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A novel computational method for inferring cell-type-specific signaling networks using single-cell transcriptomics data for better characterization of cell-cell communication.

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A novel computational method for inferring cell-type-specific signaling networks using single-cell transcriptomics data for better characterization of cell-cell communication.

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# CytoTalk

```{r, include = FALSE}
collapse = TRUE,
comment = "#>",
fig.path = "man/figures/README-",
out.width = "100%"

## Table of Contents

- [CytoTalk](#cytotalk)
- [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)
- [Overview](#overview)
- [Background](#background)
- [Getting Started](#getting-started)
- [Prerequisites](#prerequisites)
- [Installation](#installation)
- [Preparation](#preparation)
- [Running CytoTalk](#running-cytotalk)
- [Update Log](#update-log)
- [Citing CytoTalk](#citing-cytotalk)
- [References](#references)
- [Contact](#contact)

## Overview

We have developed the CytoTalk algorithm for *de novo* construction of a
signaling network between two cell types using single-cell transcriptomics
data. This signaling network is the union of multiple signaling pathways
originating at ligand-receptor pairs. Our algorithm constructs an integrated
network of intracellular and intercellular functional gene interactions. A
prize-collecting Steiner tree (PCST) algorithm is used to extract the
signaling network, based on node prize (cell-specific gene activity) and edge
cost (functional interaction between two genes). The objective of the PCSF
problem is to find an optimal subnetwork in the integrated network that
includes genes with high levels of cell-type-specific expression and close
connection to highly active ligand-receptor pairs.

### Background

Signal transduction is the primary mechanism for cell-cell communication and
scRNA-seq technology holds great promise for studying this communication at
high levels of resolution. Signaling pathways are highly dynamic and cross-talk
among them is prevalent. Due to these two features, simply examining expression
levels of ligand and receptor genes cannot reliably capture the overall
activities of signaling pathways and the interactions among them.

## Getting Started

### Prerequisites

CytoTalk requires a Python module to operate correctly. To install the
[`pcst_fast` module](, please run
this command *before* using CytoTalk:

``` console
pip install git+

CytoTalk outputs a SIF file for use in Cytoscape. Please [install
Cytoscape]( to view the whole output
network. Additionally, you'll have to install Graphviz and add the `dot`
executable to your PATH. See the [Cytoscape downloads
page]( for more information.

### Installation

If you have `devtools` installed, you can use the `install_github` function
directly on this repository:

``` {r install, eval=FALSE}

### Preparation

Let's assume we have a folder called "scRNAseq-data", filled with single-cell
RNA sequencing datasets. Here's an example directory structure:

``` txt
── scRNAseq-data
├─ scRNAseq_BasalCells.csv
├─ scRNAseq_BCells.csv
├─ scRNAseq_EndothelialCells.csv
├─ scRNAseq_Fibroblasts.csv
├─ scRNAseq_LuminalEpithelialCells.csv
├─ scRNAseq_Macrophages.csv
└─ scRNAseq_TCells.csv


Notice all of these files have the prefix "scRNAseq\_" and the extension ".csv";
CytoTalk looks for files matching this pattern, so be sure to replicate it
with your filenames. Let's try reading in the folder:

``` r
dir_in <- "~/Tan-Lab/scRNAseq-data"
lst_scrna <- CytoTalk::read_matrix_folder(dir_in)

``` console
BasalCells BCells EndothelialCells
392 743 251
Fibroblasts LuminalEpithelialCells Macrophages
700 459 186

The outputted names are all the cell types we can choose to run CytoTalk
against. Alternatively, we can use CellPhoneDB-style input, where one file is
our data matrix, and another file maps cell types to columns (i.e. metadata):

``` txt
── scRNAseq-data-cpdb
├─ sample_counts.txt
└─ sample_meta.txt

There is no specific pattern required for this type of input, as both filepaths
are required for the function:

``` r
fpath_mat <- "~/Tan-Lab/scRNAseq-data-cpdb/sample_counts.txt"
fpath_meta <- "~/Tan-Lab/scRNAseq-data-cpdb/sample_meta.txt"
lst_scrna <- CytoTalk::read_matrix_with_meta(fpath_mat, fpath_meta)

``` console
Myeloid NKcells_0 NKcells_1 Tcells
1 5 3 1

If you have a `SingleCellExperiment` object with `logcounts` and `colnames`
loaded onto it, you can create an input list like so:

``` r
lst_scrna <- CytoTalk::from_single_cell_experiment(sce)

Finally, you can compose your own input list quite easily, simply have a matrix
of either count or transformed data and a vector detailing the cell types of
each column:

``` r
mat <- matrix(rpois(90, 5), ncol = 3)
cell_types <- c("TypeA", "TypeB", "TypeA")
lst_scrna <- CytoTalk:::new_named_list(mat, cell_types)

``` console
TypeA TypeB
2 1

### Running CytoTalk

Without further ado, let's run CytoTalk!

``` r
# read in data folder
dir_in <- "~/Tan-Lab/scRNAseq-data"
lst_scrna <- CytoTalk::read_matrix_folder(dir_in)

# set required parameters
type_a <- "Fibroblasts"
type_b <- "LuminalEpithelialCells"

# run CytoTalk process
results <- CytoTalk::run_cytotalk(lst_scrna, type_a, type_b)

``` console
[1 / 8] (11:15:28) Preprocessing...
[2 / 8] (11:16:13) Mutual information matrix...
[3 / 8] (11:20:19) Indirect edge-filtered network...
[4 / 8] (11:20:37) Integrate network...
[5 / 8] (11:21:44) PCSF...
[6 / 8] (11:21:56) Determine best signaling network...
[7 / 8] (11:21:58) Generate network output...
[8 / 8] (11:21:59) Analyze pathways...

