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A curated list of Awesome Makeup Transfer resources

List: awesome-makeup-transfer

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A curated list of Awesome Makeup Transfer resources

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# Awesome Make Up Transfer [![Awesome](](

A curated list of Makeup Transfer (and Hairstyles Transfer) and related resources.

| ![teaser.jpg]( |
| *This image is from [BeautyGAN](* |

#### 🌱 Contributing

Please feel free to send me [pull requests]( (or [issues]( to add papers/ talks/ demo etc.


### Table of Contents

- [Makeup Transfer](#makeup-transfer)
- [Hairstyles Transfer](#hairstyles-transfer)
- [Datasets](#datasets)
- [Applications](#applications)


### Makeup Transfer

| Title | Venue | Year | Link/ Code |
|:-------- |:--------:|:--------:|:--------:|
| [SHMT: Self-supervised Hierarchical Makeup Transfer via Latent Diffusion Models]( | NeurIPS | 2024 | [Code]( |
| [Content-Style Decoupling for Unsupervised Makeup Transfer without Generating Pseudo Ground Truth]( | CVPR | 2024 | [Code]( |
| [Makeup Prior Models for 3D Facial Makeup Estimation and Applications]( | CVPR | 2024 | [Page](|
| [SSAT ++ : A Semantic-Aware and Versatile Makeup Transfer Network With Local Color Consistency Constraint]( | Journal | 2023 | |
| [Makeup Extraction of 3D Representation via Illumination-Aware Image Decomposition]( |Eurographics|2023|[Page](, [GitHub](,|
| [RamGAN: Region Attentive Morphing GAN for Region-Level Makeup Transfer]( | ECCV | 2022 | -|
|[EleGANt: Exquisite and Locally Editable GAN for Makeup Transfer]( |ECCV|2022|[Code](|
| [SSAT: A Symmetric Semantic-Aware Transformer Network for Makeup Transfer and Removal]( | AAAI | 2022 | [Code](|
| [SOGAN: 3D-Aware Shadow and Occlusion Robust GAN for Makeup Transfer](| ACM MM | 2021|
|[Spatially-Invariant Style-Codes Controlled Makeup Transfer]( | CVPR |2021 |
| [PSGAN++: Robust Detail-Preserving Makeup Transfer and Removal]( | TPAMI | 2021|
|[Deep Graphics Encoder for Real-Time Video Makeup Synthesis from Example](| CVPRw | 2021 ||
| [Lipstick ain't enough: Beyond Color Matching for In-the-Wild Makeup Transfer](|CVPR |2021| [Page](, [Code](|
| [PSGAN: Pose and Expression Robust Spatial-Aware GAN for Customizable Makeup Transfer]( | CVPR |2020| [GitHub](|
| [CA-GAN: Weakly Supervised Color Aware GAN for Controllable Makeup Transfer]( | ECCVw |2020| [Page](|
| [LADN: Local Adversarial Disentangling Network for Facial Makeup and De-Makeup]( | ICCV |2019 | [GitHub](, [Page](|
| [BeautyGlow: On-Demand Makeup Transfer Framework With Reversible Generative Network]( | CVPR | 2019|[GitHub](, [Page](|
|[Content and Colour Distillation for Learning Image Translations with the Spatial Profile Loss](|BMVC |2019| [GitHub](|
| [BeautyGAN: Instance-level Facial Makeup Transfer with Deep Generative Adversarial Network]( | ACM |2018|[Tensorflow](, [Torch](, [Page]( |
| [PairedCycleGAN: Asymmetric Style Transfer for Applying and Removing Makeup](| CVPR |2018 |
|[Makeup like a superstar: Deep Localized Makeup Transfer Network](| IJCA| 2016| |
|— **arXiv** —|
| [BeautyBank: Encoding Facial Makeup in Latent Space]( | arXiv | 2024 | |
| [Gorgeous: Create Your Desired Character Facial Makeup from Any Ideas]( | arXiv|2024||
|[Stable-Makeup: When Real-World Makeup Transfer Meets Diffusion Model]( | arXiv|2024||
| [SARA: Controllable Makeup Transfer with Spatial Alignment and Region-Adaptive Normalization](| arXiv | 2023||
| [BeautyREC: Robust, Efficient, and Content-preserving Makeup Transfer]( | arXiv | 2022 | [Page]( |
| [Semi-parametric Makeup Transfer via Semantic-aware Correspondence](| arXiv | 2022| [code](|
| [Detailed Region-Adaptive Normalization for Heavy Makeup Transfer](|arXiv|2021|[code](|
| [Facial Attribute Transformers for Precise and Robust Makeup Transfer](|arXiv|2021||
| [Cosmetic-Aware Makeup Cleanser](|arXiv|2020| |
| [SLGAN: Style- and Latent-guided Generative Adversarial Network for Desirable Makeup Transfer and Removal](|arXiv|2020| |
| [Local Facial Makeup Transfer via Disentangled Representation](| arXiv|2020 ||
| [Disentangled Makeup Transfer with Generative Adversarial Network](|arXiv|2019|[GitHub](|
| []()| | ||

