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Functional and customizable CSS utilities with familiar names

atomic-css css functional-css layout utility-classes

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Functional and customizable CSS utilities with familiar names

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# shed.css – The Beginning of the End of CSS

Shed.css came about after I got tired of writing CSS. All of the CSS in the world has already been written, and there's no need to rewrite it in every one of our projects. After a bikeshedding session with [@brnnbrn]( & [@samselikoff](, and [me](, we came up with a naming scheme we were satisfied with, and [shed.css]( was born.

[What does shed accomplish?](

[What does it look like?](

## Use

#### _In a hurry? Clone [this repo]( to get going with a starter kit and skip all of the setup._

### First, install shed using [npm](

❯ yarn add -D shed-css

At this point, we come to a fork in the road. Choose one of these options:

#### 🚳 Single Speed

— I just want to use it.

@import "shed-css/dist/index.css";

#### ⚛️ React

— I want to use it in React.js

Shed has a [react companion]( implemented using [styled components]( It comes with an optional [babel plugin]( which allows you to write components like this:

Padded Headline

#### 🖌 Fixie

— I want to customize the scale and fonts.

Shed is written in [PostCSS]( using future css syntax, but is distributed as future css and Sass. To customize the scale and fonts, you must follow one of these two paths:

##### PostCSS

install shed's peer dependencies ([postcss]( and [cssnext]( and add them to your build pipeline.

##### Install peer deps:

npm ls 2>/dev/null | grep \"UNMET PEER DEPENDENCY\" | awk '{print $NF}' | xargs yarn add -D

##### Customize Variables:

@import "shed-css/lib/index.css";

:root {
* These "z" values reflect the steps on the scale.
* Numbers prefixed with "dot" mean they're below
* the base font size.
--z-dot1: .19381rem
--z-dot2: .23257rem
--z-dot3: .27908rem
--z-dot4: .3349rem
--z-dot5: .40188rem
--z-dot6: .48225rem
--z-dot7: .5787rem
--z-dot8: .69444rem
--z-dot9: .83333rem
--z0: 0;
--z1: 1rem
--z2: 1.2rem
--z3: 1.44rem
--z4: 1.728rem
--z5: 2.0736rem
--z6: 2.48832rem
--z7: 2.98598rem
--z8: 3.58318rem
--z9: 4.29982rem
--z10: 5.15978rem

* These "f-f" values change the font family utilties
* in the "font family" section.
--f-f-sans: sans-serif;
--f-f-serif: serif;
--f-f-mono: monospace;

* These "l-h" values change the line height utilties
* in the "line height" section. Unitless numbers recommended.
--l-h--default: 1;
--l-h--tight: 1.2;
--l-h--normal: 1.5;
--l-h--loose: 1.75;

* These "l-s" values change the letter spacing
* utilties in the "letter spacing" section.
* Em values recommended.
--l-s--default: normal;
--l-s--tight: -.04em;
--l-s--normal: -.01em;
--l-s--loose: .1em;

Now, you might want to get your brand colors in there by [creating a custom theme.](

#### 🚲🏚 Trailblazer

— I demand complete control (pro-level bikeshedder)

[See the full customization guide](