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The bridge between Neovim and Jupyterlab

jupyter jupyterlab jupyterlab-extension neovim neovim-plugin nvim

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The bridge between Neovim and Jupyterlab

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# Neopyter

The bridge between Neovim and Jupyter Lab, edit in Neovim and preview/run in Jupyter Lab.

- [Neopyter](#neopyter)
- [How does it work?](#how-does-it-work)
- [Screenshots](#screenshots)
- [Requirements](#requirements)
- [Installation](#installation)
- [JupyterLab Extension](#jupyterlab-extension)
- [Neovim plugin](#neovim-plugin)
- [Quick Start](#quick-start)
- [Available Vim Commands](#available-vim-commands)
- [Integration](#integration)
- [neoconf.nvim](#neoconfnvim)
- [nvim-cmp](#nvim-cmp)
- [nvim-treesitter-textobjects](#nvim-treesitter-textobjects)
- [API](#api)
- [Features](#features)
- [Acknowledges](#acknowledges)

## How does it work?

This project includes two parts: a [`JupyterLab extension`]( and a Neovim plugin

- The `JupyterLab extension` exposes functions of `Jupyter lab`, and provides a remote procedure call(RPC) service
- The `Neovim plugin` calls the RPC service when it receives events from `Neovim` via `autocmd`

This project provides two work modes for different network environments. If the browser where your jupyter lab is
located cannot directly access nvim, you must use `proxy` mode; If you need to collaborate and use the same Jupyter with
others, you must use direct mode



direct mode

proxy mode


  • Lower communication costs

  • Shareable JupyterLab instance

  • Lower Neovim load


  • Higher Neovim load

  • Exclusive JupyterLab instance

- `direct` mode: (default, recommended) In this mode, neovim is server and neovim plugin(neopyter) is listening to `remote_address`,
the browser where jupyter lab is located will connect to neovim

- `proxy` mode: In this mode, Jupyter lab server(server side, the host you run `jupyter lab` to start JupyterLab) is server
and jupyter lab server extension(neopyter) is listening to `${IP}:{Port}`, the neovim plugin(neopyter) will connect to `${IP}:{Port}`

Ultimately, `Neopyter` can control `Juppyter lab`. `Neopyter` can implement abilities like [jupynium.nvim](

## Screenshots

Cell Magic
Line Magic


Cell Magic

Line Magic

## Requirements

- πŸ“”JupyterLab >= 4.0.0
- ✌️ Neovim nightly
- πŸ‘`nvim-lua/plenary.nvim`
- 🀏`AbaoFromCUG/websocket.nvim` (optional for `mode="direct"`)

## Installation

### JupyterLab Extension

To install the jupyterlab extension, execute:

pip install neopyter

Configure `JupyterLab` in side panel
Neopyter side panel

- `mode`: Refer to the previous introduction about mode
- `IP`: If `mode=proxy`, set to the IP of the host where jupyter server is located. If `proxy=direct`, set to the IP of the
host where neovim is located
- `Port`: Idle port of the `IP`'s' host

*NOTICE:* all settings is saved to localStorage

### Neovim plugin

With πŸ’€lazy.nvim:


---@type neopyter.Option
opts = {
remote_address = "",
file_pattern = { "*.ju.*" },
on_attach = function(bufnr)
-- do some buffer keymap
highlight = {
enable = true,
shortsighted = false,
parser = {
-- trim leading/tailing whitespace of cell
trim_whitespace = false,

Suggest keymaps(`neopyter` don't provide default keymap):

on_attach = function(buf)
local function map(mode, lhs, rhs, desc)
vim.keymap.set(mode, lhs, rhs, { desc = desc, buffer = buf })
-- same, recommend the former
map("n", "", "Neopyter execute notebook:run-cell", "run selected")
-- map("n", "", "Neopyter run current", "run selected")

-- same, recommend the former
map("n", "X", "Neopyter execute notebook:run-all-above", "run all above cell")
-- map("n", "X", "Neopyter run allAbove", "run all above cell")

-- same, recommend the former, but the latter is silent
map("n", "nt", "Neopyter execute kernelmenu:restart", "restart kernel")
-- map("n", "nt", "Neopyter kernel restart", "restart kernel")

map("n", "", "Neopyter execute runmenu:run", "run selected and select next")
map("n", "", "Neopyter execute run-cell-and-insert-below", "run selected and insert below")

map("n", "", "Neopyter execute notebook:restart-run-all", "restart kernel and run all")

## Quick Start

- Open JupyterLab `jupyter lab`, there is a sidebar named `Neopyter`, which display neopyter ip+port
- Open a `*` file in neovim
- Now you can type `# %%` in Neovim to create a code cell.
- You'll see everything you type below that will be synchronised in the browser

## Available Vim Commands

- Status
- `:Neopyter status` alias to `:checkhealth neopyter` currently
- Server
- `:Neopyter connect [remote 'ip:port']`, e.g. `:Neopyter command`, connect `Jupyter lab` manually
- `:Neopyter disconnect`
- Sync
- `:Neopyter sync current`, make sync current `*.ju.*` file with the currently open `*.ipynb`
- `:Neopyter sync [filename]`, e.g. `:Neopyter sync main.ipynb`
- Run
- `:Neopyter run current`, same as `Run`>`Run Selected Cell and Do not Advance` menu in `Jupyter lab`
- `:Neopyter run allAbove`, same as `Run`>`Run All Above Selected Cell` menu in `Jupyter lab`
- `:Neopyter run allBelow`, same as `Run`>`Run Selected Cell and All Below` menu in `Jupyter lab`
- `:Neopyter run all`, same as `Run`>`Run All Cells` menu in `Jupyter lab`
- Kernel
- `:Neopyter kernel restart`, same as `Kernel`>`Restart Kernel` menu in `Jupyter lab`
- `:Neopyter kernel restartRunAll`, same as `Kernel`>`Restart Kernel and Run All Cells` menu in `Jupyter lab`
- Jupyter
- `:Neopyter execute [command_id] [args]`, execute `Jupyter lab`'s
directly, e.g. `:Neopyter execute notebook:export-to-format {"format":"html"}`

