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Shareable ESLint config, based on airbnb/javascript, bundled as a plugin
eslint eslint-config eslint-config-airbnb eslint-plugin
Last synced: 3 months ago
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Shareable ESLint config, based on airbnb/javascript, bundled as a plugin
- Host: GitHub
- URL:
- Owner: thibaudcolas
- License: mit
- Created: 2018-09-16T21:51:08.000Z (over 6 years ago)
- Default Branch: main
- Last Pushed: 2024-01-17T18:46:29.000Z (about 1 year ago)
- Last Synced: 2024-10-25T06:02:31.318Z (3 months ago)
- Topics: eslint, eslint-config, eslint-config-airbnb, eslint-plugin
- Language: JavaScript
- Homepage:
- Size: 3.23 MB
- Stars: 3
- Watchers: 2
- Forks: 0
- Open Issues: 2
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- Contributing: .github/
- License: LICENSE
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# @thibaudcolas/eslint-plugin-cookbook [](
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> Shareable ESLint config, based on airbnb/javascript, bundled as a plugin.
## Why
We want shareable configs to have as low of an overhead as possible. Users shouldn't have to know exactly what plugins are required by the config, install them and manage their versions manually. This plugin contains a shareable config, with plugin dependencies automatically installed.
> See []( for further discussion on this topic.
## Usage
Install ESLint and the config:
npm install --save-dev eslint @thibaudcolas/eslint-plugin-cookbook
```Then [configure ESLint to use this config]( As a `.eslintrc.js` in the root of your project:
module.exports = {
extends: "plugin:@thibaudcolas/cookbook/recommended",
```### With Prettier
This recommended config is Prettier-compatible. First, install Prettier:
npm install --save-dev prettier
```Then, to configure Prettier itself, create a `prettier.config.js` file in the root of your project. You can use the following to get started:
module.exports = require("@thibaudcolas/eslint-plugin-cookbook/prettier.config");
```### Switching to this config
Read on: [Upgrading to a stricter ESLint config](
### Overriding the rules
Should further customisation be required, rules coming from external plugins require the `@thibaudcolas/cookbook` prefix:
module.exports = {
extends: "plugin:@thibaudcolas/cookbook/recommended",
rules: {
- "react/react-in-jsx-scope": ["warn"],
+ "@thibaudcolas/cookbook/react/react-in-jsx-scope": ["warn"],
- "import/prefer-default-export": ["warn"],
+ "@thibaudcolas/cookbook/import/prefer-default-export": ["warn"],
```### Tips
- Use ESLint’s [`--report-unused-disable-directives`]( flag to ensure you do not use more `eslint-disable` comments than needed.
### Related tools
To get the most out of this config, it is assumed that projects have the following tools set up:
- [Prettier]( for automated formatting of stylesheets.
- [Browserslist]( for the definition of target browsers (along with [autoprefixer]( and [@babel/preset-env]( Rules
### Extends
- [`airbnb`](
- [`prettier`](
- [`prettier/react`](
- [`prettier/flowtype`]( Cookbook config
- [no-warning-comments]( `1, terms: todo, fixme, xxx, location: start`
- [import/no-extraneous-dependencies]( `2, devDependencies: test/**, tests/**, spec/**, **/__tests__…`
- [react/jsx-filename-extension]( `2, extensions: .js`
- [no-param-reassign]( `2, props: false`
- [react/forbid-prop-types]( `2, forbid: any`### Rules of [`airbnb`](
- [jsx-a11y/anchor-has-content]( `error, components:`
- [jsx-a11y/aria-role]( `error, ignoreNonDom: false, ignoreNonDOM: false`
- [jsx-a11y/aria-props](
- [jsx-a11y/aria-proptypes](
