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Webseite des TechAachen e.V.

jekyll jekyll-website website

Last synced: 3 months ago
JSON representation

Webseite des TechAachen e.V.

Awesome Lists containing this project



# TechAachen Webseite

## How to build locally

docker run --rm --volume="$PWD:/srv/jekyll" --volume="$PWD/vendor/bundle:/usr/local/bundle" -p 4000:4000 -it jekyll/jekyll jekyll serve

and open http://localhost:4000/ in your web browser for a live preview.

## Website

It is ~~going to be~~ the second Version of TechAachen's Webpage.

"l'preview" for every branch pushed to this Github repository is automatiocally build using *Github Actions* and published on
Note: This feature does not work for forks of this repository.

Website structure:
- [X] Mainpage
- [ ] About us, Our Mission:
- [ ] Ziele ergänzen.
- [ ] Fenstergröße anpassen
- [x] Projects
- [x] Add Texts, Files and better images
- [x] Add Kompetenztreffenpage
- [x] finalize Kompetenztreffen
- [x] Contact
- [x] Logo-position
- [x] Hallo-size in smartphone view
- [x] legal: vertical alignment
- [x] Impressum
- [x] Datenschutz
- [x] Satzung

All those bulled-points represent a `*.md`-file in root with a corresponding layout, stored in `_layouts`, as so:

| Page | Layouts-Name | Info |
| :------------- | :------------- | :------------- |
| index.html | front.html | Front-Page |
| | page.html | About us and Mission |
| *{project}*.html | page.html | individual Projectpage |
| | contactpage.html | contactpage inherits page.html |
| | paperwork.html | impressum |
| | paperwork.html | Datenschutzerklärung |
| | paperwork.html | Satzung TechAachen |

Unimportant Layout-ToDos:
- [ ] Paperwork add Download as PDF-Button
- [ ] Paperwork make goback-button floating
- [ ] Struktur die von default.html erben soll erstellen.
- [x] Add pictures

The front-page contains mostly subpages, created from card in `_includes`.
Other includes are:
- [x] card
- [x] navbar
- [x] socialmedia
- [x] smaller version suitable for Footer
- [x] removed from includes
- [x] members (images and links to all members)
- [x] ugly workaround
- [x] mitgliederversammlung
- [x] on contact
- [x] deleted paperwork.html
- [x] persons (board members etc.)
- [x] needs to become cards and replaced on aboutus
- [ ] sizing
- [x] Header
- [x] general design
- [ ] responsive design not working really good
- [ ] scroll down button or smaller background image
- [x] persons um Mittmachen Feld ergänzen
- [x] Footer
- [x] responsivnes
- [x] Logo
- [x] remove bulled-points
- [x] alignment
- [x] border-top
- [x] socialmedia buttons

Variables accessible all over the website are stored in `config.yml`

Data like members, project on front etc. are stored in `_data`.