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## Mock Interview 经验 + 反馈

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## Journey


## Array Easy
| # | Title | Solution | Time | Space | Video|
| --- | ----- | -------- | ---- | ----- | ---- |
|624| [Maximum Distance in Arrays]( | [Python](./array/ | _O(n)_| _O(1)_ ||

## Array Medium
| # | Title | Solution | Time | Space | Video|
| --- | ----- | -------- | ---- | ----- | ---- |
|3| [Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters]( | [Python](./array/ | _O(n)_| _O(n)_ ||
|463| [Island Perimeter]( | [Python](./array/ | _O(n^2)_| _O(1)_||

## Hash Table Easy
| # | Title | Solution | Time | Space | Video|
| --- | ----- | -------- | ---- | ----- | ---- |
|1| [Two Sum]( | [Python](./array/ | _O(n)_| _O(n)_ |[:tv:](|
|242| [Valid Anagram]( | [Python](./array/ | _O(n)_| _O(n)_ ||

## Linked List Easy
| # | Title | Solution | Time | Space | Video|
| --- | ----- | -------- | ---- | ----- | ---- |
|21|[Merge Two Sorted Lists]( | [Python](./linkedlist/ | _O(n)_| _O(n)_ ||
|89|[Partition List]( | [Python](./linkedlist/ | _O(n)_ | _O(n)_ ||
|141|[Linked List Cycle]( | [Python](./linkedlist/ | _O(n)_ | _O(1)_ ||
|160|[Intersection of Two Linked Lists]( | [Python](./linkedlist/ | _O(n)_| _O(1)_ ||
|203|[Remove Linked List Elements]( | [Python](./linkedlist/ | _O(n)_| _O(1)_ ||
|206|[Reverse Linked List]( | [Python](./linkedlist/ | _O(n)_| _O(1)_ || Tutorial]( |
|234|[Palindrome Linked List]( | [Python](./linkedlist/ | _O(n)_| _O(1)_ ||
|83|[Remove Duplicates from Sorted List](| [Python](./linkedlist/ | _O(n)_| _O(1)_ ||

## LinkedList Medium
| # | Title | Solution | Time | Space | Video|
| --- | ----- | -------- | ---- | ----- | ---- |
|2|[Add Two Numbers]( | [Python](./linkedlist/ | _O(n)_| _O(n)_|
|445| [Add Two Numbers II](| [Python](./linkedlist/ | _O(n)_| _O(n)_|
|142|[Linked List Cycle II](| [Python](./linkedlist/ | _O(n)_| _O(1)_|[:tv:](|
|328|[Odd Even Linked List](| [Python](./linkedlist/ | _O(n)_| _O(1)_|
|143|[Reorder List](| [Python](./linkedlist/ | _O(n)_| _O(1)_|
|24|[Swap Nodes in Pairs](| [Python](./linkedlist/ | _O(n)_| _O(1)_|
|148|[Sort List](| [Python](./linkedlist/ | _O(nlogn)_| _O(1)_|
|61|[Rotate List](| [Python](./linkedlist/ | _O(n)_| _O(1)_|
|19|[Remove Nth Node From End of List](| [Python](./linkedlist/ | _O(n)_| _O(1)_|[:tv:](|
|138|[Copy List with Random Pointer](| [Python](./linkedlist/ | _O(n)_| _O(n)_|

## Stacks Easy
| # | Title | Solution | Time | Space | Video|
| --- | ----- | -------- | ---- | ----- | ---- |
|155|[Min Stack](| [Python](./stack_queue/ | _O(1)_| _O(n)_|
|225|[Implement Stack using Queues](| [Python](./stack_queue/ | push/pop: _O(1)_ top:_O(n)_ | _O(n)_|
|20|[Valid Parentheses](| [Python](./stack_queue/ | _O(n)_| _O(n)_|
|346|[Moving Average from Data Stream](| [Python](./stack_queue/ | _O(1)_| _O(n)_|