## Integration

### neoconf.nvim

If [neoconf.nvim]( is available, `neopyter` will automatically register/read `neoconf` settings


"neopyter": {
"mode": "proxy",
"remote_address": ""

### nvim-cmp

- `nvim-cmp`
- `lspkind.nvim`


local lspkind = require("lspkind")
local cmp = require("cmp")

sources = cmp.config.sources({
-- default: all source, maybe some noice
{ name = "neopyter" },
-- only kernel source, like jupynium, support jupyterlab completer id:
-- * "CompletionProvider:kernel"
-- * "CompletionProvider:context"
-- * "lsp" if jupyterlab-lsp is installed
-- * ...
-- { name = "neopyter", option={ completers = { "CompletionProvider:kernel" } } },
formatting = {
format = lspkind.cmp_format({
mode = "symbol_text",
maxwidth = 50,
ellipsis_char = "...",
menu = {
neopyter = "[Neopyter]",
symbol_map = {
-- specific complete item kind icon
["Magic"] = "πŸͺ„",
["Path"] = "πŸ“",
["Dict key"] = "πŸ”‘",

-- menu item highlight
vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, "CmpItemKindMagic", { bg = "NONE", fg = "#D4D434" })
vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, "CmpItemKindPath", { link = "CmpItemKindFolder" })
vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, "CmpItemKindDictkey", { link = "CmpItemKindKeyword" })
vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, "CmpItemKindInstance", { link = "CmpItemKindVariable" })
vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, "CmpItemKindStatement", { link = "CmpItemKindVariable" })


More information, see [nvim-cmp wiki](

### nvim-treesitter-textobjects

Supported captures in `textobjects` query group

- @cell
- @cell.code
- @cell.magic
- @cell.markdown
- @cell.raw
- @cell.special
- @cellseparator
- @cellseparator.code
- @cellseparator.magic
- @cellseparator.markdown
- @cellseparator.raw
- @cellseparator.special
- @cellbody
- @cellbody.code
- @cellbody.magic
- @cellbody.markdown
- @cellbody.raw
- @cellbody.special
- @cellcontent
- @cellcontent.code
- @cellcontent.magic
- @cellcontent.markdown
- @cellcontent.raw
- @cellcontent.special
- @cellborder
- @cellborder.start
- @cellborder.start.markdown
- @cellborder.start.raw
- @cellborder.start.special
- @cellborder.end
- @cellborder.end.markdown
- @cellborder.end.raw
- @cellborder.end.special
- @linemagic

require'nvim-treesitter.configs'.setup {
textobjects = {
move = {
enable = true,
goto_next_start = {
["]j"] = "@cellseparator",
["]c"] = "@cellcontent",
goto_previous_start = {
["[j"] = "@cellseparator",
["[c"] = "@cellcontent",


## API

`Neopyter` provides rich lua APIs

- Jupyter Lab

- `Neopyter execute ...` <-> `require("neopyter.jupyter").jupyterlab:execute_command(...)`
- All APIs see `:lua =require("neopyter.jupyter.jupyterlab").__injected_methods`

- Notebook
- `:Neopyter run current` <-> `require("neopyter.jupyter").notebook:run_selected_cell()`
- `:Neopyter run allAbove` <-> `require("neopyter.jupyter").notebook:run_all_above()`
- `:Neopyter run allBelow` <-> `require("neopyter.jupyter").notebook:run_all_below()`
- All APIs see `:lua =require("neopyter.jupyter.notebook").__injected_methods`

## Features

- Neovim
- [x] Full sync
- [x] Partial sync
- [x] Scroll view automatically
- [x] Activate cell automatically
- [x] Save notebook automatically
- Completion
- [x] Magic completion item
- [x] Path completion item
- [ ] Disable others?
- Tree-sitter
- [x] Highlight
- Separator+non-code
- Shortsighted
- [x] Textobjects
- [ ] Fold
- Kernel manage
- [x] Restart kernel
- [x] Restart kernel and run all
- Run cell
- [x] Run selected cell
- [x] Run all above selected cell
- [x] Run selected cell and all below
- [x] Run all cell
- Sync
- [x] Set synchronized `.ipynb` manually
- Notebook manager
- [x] Open corresponding notebook if exists
- [x] Sync with untitled notebook default
- [ ] Close notebook when buffer unload
- Jupyter Lab
- Settings
- [x] TCP server host/port settings
- Status [Sidebar](
- [x] Settings `ip:port`
- [ ] Display client info
- Performance
- [x] Rewrite `RpcClient`, support async RPC request
`vim.rpcrequest` and `vim.rpcnotify`
- Document
- [ ] API Document

## Acknowledges

- [jupynium.nvim]( Selenium-automated Jupyter Notebook that is synchronised with Neovim in real-time.