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Creates a security group with the option to add rules for internal IBM Cloud flows

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Creates a security group with the option to add rules for internal IBM Cloud flows

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# IBM Security Group for VPC module

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This module supports most operations on security groups for VPC. For more information, see [About security groups]( in the IBM Cloud Docs.

The module supports the following scenarios:
- Create a security group in a VPC
- Create security group rules for a new or existing security group
- Create pre-defined security group rules to cover the range of IBM Cloud internal CIDRs for ([service endpoints]( and [IaaS endpoints](
- Attach a security group to one or more existing targets in the VPC (for example, VSI network interface, VPC load balancer, Virtual Private Endpoint gateways, VPC VPN servers)

See the following [examples](#Examples) section for code that illustrates these scenarios.

## Overview
* [terraform-ibm-security-group](#terraform-ibm-security-group)
* [Examples](./examples)
* [Default example](./examples/default)
* [Example to add security group rules to an existing security group (kube)](./examples/add-rules-to-existing-sg-kube)
* [Example to add security group rules to an existing security group](./examples/add-rules-to-existing-sg)
* [Example to attach resources to security group](./examples/sg-target-example)
* [Contributing](#contributing)

## terraform-ibm-security-group
### Usage

module "create_sgr_rule" {
source = "terraform-ibm-modules/security-group/ibm"
version = "latest" # Replace "latest" with a release version to lock into a specific release
add_ibm_cloud_internal_rules = true
security_group_name = "test-sg"
security_group_rules = [{
name = "allow-all-inbound"
direction = "inbound"
remote = ""
target_ids = ["r006-37e5b107-3006-480b-a340-bb1951357a73"]

### Required IAM access policies

You need the following permissions to run this module.

- IAM services
- **VPC Infrastructure** services
- `Editor` platform access

### Requirements

| Name | Version |
| [terraform](#requirement\_terraform) | >= 1.3 |
| [ibm](#requirement\_ibm) | >= 1.59.0, < 2.0.0 |

### Modules

No modules.

### Resources

| Name | Type |
| []( | resource |
| [ibm_is_security_group_rule.security_group_rule]( | resource |
| [ibm_is_security_group_target.sg_target]( | resource |
| [ibm_is_security_group.existing_sg]( | data source |

### Inputs

| Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
| [access\_tags](#input\_access\_tags) | A list of access management tags to attach to the security group. For more information, see [working with tags]( | `list(string)` | `[]` | no |
| [add\_ibm\_cloud\_internal\_rules](#input\_add\_ibm\_cloud\_internal\_rules) | Add IBM cloud Internal rules to the provided security group rules | `bool` | `false` | no |
| [existing\_security\_group\_id](#input\_existing\_security\_group\_id) | Id of an existing security group. Mutually exclusive with `existing_security_group_name`. If set, rules will be added to the specified security group. | `string` | `null` | no |
| [existing\_security\_group\_name](#input\_existing\_security\_group\_name) | Name of an existing security group. Mutually exclusive with `existing_security_group_id`. If set, rules will be added to the specified security group. | `string` | `null` | no |
| [resource\_group](#input\_resource\_group) | An existing resource group name to use for this example, if unset a new resource group will be created | `string` | `null` | no |
| [security\_group\_name](#input\_security\_group\_name) | Name of the security group to be created | `string` | `"test-sg"` | no |
| [security\_group\_rules](#input\_security\_group\_rules) | A list of security group rules to be added to the default vpc security group |

name = string
direction = optional(string, "inbound")
remote = string
tcp = optional(
port_max = optional(number)
port_min = optional(number)
udp = optional(
port_max = optional(number)
port_min = optional(number)
icmp = optional(
type = optional(number)
code = optional(number)
| `[]` | no |
| [tags](#input\_tags) | List of resource tags to apply to security group created by this module. | `list(string)` | `[]` | no |
| [target\_ids](#input\_target\_ids) | (Optional) A list of target identifiers from the same VPC as the security group. It may contain one or more of the following identifiers: network interface, application load balancer, endpoint gateway, and VPN server | `list(string)` | `[]` | no |
| [use\_existing\_security\_group](#input\_use\_existing\_security\_group) | If set, the modules modifies the specified existing\_security\_group\_name. | `bool` | `false` | no |
| [use\_existing\_security\_group\_id](#input\_use\_existing\_security\_group\_id) | If set, the modules modifies the specified existing\_security\_group\_id. | `bool` | `false` | no |
| [vpc\_id](#input\_vpc\_id) | ID of the VPC to create security group. Only required if 'existing\_security\_group\_name' is null | `string` | `null` | no |

### Outputs

| Name | Description |
| [security\_group\_id](#output\_security\_group\_id) | The ID of the security group where the rules are added. NOTE: This value will not be available until rules are applied, and it cannot be referenced as a remote for a rule variable for the same module block. If you need this value to use in a rule you are supplying, please use the `security_group_id_for_ref` output instead. |
| [security\_group\_id\_for\_ref](#output\_security\_group\_id\_for\_ref) | The ID of the security group which can be used as remote reference in rules. NOTE: This value will be available as soon as the security group is created, and before rules are applied, which means it can be referenced as a remote in the rules input variable itself. If you require that all rules are applied first, please use the `security_group_id` output instead. |
| [security\_group\_rule](#output\_security\_group\_rule) | Security group rules |
| [security\_target](#output\_security\_target) | Resources added to the security group |

## Contributing

You can report issues and request features for this module in GitHub issues in the module repo. See [Report an issue or request a feature](

To set up your local development environment, see [Local development setup]( in the project documentation.