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An example Clojure CLI HTTP/S client using GraalVM native image

cli clojure graalvm https native-image

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An example Clojure CLI HTTP/S client using GraalVM native image

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# Clojurl

An example HTTP/S client CLI using Clojure and GraalVM native image.

Generated with [clj.native-cli template](
Uses deps.edn and [clj.native-image](

## Prerequisites

- GraalVM 1.0.0-RC9 or higher
- Clojure

GraalVM 1.0.0-RC7 added HTTPS as a supported protocol, and this is a brief walkthrough
for using it in a Clojure project with GraalVM Community Edition for macOS.

Enable HTTPS protocol support with `native-image` options `--enable-https` or `--enable-url-protocols=https`.

#### Earlier versions of GraalVM

The following steps are only necessary with GraalVM 19.2.1 and earlier:

1. Configure path to `libsunec.dylib` on macOS (or `` on Linux)

This shared object comes with the GraalVM distribution and can be found in
`$GRAALVM_HOME/jre/lib/`. GraalVM uses `System.loadLibrary` to load it at run-time
whenever it's first used. The file must either be in the current working directory,
or in a path specified in Java system property `java.library.path`.

I set the Java system property at run-time, before first HTTPS attempt:
(System/setProperty "java.library.path"
(str (System/getenv "GRAALVM_HOME") "/jre/lib"))

See [this](
and [this](
for more information on HTTPS support in GraalVM and native images. If you're distributing
a native image, you'll need to include libsunec. If it's in the same directory as your image
you don't need to set `java.library.path`.

You'll see a [warning](
at run-time if this hasn't been properly configured:
WARNING: The sunec native library could not be loaded.
1. Use more complete certificate store

Some versions of GraalVM may have a smaller set of CA certificates. You can workaround this
by replacing GraalVM's `cacerts`. I renamed the file and replaced it with a symbolic link
to `cacerts` from the JRE that comes with macOS Mojave:
$ mv $GRAALVM_HOME/jre/lib/security/cacerts $GRAALVM_HOME/jre/lib/security/cacerts.bak
$ ln -s $(/usr/libexec/java_home)/jre/lib/security/cacerts $GRAALVM_HOME/jre/lib/security/cacerts

If you don't do this, you might see errors like this when attempting HTTPS connections:
Exception in thread "main" PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target
Caused by: unable to find valid certification path to requested target
Caused by: PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target

## Usage

Compile the program with GraalVM `native-image`:
$ clojure -A:native-image

Print CLI options:
$ ./clojurl -h
-u, --uri URI URI of request
-H, --header HEADER Request header(s)
-d, --data DATA Request data
-m, --method METHOD GET Request method e.g. GET, POST, etc.
-o, --output FORMAT edn Output format e.g. edn, hickory
-v, --verbose Print verbose info
-h, --help Print this message
Responses can be printed in EDN or Hickory format.

Make a request and print response to stdout:
$ ./clojurl -u
{"content-encoding" "gzip",
"content-type" "application/json; charset=utf-8",
"date" "Fri, 05 Oct 2018 03:56:49 GMT",
"etag" "W/\"10b-EZIoyNoyzUvEaPxY+kzMOEgaNh0\"",
"server" "nginx",
"vary" "Accept-Encoding",
"content-length" "194",
"connection" "keep-alive"},
:status 200,
"{\"args\":{},\"headers\":{\"host\":\"\",\"accept\":\"text/html, image/gif, image/jpeg, *; q=.2, */*; q=.2\",\"accept-encoding\":\"gzip, deflate\",\"user-agent\":\"Java/1.8.0_172\",\"x-forwarded-port\":\"443\",\"x-forwarded-proto\":\"https\"},\"url\":\"\"}"}
$ ./clojurl -H Accept=application/json -H X-Session-Id=1234 -H Content-Type=application/json \
-u \
-m post -d "{'foo':true}"
{"content-encoding" "gzip",
"content-type" "application/json; charset=utf-8",
"date" "Fri, 05 Oct 2018 03:57:06 GMT",
"etag" "W/\"16d-FiL2opG823uS6YyXMHVrz5k+/Vk\"",
"server" "nginx",
"sails.sid=s%3Af-U0lE-XKYPefMu_II_Sggg1HGVI4LlY.lbh1ZWAEX58lBuDVpo2vRZ%2FPAo1AHllJPSPsJ01RFvc; Path=/; HttpOnly",
"vary" "Accept-Encoding",
"content-length" "237",
"connection" "keep-alive"},
:status 200,
"{\"args\":{},\"data\":\"{'foo':true}\",\"files\":{},\"form\":{},\"headers\":{\"host\":\"\",\"content-length\":\"12\",\"accept\":\"application/json\",\"accept-encoding\":\"gzip, deflate\",\"content-type\":\"application/json\",\"user-agent\":\"Java/1.8.0_172\",\"x-session-id\":\"1234\",\"x-forwarded-port\":\"443\",\"x-forwarded-proto\":\"https\"},\"json\":null,\"url\":\"\"}"}

As a proof-of-concept for using Clojure 1.9 + clojure.spec.alpha + Expound with GraalVM native-image,
the CLI options are validated using specs and invalid options can be explained using Expound:
$ ./clojurl -u -o foo --verbose
Invalid option(s)
-- Spec failed --------------------

{:headers ...,
:method ...,
:output-fn nil,
:url ...,
:verbose? ...}

should satisfy


-- Relevant specs -------

[:clojurl/url :clojurl/output-fn]
[:clojurl/method :clojurl/headers :clojurl/body])

Detected 1 error