- [jsx-a11y/aria-unsupported-elements](
- [jsx-a11y/alt-text]( `error, elements: img, object, area, inputtype=\image\, img: …`
- [jsx-a11y/img-redundant-alt](
- [jsx-a11y/label-has-associated-control]( `error, labelComponents: , labelAttributes: , controlComponen…`
- [jsx-a11y/control-has-associated-label]( `error, labelAttributes: label, controlComponents: , ignoreEl…`
- [jsx-a11y/mouse-events-have-key-events](
- [jsx-a11y/no-access-key](
- [jsx-a11y/interactive-supports-focus](
- [jsx-a11y/role-has-required-aria-props](
- [jsx-a11y/role-supports-aria-props](
- [jsx-a11y/tabindex-no-positive](
- [jsx-a11y/heading-has-content]( `error, components:`
- [jsx-a11y/html-has-lang](
- [jsx-a11y/lang](
- [jsx-a11y/no-distracting-elements]( `error, elements: marquee, blink`
- [jsx-a11y/scope](
- [jsx-a11y/click-events-have-key-events](
- [jsx-a11y/no-static-element-interactions]( `error, handlers: onClick, onMouseDown, onMouseUp, onKeyPress…`
- [jsx-a11y/no-noninteractive-element-interactions]( `error, handlers: onClick, onMouseDown, onMouseUp, onKeyPress…`
- [jsx-a11y/accessible-emoji](
- [jsx-a11y/aria-activedescendant-has-tabindex](
- [jsx-a11y/iframe-has-title](
- [jsx-a11y/no-autofocus]( `error, ignoreNonDOM: true`
- [jsx-a11y/no-redundant-roles](
- [jsx-a11y/media-has-caption]( `error, audio: , video: , track:`
- [jsx-a11y/no-interactive-element-to-noninteractive-role]( `error, tr: none, presentation`
- [jsx-a11y/no-noninteractive-element-to-interactive-role]( `error, ul: listbox, menu, menubar, radiogroup, tablist, tree…`
- [jsx-a11y/no-noninteractive-tabindex]( `error, tags: , roles: tabpanel`
- [jsx-a11y/anchor-is-valid]( `error, components: Link, specialLink: to, aspects: noHref, i…`
- [no-underscore-dangle]( `error, allow: __REDUX_DEVTOOLS_EXTENSION_COMPOSE__, allowAft…`
- [class-methods-use-this]( `error, exceptMethods: render, getInitialState, getDefaultPro…`
- [react/jsx-boolean-value]( `error, never, always:`
- [react/jsx-no-duplicate-props]( `error, ignoreCase: true`
- [react/jsx-no-undef](
- [react/jsx-pascal-case]( `error, allowAllCaps: true, ignore:`
- [react/jsx-uses-react](
- [react/jsx-uses-vars](
- [react/no-danger]( `warn`
- [react/no-deprecated](
- [react/no-did-update-set-state](
- [react/no-will-update-set-state](
- [react/no-is-mounted](
- [react/no-string-refs](
- [react/no-unknown-property](
- [react/prefer-es6-class]( `error, always`
- [react/prefer-stateless-function]( `error, ignorePureComponents: true`
- [react/prop-types]( `error, ignore: , customValidators: , skipUndeclared: false`
- [react/react-in-jsx-scope](
- [react/require-render-return](
- [react/self-closing-comp](
- [react/sort-comp]( `error, order: static-variables, static-methods, instance-var…`
- [react/jsx-no-target-blank]( `error, enforceDynamicLinks: always`
- [react/jsx-no-comment-textnodes](
- [react/no-render-return-value](
- [react/no-find-dom-node](
- [react/no-danger-with-children](
- [react/no-unused-prop-types]( `error, customValidators: , skipShapeProps: true`
- [react/style-prop-object](
- [react/no-unescaped-entities](
- [react/no-children-prop](
- [react/no-array-index-key](
- [react/require-default-props]( `error, forbidDefaultForRequired: true`
- [react/forbid-foreign-prop-types]( `warn, allowInPropTypes: true`
- [react/void-dom-elements-no-children](
- [react/default-props-match-prop-types]( `error, allowRequiredDefaults: false`
- [react/no-redundant-should-component-update](
- [react/no-unused-state](
- [react/no-typos](
- [react/jsx-curly-brace-presence]( `error, props: never, children: never`
- [react/destructuring-assignment]( `error, always`
- [react/no-access-state-in-setstate](
