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# Software Developer Folio ⚡️ [![GitHub](]( [![GitHub stars](]( [![All Contributors](](#contributors)

## A clean, beautiful and responsive portfolio template for Developers!

Just change `src/portfolio.js` to get your personal portfolio. Customize portfolio theme by using your own color scheme globally in the `src/_globalColor.scss` file. Feel free to use it as-is or personalize it as much as you want.

If you'd like to **contribute** and make this much better for other users, have a look at [Issues](

Created something awesome for your fork of the portfolio and want to share it? Feel free to open a [pull request](

## Table of Contents
- [Sections](#sections)
- [Getting Started](#getting-started)
- [How to Use](#how-to-use)
- [Linking portfolio to GitHub](#linking-portfolio-to-github)
- [Linking blogs section to Medium](#linking-blogs-section-to-medium)
- [Change and Customize](#change-and-customize-every-section-according-to-your-need)
- [Deployment](#deployment)
- [Technologies Used](#technologies-used)
- [Illustrations](#illustrations)
- [For the Future](#for-the-future)
- [Contributors](#project-maintainers)

## Portfolio Sections
✔️ Summary and About me\
✔️ Skills\
✔️ Education\
✔️ Work Experience\
✔️ Open Source Projects Connected with GitHub\
✔️ Big Projects\
✔️ Achievements And Certifications 🏆\
✔️ Blogs\
✔️ Talks\
✔️ Podcast\
✔️ Contact me\
✔️ Twitter Timeline\
✔️ GitHub Profile

To view a live example, **[click here](**.

## Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.

You'll need [Git]( and [Node.js]( (which comes with [npm]( installed on your computer or use [Docker](

[email protected] or higher
[email protected] or higher
[email protected] or higher
### Docker Commands

1) BUILD IMAGE : docker build -t developerfolio:latest .
2) RUN IMAGE: docker run -t -p 3000:3000 developerfolio:latest

## How To Use

From your command line, clone and run developerFolio:

# Clone this repository
git clone

# Go into the repository
cd developerFolio

# Setup default environment variables

# For Linux
cp env.example .env
# For Windows
copy env.example .env

# Install dependencies
npm install

# Start a local dev server
npm start

## Linking Portfolio to GitHub

Generate a classic GitHub personal access token following these [instructions]( (make sure you don't select any scope just generate a simple token). If you are using [GitHub Actions](#configuring-github-actions-recommended) to deploy your portfolio you can skip this section.

1. Create a file called .env in the root directory of your project (if not done already in section: [How To Use](#how-to-use))

Note: Configuring environment variables before deploying your portfolio is highly recommended as some components depend on API data.

- DeveloperFolio
- node_modules
- public
- src
- .env <-- create it here
- env.example <-- this is the base file
- .gitignore
- package-lock.json
- package.json

2. Inside the .env file, add key `REACT_APP_GITHUB_TOKEN` and assign your GitHub token like this, also add your username as `GITHUB_USERNAME`

// .env

Set `showGithubProfile` to true or false to show Contact Profile using GitHub, defaults to false.

**Warning:** Treat your tokens like passwords and keep them secret. When working with the API, use tokens as environment variables instead of hardcoding them into your programs.

Note: Open Source Projects section only show pinned items of your GitHub.
If you are seeing something as shown below, follow these [instructions](


If the above solution still doesn't work, visit the [wiki page](

## Linking blogs section to Medium

Optionally, you can link the blogs section to your medium user account:

* Inside the .env file, add key `MEDIUM_USERNAME` and assign your Medium username

// .env

* For Github Action, change the environment variable `MEDIUM_USERNAME` in `.github/workflows/deploy.yml`

Set `displayMediumBlogs` to true or false in portofolio.js to display fetched Medium blogs, defaults to true.

## Change and customize every section according to your need.

#### Personalize page content in `/src/portfolio.js` & modify it as per your need. You will also need to modify `index.html` to change the title and metadata to provide accurate SEO for your personal portfolio.

/* Change this file to get your Personal Porfolio */

const greeting = {
/* Your Summary And Greeting Section */
title: "Hi all I'm Saad",
subTitle: emoji("A passionate Full Stack Software Developer 🚀"),
resumeLink: ""

const socialMediaLinks = {
/* Your Social Media Link */
github: "",
linkedin: "",
gmail: "[email protected]",
gitlab: "",
facebook: ""

const skillsSection = { .... }

const techStack = { .... }

const workExperience = { .... }

const openSource = { .... }

const bigProjects = { .... }

const achievementSection = { .... }

const blogSection = { .... }

const contactInfo = { .... }

const twitterDetails = { ... }


#### Using Emojis

For adding emoji 😃 into the texts in `Portfolio.js`, use the `emoji()` function and pass the text you need as an argument. This would help in keeping emojis compatible across different browsers and platforms.

#### Customize Lottie Animations

You can choose a Lottie and download it in json format from from sites like [this]( In `src/assets/lottie`, replace the Lottie json file you want to alter with the same file name. If you want to change the Lottie options, go to `src/components/displayLottie/DisplayLottie.js` and change the `defaultOptions` object, you can refer [lottie-react docs]( for more info on the `defaultOptions` object.

