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# tf_aws_elasticsearch

Terraform module for deploying and managing [Amazon Elasticsearch Service](

This module has two options for creating an Elasticsearch domain:
1) Create an Elasticsearch domain with a public endpoint. Access policy is then based on the intersection of the following two criteria
* source IP address
* client IAM role

See [this Stack Overflow post]( for further discussion of access policies for Elasticsearch.
2) Create an Elasticsearch domain and join it to a VPC. Access policy is then based on the intersection of the following two criteria:
* security groups applied to Elasticsearch domain
* client IAM role

If `vpc_options` option is set, Elasticsearch domain is created within a VPC. If not, Elasticsearch domain is created with a public endpoint

NOTE: **You can either launch your domain within a VPC or use a public endpoint, but you can't do both.** Considering this, adding or removing `vpc_options` will force **DESTRUCTION** of the old Elasticsearch domain and **CREATION** of a new one. More INFO - [VPC support](

Several options affect the resilience and scalability of your Elasticsearch domain. For a production deployment:

- set `instance_count` to an even number (default: `6`) greater than or equal to the `dedicated_master_threshold` (default: `10`)
- choose an `instance_type` that is not in the T2 family
- set `es_zone_awareness` to `true`.

This will result in a cluster with three dedicated master nodes, balanced across two availability zones.

For a production deployment it may also make sense to use EBS volumes rather that instance storage; to do so, set `ebs_volume_size` greater than 0 and optionally specify a value for `ebs_volume_type` (right now the only supported values are `gp2` and `magnetic`).

## Terraform versions

Terraform 0.12. Pin module version to `~> v1.0`. Submit pull-requests to `master` branch.

Terraform 0.11. Pin module version to `~> v0.0`. Submit pull-requests to `terraform011` branch.

# Usage

Create Elasticsearch domain with public endpoint

module "es" {
source = "git::"

domain_name = "my-elasticsearch-domain"
management_public_ip_addresses = ["34.203.XXX.YYY"]
instance_count = 16
instance_type = "m4.2xlarge.elasticsearch"
dedicated_master_type = "m4.large.elasticsearch"
es_zone_awareness = true
ebs_volume_size = 100

Create Elasticsearch domain within a VPC and CloudWatch logs

module "es" {
source = "git::"

domain_name = "my-elasticsearch-domain"
vpc_options = {
security_group_ids = ["sg-XXXXXXXX"]
subnet_ids = ["subnet-YYYYYYYY"]
instance_count = 1
instance_type = "t2.medium.elasticsearch"
dedicated_master_type = "t2.medium.elasticsearch"
es_zone_awareness = false
ebs_volume_size = 35

advanced_options = {
"rest.action.multi.allow_explicit_index" = "true" # double quotes are required here

log_publishing_options = [
cloudwatch_log_group_arn = "arn:aws:logs:eu-central-1:604506250243:log-group:es:*"
log_type = "INDEX_SLOW_LOGS"
enabled = true
cloudwatch_log_group_arn = "arn:aws:logs:eu-central-1:604506250243:log-group:es:*"
log_type = "SEARCH_SLOW_LOGS"
enabled = true
cloudwatch_log_group_arn = "arn:aws:logs:eu-central-1:604506250243:log-group:es:*"
enabled = true

Create small (4-node) Elasticsearch domain in a VPC with dedicated master nodes

module "es" {
source = "git::"

domain_name = "my-elasticsearch-domain"
vpc_options = {
security_group_ids = ["sg-XXXXXXXX"]
subnet_ids = ["subnet-YYYYYYYY"]
instance_count = 4
instance_type = "m4.2xlarge.elasticsearch"
dedicated_master_threshold = 4
dedicated_master_type = "m4.large.elasticsearch"
es_zone_awareness = true
ebs_volume_size = 100