### Hairstyles Transfer
| Title | Venue | Year | Link/ Code |
|:-------- |:--------:|:--------:|:--------:|
| [K-Hairstyle: A Large-scale Korean hairstyle dataset for virtual hair editing and hairstyle classification](| ICIP | 2021 |[Page](|
| [Barbershop: GAN-based Image Compositing using Segmentation Masks](| SIGGRAPH| 2021|[Page](,[GitHub](|
| [LOHO: Latent Optimization of Hairstyles via Orthogonalization](| CVPR | 2021 |[GitHub](|
| [MichiGAN: Multi-Input-Conditioned Hair Image Generation for Portrait Editing](| SIGGRAPH | 2020 |[GitHub](|
| [Intuitive, Interactive Beard and Hair Synthesis with Generative Models](| CVPR | 2020 |[GitHub](|
|[HairNet: Single-View Hair Reconstruction using Convolutional Neural Networks](| ECCV | 2018 ||
### Datasets

| Name | Year | #imgs | Link | Note |
|:-------- |:--------:|:--------:|:--------:|:--------:|
|Color-Pattern-Makeup Datasets | 2021 | 577-5555 | [GitHub](| w/ [CPM](, 4 subsets|
|Makeup-Wild| 2020 | 772 | [OneDrive](|w/ [PSGAN](|
|LADN Makeup | 2019 | 635 | [Drive](| w/ [LADN](|
|Makeup Transfer | 2018 | 3834 | [Drive]( | w/ [BeautyGAN](|
|Makeup Datasets | 2012-2017 | 200-600|[Pages](| 4 subsets|
| FCC Dataset | 2019 | 18425|[GitHub](|w/ [SPL](|

### Applications

##### Research Directions

- **Face Verification/ Attack**:
- [Protecting Facial Privacy: Generating Adversarial Identity Masks via Style-robust Makeup Transfer]( | CVPR 2022
- [Dodging Attack Using Carefully Crafted Natural Makeup]( | arXiv 2021
- [Adv-Makeup: A New Imperceptible and Transferable Attack on Face Recognition]( | IJCAI 2021
- [FM2u-Net: Face Morphological Multi-Branch Network for Makeup-Invariant Face Verification]( | CVPR 2020
- [Anti-Makeup: Learning A Bi-Level Adversarial Network for Makeup-Invariant Face Verification]( | AAAI 2018

- Recommendation System | Beautification:
- [Face Beautification: Beyond Makeup Transfer]( | arXiv 2019
- [Examples-Rules Guided Deep Neural Network for Makeup Recommendation]( | AAAI 2017

##### Interesting Source Codes

*Source code for demo, web, etc*

- [Face Makeup - Pytorch](
- [Web-based | Makeup Transfer Demo](
- [Web-based | Facial Beauty Prediction](
- [GUI | Makeup Transfer Demo](