. Pierce. Previously available in a draft entitled [A taste of category theory for computer scientists](
- [Categories for the Working Mathematician]( — Saunders Mac Lane
- [Conceptual Mathematics]( A First Introduction to Categories, 2nd Edition - F. William Lawere and Stephen H. Schanuel
- [Category Theory for the Sciences]( — David I. Spivak. Previously available in a draft entitled [Category Theory for Scientists](
- [CTCS-2nd]( Category Theory for Computing Science - Michael Barr and Charles Wells [CTCS-1st](
- Categories, Types, and Structures: An Introduction to Category Theory for the Working Computer Scientist [pdf](
- Topoi, The Categorical Analysis of Logic, Robert Goldblatt [Amazon](
- [TTT]( - Toposes, Triples and Theories - Michael Barr and Charles Wells
- Category Theory Lectures Notes for ESSLLI - Michael Barr and Charles Wells [pdf](
- [Seven Sketches in Compositionality: An Invitation to Applied Category Theory]( - Brendan Fong, David I Spivak
- [Applied Category Theory Course]( - online course conducted by John Baez [forum](
- [CTFP]( - Category Theory for Programmers - [Bartosz Milewski]( The [free PDF version]( was created by [Igal Tabachnik]( Video lectures based on this material: [part 1](, [part 2](, [part 3](
- [CT4P]( Category Theory for Programming — Benedikt Ahrens, Kobe Wullaert

### Journals

- [TAC]( - Theory and Applications of Categories

### Subtopics

- [Recursion Schemes]({{site.github.url | replace: 'http://', '//'}}/category-theory/recursion-schemes.html)


Some related maths resources.

### Mathematical Literacy/Thinking

It can be useful to have some background in mathematical thinking.

- [Introduction to Mathematical Thinking]( — [Keith Devlin](
- [How to prove it]( — Daniel J. Velleman

### Algebra

- [A Computational Introduction to Number Theory and Algebra]( — Victor Shoup
- Advanced Modern Algebra — Joseph J. Rotman [pdf](
- A Survey of Modern Algebra — Birkhoff and MacLane [Scribd](

Other collections

- [Great Works in Programming Languages]( — Benjamin Piece
- [Classic Papers in Programming Languages and Logic]( — Karl Crary
- [The collected works of Per Martin-Löf]( — Michael Thompson and others
- [PLT Texts Online]( — Frank Atanassow
- [Functional programming books overview]( — Alex (Alexey) Ott
- [TypeFunc]( — William Demeo
- [Lambda the Ultimate]( — Ehud Lamm et al.
- [Archives of Lambda the Ultimate]( (stale but includes "classic") — Chris Rathman
- [Programming Language People]( — Chris Rathman
- [PL Summer Schools forall]( — [Aggelos Biboudis](
- [Summer Schools Interesting Conferences]( — [Bengt Jonsson](
- [The Programming Language Zoo]( — [Andrej Bauer](
- [Max Bernstein' PL resources](
- [Programming Language Research]( — [TK](