- [react/button-has-type]( `error, button: true, submit: true, reset: false`
- [react/no-this-in-sfc](
- [react/jsx-fragments]( `error, syntax`
- [react/state-in-constructor]( `error, always`
- [react/static-property-placement]( `error, property assignment`
- [react/jsx-props-no-spreading]( `error, html: enforce, custom: enforce, exceptions:`
- [strict]( `error, never`
- [import/no-unresolved]( `error, commonjs: true, caseSensitive: true`
- [import/named](
- [import/export](
- [import/no-named-as-default](
- [import/no-named-as-default-member](
- [import/no-mutable-exports](
- [import/no-amd](
- [import/first](
- [import/no-duplicates](
- [import/extensions]( `error, ignorePackages, js: never, mjs: never, jsx: never`
- [import/order]( `error, groups: builtin, external, internal`
- [import/newline-after-import](
- [import/prefer-default-export](
- [import/no-absolute-path](
- [import/no-dynamic-require](
- [import/no-webpack-loader-syntax](
- [import/no-named-default](
- [import/no-self-import](
- [import/no-cycle](
- [import/no-useless-path-segments]( `error, commonjs: true`
- [constructor-super](
- [no-class-assign](
- [no-const-assign](
- [no-dupe-class-members](
- [no-new-symbol](
- [no-this-before-super](
- [no-useless-computed-key](
- [no-useless-constructor](
- [no-useless-rename]( `error, ignoreDestructuring: false, ignoreImport: false, igno…`
- [no-var](
- [object-shorthand]( `error, always, ignoreConstructors: false, avoidQuotes: true`
- [prefer-const]( `error, destructuring: any, ignoreReadBeforeAssign: true`
- [prefer-destructuring]( `error, VariableDeclarator: array: false, object: true, Assig…`
- [prefer-numeric-literals](
- [prefer-rest-params](
- [prefer-spread](
- [prefer-template](
- [require-yield](
- [symbol-description](
- [no-delete-var](
- [no-label-var](
- [no-restricted-globals]( `error, isFinite, isNaN, addEventListener, blur, close, close…`
- [no-shadow](
- [no-shadow-restricted-names](
- [no-undef](
- [no-undef-init](
- [no-unused-vars]( `error, vars: all, args: after-used, ignoreRestSiblings: true`
- [no-use-before-define]( `error, functions: true, classes: true, variables: true`
- [camelcase]( `error, properties: never, ignoreDestructuring: false, ignore…`
- [func-names]( `warn`
- [lines-between-class-members]( `error, always, exceptAfterSingleLine: false`
- [lines-around-directive]( `error, before: always, after: always`
- [new-cap]( `error, newIsCap: true, newIsCapExceptions: , capIsNew: false…`
- [no-array-constructor](
- [no-bitwise](
- [no-continue](
- [no-lonely-if](
- [no-multi-assign](
- [no-nested-ternary](
- [no-new-object](
- [no-plusplus](
- [no-restricted-syntax]( `error, selector: ForInStatement, message: loops iter…`
- [no-unneeded-ternary]( `error, defaultAssignment: false`
- [one-var]( `error, never`
- [operator-assignment]( `error, always`
- [prefer-object-spread](
- [spaced-comment]( `error, always, line: exceptions: -, +, markers: =, !, block:…`
- [global-require](
- [no-buffer-constructor](
- [no-new-require](
- [no-path-concat](
- [for-direction](
- [getter-return]( `error, allowImplicit: true`
- [no-async-promise-executor](
- [no-await-in-loop](
- [no-compare-neg-zero](
- [no-cond-assign]( `error, always`
- [no-console]( `warn`
- [no-constant-condition]( `warn`
- [no-control-regex](
- [no-debugger](
- [no-dupe-args](
- [no-dupe-keys](
- [no-duplicate-case](
- [no-empty](
- [no-empty-character-class](
- [no-ex-assign](
- [no-extra-boolean-cast](
- [no-func-assign](
- [no-inner-declarations](
- [no-invalid-regexp](
- [no-irregular-whitespace](
- [no-misleading-character-class](
- [no-obj-calls](
- [no-prototype-builtins](
