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Frontend Mentor project under construction to practice React, Sass, Axios, React Hooks and API.

api axios frontend-mentor jsx react react-hooks sass useeffect-hook usestate-hook vite

Last synced: 15 days ago
JSON representation

Frontend Mentor project under construction to practice React, Sass, Axios, React Hooks and API.

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# Frontend Mentor - IP Address Tracker Solution

This is a solution to the [IP address tracker challenge on Frontend Mentor]( Frontend Mentor challenges help you improve your coding skills by building realistic projects.

## Table of contents

- [Overview](#overview)
- [The challenge](#the-challenge)
- [Screenshot](#screenshot)
- [Links](#links)
- [My process](#my-process)
- [Built with](#built-with)
- [Author](#author)
- [Acknowledgments](#acknowledgments)

## Overview

### The challenge

Users should be able to:

- View the optimal layout for each page depending on their device's screen size
- See hover states for all interactive elements on the page
- See their own IP address on the map on the initial page load
- Search for any IP addresses or domains and see the key information and location

### Screenshot


**Note: Delete this note and the paragraphs above when you add your screenshot. If you prefer not to add a screenshot, feel free to remove this entire section.**

### Links

- Solution URL: [Add solution URL here](
- Live Site URL: [Add live site URL here](

## My process

### Built with

- Semantic HTML5 markup
- CSS custom properties
- Flexbox
- CSS Grid
- Mobile-first workflow
- [Vite]( - Build Tool
- [React]( - JS library
- [Next.js]( - React framework
- [Sass]( - For styles
- [Axios]( - JS library

## Author

- GitHub - [@tatyanepgoncalves](
- Frontend Mentor - [@tatyanepgoncalves](
- LinkedIn - [@tatyanepgoncalves](