## Tree Easy
| # | Title | Solution | Time | Space | Video|
| --- | ----- | -------- | ---- | ----- | ---- |
|110|[Balanced Binary Tree](| [Python ](./tree/Yu/ | _O(N)_| _O(h)_ |
|107|[Binary Tree Level Order Traversal II](| [Python ](./tree/Yu/ | _O(N)_| _O(h)_ |
|112|[Path Sum](| [Python ](./tree/Yu/ | _O(N)_| _O(h)_ |[:tv:](|
|100|[Same Tree](| [Python ](./tree/Yu/ | _O(N)_| _O(1)_|
|101|[Symmetric Tree](| [Python ](./tree/Yu/| _O(N)_| _O(1)_|[:tv:](|
|104|[Maximum Depth of Binary Tree](| [Python](./tree/Yu/ | _O(N)_| _O(1)_ ||
|108|[Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree](| [Python ](./tree/Yu/ | _O(N)_| _O(N)_ |[:tv:](|
|111|[Minimum Depth of Binary Tree](| [Python ](| _O(N)_| _O(1)_||
|235|[Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree](| [Python](./tree/Yu/ | _O(N)_| _O(1)_ ||
|226|[Invert Binary Tree](| [Python ](./tree/Yu/ | _O(N)_| _O(1)_ |[:tv:](|
|543|[Diameter of Binary Tree](| [Python ](./tree/Yu/ | _O(N)_| _O(h)_ |[:tv:](|
|501|[Find Mode in Binary Search Tree](| [Python ](./tree/Yu/ | _O(N)_| _O(N)_ |[:tv:](|
|257|[Binary Tree Paths](| [Python ](./tree/Yu/ | _O(N)_| _O(N)_ |[:tv:](|
|572|[Subtree of Another Tree](| [Python ](./tree/Yu/ | _O(S*T)_| _O(1)_ |[:tv:](|
|437|[Path Sum III](| [Python ](./tree/Yu/ | _O(N^2)_| _O(1)_ | |[:tv:](|
|404|[Sum of Left Leaves](| [Python ](./tree/Yu/ | _O(N)_| _O(1)_|[:tv:](|
|270|[Closest Binary Search Tree Value](| [Python ](./tree/Yu/| _O(N)_| _O(1)_|[:tv:](|
|563|[Binary Tree Tilt](| [Python ](./tree/Yu/ | _O(N)_| _O(1)_ |[:tv:](|
|538|[Convert BST to Greater Tree](| [Python ](./tree/Yu/ | _O(N)_| _O(1)_ |[:tv:](|
|637|[Average of Levels in Binary Tree](| [Python ](./tree/Yu/ | _O(N)_| _O(1)_ ||

## Tree Medium
| # | Title | Solution | Time | Space | Video|
| --- | ----- | -------- | ---- | ----- | ---- |
|144|[Binary Tree Preorder Traversal](| [Python ](./tree/Yu/ | _O(N)_| _O(N)_ |[:tv:](|
|102|[Binary Tree Level Order Traversal](| [Python ](./tree/Yu/ | _O(N)_| _O(N)_ |[:tv:](|
|107|[Binary Tree Level Order Traversal II](| [Python ](./tree/Yu/ | _O(N)_| _O(N)_ ||
|515|[Find Largest Value in Each Tree Row](| [Python ](./tree/Yu/ | _O(N)_| _O(1)_ ||
|236|[Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree](| [Python ](./tree/Yu/ | _O(N)_| _O(1)_ |[:tv:](|
|199|[Binary Tree Right Side View](| [Python ](./tree/Yu/ | _O(N)_| _O(N)_ |[:tv:](|
|114|[Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List](| [Python ](./tree/Yu/ | _O(N)_| _O(1)_ |[:tv:](|
|230|[Kth Smallest Element in a BST](| [Python ](./tree/Yu/ | _O(N)_| _O(1)_ |[:tv:](|
|582|[Kill Process](| [Python ](./tree/Yu/ | _O(N)_| _O(N)_ | [:tv:](|