All we need for a default run is the named list and selected cell types
("Macrophages" and "LuminalEpithelialCells"). The most important optional
parameters to look at are `cutoff_a`, `cutoff_b`, and `beta_max`; details on
these can be found in the help page for the `run_cytotalk` function (see
`?run_cytotalk`). As the process runs, we see messages print to the console for
each sub process.

Here is what the structure of the output list looks like (abbreviated):

``` r

``` console
List of 5
$ params
$ pem
$ integrated_net
..$ nodes
..$ edges
$ pcst
..$ occurances
..$ ks_test_pval
..$ final_network
$ pathways
..$ raw
..$ graphs
..$ df_pval

In the order of increasing effort, let's take a look at some of the results.
Let's begin with the `results$pathways` item. This list item contains `DiagrammeR`
graphs, which are viewable in RStudio, or can be exported if the `dir_out`
parameter is specified during execution. Here is an example pathway

Note that the exported SVG files (see `dir_out` parameter) are interactive,
with hyperlinks to GeneCards and WikiPI. Green edges are directed from ligand
to receptor. Additionally, if we specify an output directory, we can see a
"cytoscape" sub-folder, which includes a SIF file read to import and two tables
that can be attached to the network and used for styling. Here's an example of
a styled Cytoscape network:

There are a number of details we can glean from these graphs, such as node
prize (side of each node), edge cost (inverse edge width), Preferential
Expression Measure (intensity of each color), cell type (based on color, and
shape in the Cytoscape output), and interaction type (dashed lines for
crosstalk, solid for intracellular).

If we want to be more formal with the pathway analysis, we can look at some
scores for each neighborhood in the `results$pathways$raw` item. This list
provides extracted subnetworks, based on the final network from the PCST.
Additionally, the `results$pathways$df_pval` item contains a summary of the
neighborhood size for each pathway, along with theoretical (Gamma distribution)
test values that are found by contrsting the found pathway to random pathways
from the integrated network. $p$-values for node prize, edge cost, and
potential are calculated separately.

## Update Log

2021-11-30: The latest release "CytoTalk_v0.99.0" resets the versioning numbers
in anticipation for submission to Bioconductor. This newest version packages
functions in a modular fashion, offering more flexible input, usage, and output
of the CytoTalk subroutines.

2021-10-07: The release "CytoTalk_v4.0.0" is a completely re-written R
version of the program. Approximately half of the run time as been shaved off,
the program is now cross-compatible with Windows and *NIX systems, the file
space usage is down to roughly a tenth of what it was, and graphical outputs
have been made easier to import or now produce portable SVG files with embedded

2021-06-08: The release "CytoTalk_v3.1.0" is a major updated R version on the
basis of v3.0.3. We have added a function to generate Cytoscape files for
visualization of each ligand-receptor-associated pathway extracted from the
predicted signaling network between the two given cell types. For each
predicted ligand-receptor pair, its associated pathway is defined as the
user-specified order of the neighborhood of the ligand and receptor in the two
cell types.

2021-05-31: The release "CytoTalk_v3.0.3" is a revised R version on the basis
of v3.0.2. A bug has been fixed in this version to avoid errors occurred in
some special cases. We also provided a new example
"RunCytoTalk_Example_StepByStep.R" to run the CytoTalk algorithm in a
step-by-step fashion. Please download "" from the
Releases page () and
refer to the user manual inside the package.

2021-05-19: The release "CytoTalk_v3.0.2" is a revised R version on the basis
of v3.0.1. A bug has been fixed in this version to avoid running errors in some
extreme cases. Final prediction results will be the same as v3.0.1. Please
download the package from the Releases page
() and refer to the
user manual inside the package.

2021-05-12: The release "CytoTalk_v3.0.1" is an R version, which is more easily
and friendly to use!! Please download the package from the Releases page
() and refer to the
user manual inside the package.

## Citing CytoTalk

- Hu Y, Peng T, Gao L, Tan K. CytoTalk: *De novo* construction of signal
transduction networks using single-cell transcriptomic data. ***Science
Advances***, 2021, 7(16): eabf1356.

- Hu Y, Peng T, Gao L, Tan K. CytoTalk: *De novo* construction of signal
transduction networks using single-cell RNA-Seq data. *bioRxiv*, 2020.

## References

- Shannon P, et al. Cytoscape: a software environment for integrated models of
biomolecular interaction networks. *Genome Research*, 2003, 13: 2498-2504.

## Contact

Kai Tan, [email protected]