## Inputs

| Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
| advanced\_options | Map of key-value string pairs to specify advanced configuration options. Note that the values for these configuration options must be strings (wrapped in quotes) or they may be wrong and cause a perpetual diff, causing Terraform to want to recreate your Elasticsearch domain on every apply. | map(string) | `{}` | no |
| create\_iam\_service\_linked\_role | Whether to create IAM service linked role for AWS ElasticSearch service. Can be only one per AWS account. | bool | `"true"` | no |
| dedicated\_master\_threshold | The number of instances above which dedicated master nodes will be used. Default: 10 | number | `"10"` | no |
| dedicated\_master\_type | ES instance type to be used for dedicated masters (default same as instance_type) | string | `"false"` | no |
| domain\_name | Domain name for Elasticsearch cluster | string | `"es-domain"` | no |
| domain\_prefix | String to be prefixed to search domain. Default: tf- | string | `"tf-"` | no |
| ebs\_volume\_size | Optionally use EBS volumes for data storage by specifying volume size in GB (default 0) | number | `"0"` | no |
| ebs\_volume\_type | Storage type of EBS volumes, if used (default gp2) | string | `"gp2"` | no |
| encrypt\_at\_rest | Enable encrption at rest (only specific instance family types support it: m4, c4, r4, i2, i3 default: false) | bool | `"false"` | no |
| enforce\_https | Whether or not to require HTTPS. | bool | `"false"` | no |
| es\_version | Version of Elasticsearch to deploy (default 5.1) | string | `"5.1"` | no |
| es\_zone\_awareness | Enable zone awareness for Elasticsearch cluster (default false) | bool | `"false"` | no |
| es\_zone\_awareness\_count | Number of availability zones used for data nodes (default 2) | number | `"2"` | no |
| instance\_count | Number of data nodes in the cluster (default 6) | number | `"6"` | no |
| instance\_type | ES instance type for data nodes in the cluster (default t2.small.elasticsearch) | string | `"t2.small.elasticsearch"` | no |
| kms\_key\_id | KMS key used for elasticsearch | string | `""` | no |
| log\_publishing\_options | List of maps of options for publishing slow logs to CloudWatch Logs. | list(map(string)) | `[]` | no |
| management\_iam\_roles | List of IAM role ARNs from which to permit management traffic (default ['*']). Note that a client must match both the IP address and the IAM role patterns in order to be permitted access. | list(string) | `[ "*" ]` | no |
| management\_public\_ip\_addresses | List of IP addresses from which to permit management traffic (default []). Note that a client must match both the IP address and the IAM role patterns in order to be permitted access. | list(string) | `[]` | no |
| node\_to\_node\_encryption\_enabled | Whether to enable node-to-node encryption. | bool | `"false"` | no |
| snapshot\_start\_hour | Hour at which automated snapshots are taken, in UTC (default 0) | number | `"0"` | no |
| tags | tags to apply to all resources | map(string) | `{}` | no |
| tls\_security\_policy | The name of the TLS security policy that needs to be applied to the HTTPS endpoint. Example values: Policy-Min-TLS-1-0-2019-07 and Policy-Min-TLS-1-2-2019-07. Terraform will only perform drift detection if a configuration value is provided. | string | `"null"` | no |
| use\_prefix | Flag indicating whether or not to use the domain_prefix. Default: true | bool | `"true"` | no |
| vpc\_options | A map of supported vpc options | map(list(string)) | `{ "security_group_ids": [], "subnet_ids": [] }` | no |

## Outputs

| Name | Description |
| arn | Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the domain |
| domain\_id | Unique identifier for the domain |
| domain\_name | The name of the Elasticsearch domain |
| endpoint | Domain-specific endpoint used to submit index, search, and data upload requests |
| kibana\_endpoint | Domain-specific endpoint for kibana without https scheme |

## Authors

Originally created by [Steve Huff](, [Alexander Gramovich]( and [these awesome contributors](

Module managed by [Anton Babenko](

## License

MIT licensed. See `` for full details.