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Ember addon for Onsen UI component library

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Ember addon for Onsen UI component library

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# Ember-onsenui

Experiment to get [Onsen UI]( into Ember. **This is very BETA right now**

Simply includes the JS and CSS for the [Vanilla JavaScript]( version of the library.

**Unknown which Onsen UI components work or don't work at the moment.**

Once added to your Ember app you can use the web components directly and attach Ember bindings and actions like you would a normal HTML element.

This addon also exposes the `ons` JavaScript module as `ember-onsenui` (or simply `onsenui`; both work).

## Example


Onsen UI in Ember

Click me!


import Ember from 'ember';
import ons from 'ember-onsenui';

const { Controller } = Ember;

export default Controller.extend({
actions: {
alertMe() {
ons.notification.alert('It works!');

## Options

You can adjust what gets imported into your app by using the following Ember app config in your `ember-cli-build.js`:

var app = new EmberAddon(defaults, {
// Add options here
'ember-onsenui': {
importOnsenuiCSS: true,
importFontAwesome: true,
importIonIcons: true,
importMaterialDesignIcons: true,
importTheme: 'default'

`importTheme` can be one of `default`, `blue-basic`, `blue`, `dark`, `purple`, or `sunshine`.

## Installation

* `git clone ` this repository
* `cd ember-onsenui`
* `npm install`
* `bower install`

## Running

* `ember serve`
* Visit your app at [http://localhost:4200](http://localhost:4200).

## Running Tests

* `npm test` (Runs `ember try:each` to test your addon against multiple Ember versions)
* `ember test`
* `ember test --server`

## Building

* `ember build`

For more information on using ember-cli, visit [](