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Extension library for combining MediatR with Durable Tasks to easily write durable orchestrators without much ceremony

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Extension library for combining MediatR with Durable Tasks to easily write durable orchestrators without much ceremony

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# Durable Mediator

## Azure Functions Out-Of-Process


[Readme for Azure Functions Out-Of-Process (.NET 7 and higher)](

## Azure Functions In-Process


Durable Mediator is an extension to the Durable Task library which allows for running MediatR Requests as activities in orchestrations without any complex ceremony.

## Blog post

## Getting started

To get started with running orchestrations which call MediatR Requests as activities, which are called "Workflows", follow these steps:

First start by defining a workflow request:

public record WorkflowRequest(Guid SomeId) : IWorkflowRequest
public string WorkflowName => "Human readable workflow name";
public string InstanceId => SomeId.ToString();

Also, create a `IRequest` that needs to be called from the workflow:

public record MediatorRequest(Guid SomeId) : IRequest;

Create a request handler that handles this MediatR request:

public class MediatorRequestHandler : IRequestHandler
private readonly ILogger _logger;

public RequestAHandler(ILogger logger)
_logger = logger;

public Task Handle(MediatorRequest request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
_logger.LogInformation("Processing RequestA");

return Task.FromResult(Unit.Value);


Create a workflow that handles the `WorkflowRequest`:

public class ExampleWorkflow : IWorkflow
private readonly ILogger _logger;

public ExampleWorkflow(ILogger logger)
_logger = logger;

public async Task OrchestrateAsync(IWorkflowExecution execution)
var logger = execution.OrchestrationContext.CreateReplaySafeLogger(_logger);

logger.LogInformation("Start with workflow");

await execution.ExecuteAsync(new MediatorRequest(execution.Request.SomeId));

logger.LogInformation("Workflow done");

return Unit.Value;

Create a Azure Function that triggers this workflow:

public static class WorkflowTrigger
public static async Task TriggerOrchestratorAsync(
[HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Anonymous, "post", Route = "workflow")] HttpRequestMessage req,
[Workflow] IWorkflowStarter starter)
var startDetails = await starter.StartNewAsync(new WorkflowRequest(Guid.NewGuid()));

return new AcceptedResult("", startDetails);

In your function app startup, add the required services by including `builder.AddDurableMediator(typeof(Startup));`.

When running your function app you will see that next to the WorkflowTrigger Http Trigger function, an
Orchestration Trigger function called "WorkflowRequest" and a "DurableMediatorEntity" Entity Trigger
function are added. When http function triggers the start of the workflow, the orchestration function
will orchestrate the workflow and invoke `ExampleWorkflow`. Each call to the `execution.ExecuteAsync`
will trigger the DurableMediatorEntity to execute the MediatR Request in a separate activity after which
the orchestration resumes. No more calling `context.CallActivity` and guessing what parameters to pass in.

The `execution` exposes the `IDurableOrchestrationContext` from the Durable Task library, giving full access
to creating timers for durable delays, locking entities for critical sections, or wait for external events.
The `execution` also exposes methods from `ISubWorkflowOrchestrator`, which allows workflows to initiate other workflows,
and even await their responses, making it easy to compose workflows.

## Examples

See the WorkflowFunctionApp in the example folder for more examples.

## Preview: Activity history and durable entities

Use `builder.AddDurableMediator(useExperimentalEntityExecution: true, typeof(Startup));` to enable entity execution
which allows for:

- Enable capturing request and response data to and from durable mediator invocations. This allows
`IWorkflowManagement.GetWorkflowAsync` to output that data, making it possible to access the exact requests
and responses after the workflow has completed.

The downside of this way feature is that every workflow will create a durable entity history record. This record
will be stored in the orchestration history storage (under `@durablemediator@{instanceId}`) and needs to be cleared
using `IDurableEntityClient.CleanEntityStorageAsync`.