## Backtrack Medium
| # | Title | Solution | Time | Space | Video|
| --- | ----- | -------- | ---- | ----- | ---- |
|78|[Subsets](| [Python ](./backtrack/Yu/ | _O(N*(2^N))_| _O(2^N)_|[:tv:](|
|90|[Subsets II](| [Python ](./backtrack/Yu/ | _O(N*(2^N))_| _O(2^N)_ | [:tv:](|
|46|[Permutations](| [Python ](./backtrack/Yu/ | _O(N*(N!))_| _O(N!)_ | [:tv:](|
|47|[Permutations II](| [Python ](./backtrack/Yu/ | _O(N*(N!))_| _O(N!)_ | [:tv:](|
|60|[Permutation Sequence](| [Python ](./backtrack/Yu/ | _O(N * (N!)_| _O(N)_ ||
|77|[Combinations](| [Python ](./backtrack/Yu/ | _O(N*(N!))_| _O(N!)_ ||
|39|[Combination Sum](| [Python ](./backtrack/Yu/ | _O(K * (2^N)_| _O(N)_ | [:tv:](|
|40|[Combination Sum II](| [Python ](./backtrack/Yu/ | _O(K * (2^N)_| _O(N)_ | [:tv:](|
|216|[Combination Sum III](| [Python ](./backtrack/Yu/ | _O(K * (2^N)_| _O(N)_ ||
|17|[Letter Combinations of a Phone Number](| [Python ](./backtrack/Yu/ | _O(N*(4^N))_| _O(N)_ | [:tv:](|
|131|[Palindrome Partitioning](| [Python ](./backtrack/Yu/ | _O(N*(2^N))_| _O(N)_ | [:tv:](|

## Greedy Medium
| # | Title | Solution | Time | Space | Video|
| --- | ----- | -------- | ---- | ----- | ---- |
|452|[Minimum Number of Arrows to Burst Balloons](| [Python ](./greedy/ | _O(N)_| _O(1)_ | |

## Dynamic Programming Easy
| # | Title | Solution | Time | Space | Video|
| --- | ----- | -------- | ---- | ----- | ---- |
|70|[Climbing Stairs](| [Python ](./dp/ | _O(N)_| _O(1)_ | Easy| |
|53|[Maximum Subarray](| [Python ](./dp/ | _O(N)_| _O(N)_ | Easy|[:tv:]( |
|198|[House Robber](| [Python ](./dp/ | _O(N)_| _O(N)_ | Easy|[:tv:]( |

## Dynamic Programming Medium
| # | Title | Solution | Time | Space | Video|
| --- | ----- | -------- | ---- | ----- | ---- |
|64|[Minimum Path Sum](| [Python ](./dp/ | _O(N^2)_| _O(M*N)_ | [:tv:](|
|62|[Unique Paths](| [Python ](./dp/ | _O(N^2)_| _O(M*N)_ | Reference #64|
|55|[Jump Game](| [Python ](./dp/ | _O(N^2)_| _O(1)_ | TLE with DP/Use Greedy for O(N) Solution|
|45|[Jump Game II](| [Python ](./dp/ | _O(N^2)_| _O(1)_ | TLE with DP/Use Greedy for O(N) Solution |
|300|[Longest Increasing Subsequence](| [Python ](./dp/ | _O(N^2)_| _O(1)_ | Use Binary-Search for NlogN Solution|

## BitMap Easy
| # | Title | Solution | Time | Space | Video|
| --- | ----- | -------- | ---- | ----- | ---- |
|136|[Single Number](| [Python ](./bitmap/ | _O(N)_| _O(1)_ | [:tv:](|

## Contributors

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## License

🌱 MIT @ Yu Zhou 🌱


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