#### Adding Twitter Time line to your Page
Insert your Twitter username in `portfolio.js` to show your recent activity on your page.

const twitterDetails = {
userName : "Your Twitter Username"
Note: Don't use `@` symbol when adding username.

## Deployment
When you are done with the setup, you should host your website online.
We highly recommend to read through the [Deploying on GitHub Pages]( docs for React.

#### Configuring GitHub Actions (Recommended)
First you should enable, GitHub Actions for the repository you use.

The Profile and the Repository information from GitHub is only created at the time of deploy and the site needs to be redeployed if those information needs to be updated. So, a configurable [CRON Job]( is setup which deploys your site every week, so that once you update your profile on GitHub it is shown on your portfolio. You can also trigger it manually using `workflow_dispatch` event, see [this guide]( on how to do that.

- When you are done with the configuration, we highly recommend to read through the [GitHub Actions Configuring a workflow]( docs.

#### Deploying to GitHub Pages

This section guides you to deploy your portfolio on GitHub pages.

- Navigate to `package.json` and enter your domain name instead of `` in `homepage` variable. For example, if you want your site to be ``, add the same to the homepage section of `package.json`.

- In short you can also add `/devloperFolio` to `package.json` as both are exactly same. Upon doing so, you tell `create-react-app` to add the path assets accordingly.

- Optionally, configure the domain. You can configure a custom domain with GitHub Pages by adding a `CNAME` file to the `public/` folder.

- Follow through the guide to setup GitHub pages from the official CRA docs [here](

#### Deploying to Netlify

You could also host directly with Netlify by linking your own repository.

[![Deploy To Netlify](](

For more information, read [hosting on Netlify](

## Technologies Used

- [React](
- [graphql](
- [apollo-boost](
- [react-twitter-embed](
- [react-easy-emoji](
- [react-headroom](
- [color-thief](

## Illustrations
- [UnDraw](
- [Lottie by Oblikweare](

## For the Future
If you can help us with these. Please don't hesitate to open a [pull request](

- Connect with LinkedIn to get Summary, Skills, Education and Experience

- Move to Gatsby

- Add More Sections

## Project Maintainers

Saad Pasta

Kartik Choudhary

Naveen M K

Muhammad Hasham

## Contributors

Thanks goes to these wonderful people ([emoji key](

Fawad Ali
Fawad Ali

🤔 💻
Dasun Navoda
Dasun Navoda

Brian Teeman
Brian Teeman

Rajkumar S
Rajkumar S

Slim Coder
Slim Coder

💻 📖
Mohamed Sayyaf
Mohamed Sayyaf

Ashutosh Hathidara
Ashutosh Hathidara


Rizwan Jamal ⚡️
Rizwan Jamal ⚡️

Muhammad Hasham
Muhammad Hasham


Palak Sethi
Palak Sethi

Vinicius Barbosa
Vinicius Barbosa

Bharat Kammakatla
Bharat Kammakatla

Garima Singh
Garima Singh


Henry Heng
Henry Heng

💻 🎨
Pulkit Banta
Pulkit Banta

💻 🐛
Akshay Kumar
Akshay Kumar

💻 🐛
Amna Ejaz
Amna Ejaz

💻 🤔
Paras Nagpal
Paras Nagpal

Sparsh Garg
Sparsh Garg

Aashutosh Rathi
Aashutosh Rathi


Abhishek Kashyap
Abhishek Kashyap

Lucas V C Nicolau
Lucas V C Nicolau

Bradley C. Herrin
Bradley C. Herrin

📖 🤔
Zekinah Lecaros
Zekinah Lecaros


Arshad Ahmed
Arshad Ahmed

Xiaohui Liu
Xiaohui Liu

📖 💻 🎨


Najam Shehzad
Najam Shehzad

Randy Jesus Real Srsen
Randy Jesus Real Srsen

Tamojit Das
Tamojit Das

Waren Gonzaga
Waren Gonzaga

Benjamin Bourgeois
Benjamin Bourgeois

Keshav Jain
Keshav Jain



Yogesh Rathod
Yogesh Rathod

Kunal Mundada
Kunal Mundada

Anubhav Gupta
Anubhav Gupta

Vatsal Dave
Vatsal Dave

Elvis Ciuffetelli
Elvis Ciuffetelli

Scott Jellen
Scott Jellen

💻 🎨

Karthik Mohan
Karthik Mohan




Red Headphone
Red Headphone

💻 🐛
Sunit Roy
Sunit Roy

Atir Nayab
Atir Nayab


Shehriyar Qureshi
Shehriyar Qureshi



Canciu Costin
Canciu Costin

Atharv Singh
Atharv Singh

Ishan Khandelwal
Ishan Khandelwal

Sergey Lyapustin
Sergey Lyapustin


Camila Pozas
Camila Pozas

Sai Teja
Sai Teja

Vinit Hemadri
Vinit Hemadri

Njong Emy
Njong Emy

Tamal Das
Tamal Das


Muneeb Ahmed
Muneeb Ahmed


Qais Attarwala
Qais Attarwala