- [no-regex-spaces](
- [no-sparse-arrays](
- [no-template-curly-in-string](
- [no-unreachable](
- [no-unsafe-finally](
- [no-unsafe-negation](
- [use-isnan](
- [valid-typeof]( `error, requireStringLiterals: true`
- [array-callback-return]( `error, allowImplicit: true, checkForEach: false`
- [block-scoped-var](
- [consistent-return](
- [default-case]( `error, commentPattern: ^no default$`
- [dot-notation]( `error, allowKeywords: true, allowPattern:`
- [eqeqeq]( `error, always, null: ignore`
- [guard-for-in](
- [max-classes-per-file]( `error, 1`
- [no-alert]( `warn`
- [no-caller](
- [no-case-declarations](
- [no-else-return]( `error, allowElseIf: false`
- [no-empty-function]( `error, allow: arrowFunctions, functions, methods`
- [no-empty-pattern](
- [no-eval](
- [no-extend-native](
- [no-extra-bind](
- [no-extra-label](
- [no-fallthrough](
- [no-global-assign]( `error, exceptions:`
- [no-implied-eval](
- [no-iterator](
- [no-labels]( `error, allowLoop: false, allowSwitch: false`
- [no-lone-blocks](
- [no-loop-func](
- [no-multi-str](
- [no-new](
- [no-new-func](
- [no-new-wrappers](
- [no-octal](
- [no-octal-escape](
- [no-proto](
- [no-redeclare](
- [no-restricted-properties]( `error, object: arguments, property: callee, message: argumen…`
- [no-return-assign]( `error, always`
- [no-return-await](
- [no-script-url](
- [no-self-assign]( `error, props: true`
- [no-self-compare](
- [no-sequences](
- [no-throw-literal](
- [no-unused-expressions]( `error, allowShortCircuit: false, allowTernary: false, allowT…`
- [no-unused-labels](
- [no-useless-catch](
- [no-useless-concat](
- [no-useless-escape](
- [no-useless-return](
- [no-void](
- [no-with](
- [prefer-promise-reject-errors]( `error, allowEmptyReject: true`
- [radix](
- [vars-on-top](
- [yoda]( Disabled rules
- [react/jsx-no-bind](
- [react/jsx-child-element-spacing](
- [react/jsx-closing-bracket-location](
- [react/jsx-closing-tag-location](
- [react/jsx-curly-newline](
- [react/jsx-curly-spacing](
- [react/jsx-equals-spacing](
- [react/jsx-first-prop-new-line](
- [react/jsx-indent](
- [react/jsx-indent-props](
- [react/jsx-max-props-per-line](
- [react/jsx-one-expression-per-line](
- [react/jsx-props-no-multi-spaces](
- [react/jsx-tag-spacing](
- [react/jsx-wrap-multilines](
- [react/jsx-space-before-closing](
- [flowtype/boolean-style](
- [flowtype/delimiter-dangle](
- [flowtype/generic-spacing](
- [flowtype/object-type-delimiter](
- [flowtype/semi](
- [flowtype/space-after-type-colon](
- [flowtype/space-before-generic-bracket](
- [flowtype/space-before-type-colon](
- [flowtype/union-intersection-spacing](
- [arrow-body-style](
- [curly](
- [lines-around-comment](
- [max-len](
- [no-confusing-arrow](
- [no-mixed-operators](
- [no-tabs](
- [no-unexpected-multiline](
- [prefer-arrow-callback](
- [quotes](
- [array-bracket-newline](
- [array-bracket-spacing](
- [array-element-newline](
- [arrow-parens](
- [arrow-spacing](
- [block-spacing](
- [brace-style](
- [comma-dangle](
- [comma-spacing](
- [comma-style](
- [computed-property-spacing](
- [dot-location](
- [eol-last](
- [func-call-spacing](
- [function-call-argument-newline](
- [function-paren-newline](
- [generator-star](
- [generator-star-spacing](
- [implicit-arrow-linebreak](
- [indent](
- [jsx-quotes](
- [key-spacing](
- [keyword-spacing](
- [linebreak-style](
- [multiline-ternary](
- [newline-per-chained-call](
- [new-parens](
- [no-arrow-condition](
- [no-comma-dangle](
- [no-extra-parens](
- [no-extra-semi](
- [no-floating-decimal](
- [no-mixed-spaces-and-tabs](
- [no-multi-spaces](
- [no-multiple-empty-lines](
- [no-reserved-keys](
- [no-space-before-semi](
- [no-trailing-spaces](
