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Validate securities identification numbers (ISIN, CUSIP, SEDOL, FIGI, CIK) with ease!

cik cusip figi iban isin ruby ruby-gem sedol validation

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Validate securities identification numbers (ISIN, CUSIP, SEDOL, FIGI, CIK) with ease!

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# SecId
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Validate securities identification numbers with ease!

Check-digit calculation is also available.

Currently supported standards:

Work in progress:

## Installation

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'sec_id', '~> 4.1'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install sec_id

## Usage

### Base API

Base API has 4 main methods which can be used both on class level and on instance level:

* `valid?` - never raises any errors, always returns `true` or `false`,
numbers without the check-digit will return `false`

# class level
SecId::ISIN.valid?('US5949181045') # => true
SecId::ISIN.valid?('US594918104') # => false

# instance level
isin ='US5949181045')
isin.valid? # => true

* `valid_format?` - never raises any errors, always returns `true` or `false`,
numbers without the check-digit but in valid format will return `true`

# class level
SecId::ISIN.valid_format?('US5949181045') # => true
SecId::ISIN.valid_format?('US594918104') # => true

# instance level
isin ='US594918104')
isin.valid_format? # => true

* `restore!` - restores check-digit and returns the full number,
raises an error if number's format is invalid and thus check-digit is impossible to calculate

# class level
SecId::ISIN.restore!('US594918104') # => 'US5949181045'

# instance level
isin ='US5949181045')
isin.restore! # => 'US5949181045'

* `check_digit` and `calculate_check_digit` - these are the same,
but the former is used at class level for bravity,
and the latter is used at instance level for clarity;
it calculates and returns the check-digit if the number is valid
and raises an error otherwise.

# class level
SecId::ISIN.check_digit('US594918104') # => 5

# instance level
isin ='US594918104')
isin.calculate_check_digit # => 5
isin.check_digit # => nil

:exclamation: Please note that `isin.check_digit` returns `nil` because `#check_digit`
at instance level represents original check-digit of the number passed to `new`,
which in this example is missing and thus it's `nil`.

### SecId::ISIN full example

# class level
SecId::ISIN.valid?('US5949181045') # => true
SecId::ISIN.valid_format?('US594918104') # => true
SecId::ISIN.restore!('US594918104') # => 'US5949181045'
SecId::ISIN.check_digit('US594918104') # => 5

# instance level
isin ='US5949181045')
isin.full_number # => 'US5949181045'
isin.country_code # => 'US'
isin.nsin # => '594918104'
isin.check_digit # => 5
isin.valid? # => true
isin.valid_format? # => true
isin.restore! # => 'US5949181045'
isin.calculate_check_digit # => 5
isin.to_cusip # => #

### SecId::CUSIP full example

# class level
SecId::CUSIP.valid?('594918104') # => true
SecId::CUSIP.valid_format?('59491810') # => true
SecId::CUSIP.restore!('59491810') # => '594918104'
SecId::CUSIP.check_digit('59491810') # => 5

# instance level
cusip ='594918104')
cusip.full_number # => '594918104'
cusip.cusip6 # => '594918'
cusip.issue # => '10'
cusip.check_digit # => 4
cusip.valid? # => true
cusip.valid_format? # => true
cusip.restore! # => '594918104'
cusip.calculate_check_digit # => 4
cusip.to_isin('US') # => #
cusip.cins? # => true

### SecId::SEDOL full example

# class level
SecId::SEDOL.valid?('B0Z52W5') # => true
SecId::SEDOL.valid_format?('B0Z52W') # => true
SecId::SEDOL.restore!('B0Z52W') # => 'B0Z52W5'
SecId::SEDOL.check_digit('B0Z52W') # => 5

# instance level
cusip ='B0Z52W5')
cusip.full_number # => 'B0Z52W5'
cusip.check_digit # => 5
cusip.valid? # => true
cusip.valid_format? # => true
cusip.restore! # => 'B0Z52W5'
cusip.calculate_check_digit # => 5

### SecId::FIGI full example

# class level
SecId::FIGI.valid?('BBG000DMBXR2') # => true
SecId::FIGI.valid_format?('BBG000DMBXR2') # => true
SecId::FIGI.restore!('BBG000DMBXR') # => 'BBG000DMBXR2'
SecId::FIGI.check_digit('BBG000DMBXR') # => 2

# instance level
figi ='BBG000DMBXR2')
figi.full_number # => 'BBG000DMBXR2'
figi.prefix # => 'BB'
figi.random_part # => '000DMBXR'
figi.check_digit # => 2
figi.valid? # => true
figi.valid_format? # => true
figi.restore! # => 'BBG000DMBXR2'
figi.calculate_check_digit # => 2

### SecId::CIK full example

# class level
SecId::CIK.valid?('0001094517') # => true
SecId::CIK.valid_format?('0001094517') # => true
SecId::CIK.restore!('1094517') # => '0001094517'
SecId::CIK.check_digit('0001094517') # raises NotImplementedError

# instance level
cik ='0001094517')
cik.full_number # => '0001094517'
cik.padding # => '000'
cik.identifier # => '1094517'
cik.valid? # => true
cik.valid_format? # => true
cik.restore! # => '0001094517'
cik.calculate_check_digit # raises NotImplementedError
cik.check_digit # => nil

## Development

After checking out the repo, run `bin/setup` to install dependencies.
Then, run `rake spec` to run the tests. You can also run `bin/console`
for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run `bundle exec rake install`.

## Contributing

Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on
GitHub at

## License

The gem is available as open source under the terms of
the [MIT License](LICENSE.txt).