- [no-whitespace-before-property](
- [no-wrap-func](
- [nonblock-statement-body-position](
- [object-curly-newline](
- [object-curly-spacing](
- [object-property-newline](
- [one-var-declaration-per-line](
- [operator-linebreak](
- [padded-blocks](
- [quote-props](
- [rest-spread-spacing](
- [semi](
- [semi-spacing](
- [semi-style](
- [space-after-function-name](
- [space-after-keywords](
- [space-before-blocks](
- [space-before-function-paren](
- [space-before-function-parentheses](
- [space-before-keywords](
- [space-in-brackets](
- [space-in-parens](
- [space-infix-ops](
- [space-return-throw-case](
- [space-unary-ops](
- [space-unary-word-ops](
- [switch-colon-spacing](
- [template-curly-spacing](
- [template-tag-spacing](
- [unicode-bom](
- [wrap-iife](
- [wrap-regex](
- [yield-star-spacing](
- [indent-legacy](
- [no-spaced-func](
- [jsx-a11y/label-has-for](
- [jsx-a11y/no-onchange](
- [react/display-name](
- [react/forbid-dom-props](
- [react/jsx-handler-names](
- [react/jsx-key](
- [react/jsx-no-literals](
- [react/sort-prop-types](
- [react/jsx-sort-prop-types](
- [react/jsx-sort-props](
- [react/jsx-sort-default-props](
- [react/no-did-mount-set-state](
- [react/no-direct-mutation-state](
- [react/no-multi-comp](
- [react/no-set-state](
- [react/require-optimization](
- [react/forbid-component-props](
- [react/forbid-elements](
- [react/boolean-prop-naming](
- [react/jsx-max-depth](
- [react/no-unsafe](
- [react/prefer-read-only-props](
- [react/jsx-no-script-url](
- [react/jsx-no-useless-fragment](
- [react/no-adjacent-inline-elements](
- [react/function-component-definition](
- [import/default](
- [import/namespace](
- [import/no-deprecated](
- [import/no-commonjs](
- [import/no-nodejs-modules](
- [import/imports-first](
- [import/no-namespace](
- [import/no-restricted-paths](
- [import/max-dependencies](
- [import/no-internal-modules](
- [import/unambiguous](
- [import/no-unassigned-import](
- [import/no-anonymous-default-export](
- [import/exports-last](
- [import/group-exports](
- [import/no-default-export](
- [import/no-named-export](
- [import/dynamic-import-chunkname](
- [import/no-relative-parent-imports](
- [import/no-unused-modules](
- [no-duplicate-imports](
- [no-restricted-imports](
- [prefer-reflect](
- [sort-imports](
- [init-declarations](
- [no-catch-shadow](
- [no-undefined](
- [capitalized-comments](
- [consistent-this](
- [func-name-matching](
- [func-style](
- [id-blacklist](
- [id-length](
- [id-match](
- [line-comment-position](
- [max-depth](
- [max-lines](
- [max-lines-per-function](
- [max-nested-callbacks](
- [max-params](
- [max-statements](
- [max-statements-per-line](
- [multiline-comment-style](
- [newline-after-var](
- [newline-before-return](
- [no-inline-comments](
- [no-negated-condition](
- [no-ternary](
- [padding-line-between-statements](
- [prefer-exponentiation-operator](
- [require-jsdoc](
- [sort-keys](
- [sort-vars](
- [callback-return](
- [handle-callback-err](
- [no-mixed-requires](
- [no-process-env](
- [no-process-exit](
- [no-restricted-modules](
- [no-sync](
- [no-dupe-else-if](
- [no-import-assign](
- [no-setter-return](
- [no-negated-in-lhs](
- [require-atomic-updates](
- [valid-jsdoc](
- [accessor-pairs](
- [complexity](
- [default-param-last](
- [grouped-accessor-pairs](
- [no-constructor-return](
- [no-div-regex](
- [no-eq-null](
- [no-native-reassign](
- [no-implicit-coercion](
- [no-implicit-globals](
- [no-invalid-this](
- [no-magic-numbers](
- [no-unmodified-loop-condition](
- [no-useless-call](
- [prefer-named-capture-group](
- [prefer-regex-literals](
- [require-await](
- [require-unicode-regexp](