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🤠🔒 TypeScript-first, extensible localStorage and sessionStorage wrapper, <500 bytes

localstorage sessionstorage typescript validation zod

Last synced: about 1 month ago
JSON representation

🤠🔒 TypeScript-first, extensible localStorage and sessionStorage wrapper, <500 bytes

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# banditstash

TypeScript-first, extensible local and sessionStorage wrapper:

- __Type-safe:__ no sneaky bugs if storage is corrupted.
- __Sane defaults:__ JSON serialization, runtime validation and catching errors out of the box.
- __Key scoping:__ prevent collisions and access values with ease.
- __Tiny:__ 400 bytes full build, or a 187-byte core with modular features.
- __Extensible:__ replace JSON with any serializer or use your favorite validation library.
- __Familiar API:__ no trickery, just good old getItem / setItem with stricter types.
- __Custom storage:__ not limited to local / sessionStorage, works in SSR.

__Beware!__ This is an early version of the package. API might change, bugs might exist.

Banditstash has a companion 400-byte type-checking library, [banditypes,]( to make validation much more convenient without inflating your bundle.

## Install

npm install --save banditstash

## Basic usage

Default `banditStash` factory gives you:

- JSON serialization for convenience
- Type-safe access
- Runtime validation to prevent malformed objects from exploding at runtime
- Catching getItem / setItem errors
- Optional scoping to prevent key collisions
- Fallback for missing storage (e.g. in SSR)

import { banditStash, fail } from 'banditstash';

// Passing explicit type parameter for outer type is recommended
const setStash = banditStash>({
storage: window.sessionStorage,
parse: (raw) => {
// parse must convert arbitrary JSON to Set...
if (Array.isArray(raw)) {
return new Set(raw.filter((x): x is string => typeof x === 'string'));
// or throw error via fail()
// prepare must convert Set to a JSON-serializable format
prepare: (data) => [],
// If getItem can't return Set
fallback: () => new Set(),
// (optional) prefix all storage keys with "app:"
scope: 'app'

// getItem always returns Set — either from storage or fallback:
const readMessages: Set = setStash.getItem('read-ids');
const isMessageRead = readMessages.has('id');

// setItem accepts Set and serializes it for you:
setStash.setItem('read-ids', new Set(['123', '234']));

// removeItem is same as in raw storage

// Bind key with .singleton() for easy access to a sinlge item:
const readStash = setStash.singleton('read-messages');
const ids = readStash.getItem();

This setup catches errors from both `getItem` (validation fails, invalid JSON in storage, missing storage) and `setItem` (full or missing storage, failed serialization). This can be disabled with explicit `fallback: false` and `safeSet: false`, respectively — useful for debugging, or to show an explicit error message to the user.

Manual object validation is quite tedious, so I suggest the companion validator — [banditypes.]( If you want something more established, every other validation library — superstruct, zod, io-ts — also integrates easily.

## Custom banditStashes

`banditstash` is designed to be modular and extensible via plugins. In fact, default `banditStash` is just a combination of 3 plugins — `safeGet`, `safeSet`, and `scope` — and two formatters, `json` and your custom formatter defined via `prepare` and `parse`. __Plugins__ modify getItem / setItem / removeItem behavior (like wrapping in try / catch, changing keys, or whatever.) __Formatters__ are a special case of plugins that validate and transform the stored value during getItem and setItem.

Using the base `makeBanditStash` factory with `use` and `format` methods, you can further reduce bundle size (down to 187 bytes without plugins) or modify the behavior of your stores. Plugins and formatters are chainable and _always_ return a new object.

import { makeBanditStash, fail } from 'banditstash';

const stringStore = makeBanditStash(localStorage).format({
parse: data => data == null ? fail() : data
const readonlyStringStore = stringStore.use(stash => ({
getItem: stash.getItem,
setItem: () => {
throw new Error('setItem on readonly store');
removeItem: () => {
throw new Error('removeItem on readonly store');

Stashes built using the default factory can be further enhanced with more plugins or formatters.

### Custom storage

Banditstash is not limited to browser Storage APIs — you can provide any object with `getItem`, `setItem` and `removeItem` methods that accept string key. The values needn't be strings, and makeBanditStash will infer storage value type.

import { makeBanditStash, fail } from 'banditstash';

const map = new Map();
const memoryStorage = makeBanditStash({
getItem: (key) => map.get(key) ?? fail(),
setItem: (key, value) => map.set(key, value),
removeItem: (key) => map.delete(key),

const universalStorage = makeBanditStash(typeof window === 'undefined' ? {
getItem: () => null,
setItem: (() => {}),
removeItem: (() => {}),
} : window.localStorage);

banditstash provides one built-in custom storage — `noStorage`. It throws error on any access, but lets you construct a banditstash instance when no storage is available (e.g. in SSR).

### Custom serializer

If JSON does not satisfy you as a storage format, you can easily use your own serializer. Here's an example of manually serializing a number:

import { makeBanditStash, fail } from 'banditstash';

const numberStash = makeBanditStash(localStorage).format({
parse: raw => {
const num = Number(raw);
return Number.isNaN(num) ? fail() : num;
prepare: String,

Any serialization library, like [arson]( or [devalue,]( will work:

import { makeBanditStash, fail } from 'banditstash';
import arson from 'arson';

const dateStash = makeBanditStash(localStorage).format({
parse: arson.parse,
prepare: arson.stringify
dateStash.setItem('registered', new Date(2022, 3, 16));
const registeredAt: Date = dateStash.getItem('registered');
Default JSON serialization is implemented via `json` formatter:

import { makeBanditStash, json } from 'banditstash';


### Using a validation library

Manual type-checking can get tedious. Banditstash plays nicely with any validation library, as long as you `throw` (or `fail()`) on invalid values. I recommend either the 400-byte companion library [banditypes]( or [superstruct]( — it's small and modular, just like banditstash:

import { makeBanditStash, fail } from 'banditstash';
import { object, string, number, min, type Infer } from 'superstruct';

const userSchema = object({
name: string(),
age: min(number(), 0),

const userStore = makeBanditStash(localStorage)
parse: raw => userSchema.create(raw),

userStore.setItem('me', { name: 'vladimir', age: 28 });
localStorage.set('broken', JSON.stringify({ name: 'evil' }));
try {
} catch (err) {
console.log('validation failed');

Any other validation library — [zod,]( [io-ts,]( [yup,]( etc — is similarly easy to add.

### Scoping

`scope` plugin adds prefix to all keys to avoid key collisions. It's still useful even without TypeScript:

import { makeBanditStash, scope } from 'banditstash';

const appStorage = makeBanditStash(localStorage)

const userStorage = appStorage.use(scope('user'));
const cacheStorage = appStorage.use(scope('cache'));

// equivalent to

### Runtime safety

Banditstash provides two helpers for catching runtime errors: `safeGet` to handle `getItem` errors, and `safeSet` for `setItem`:

import { makeBanditStash, safeGet, safeSet, json } from 'banditstash';
const safeStorage = makeBanditStash(window.localStorage)
.use(safeGet(() => ({})))

Note that, due to chaining, `safeGet` and `safeSet` only handle errors from plugins applied _above_ them, so it's best to use these in the tail of the chain.

## API reference

### `banditStash(options)`

Creates a default stash with JSON serialization, validation and error handling. Specifying data type explicitly is recommended.

- `storage`: `localStorage`, `sessionStorage`, or an object with compatible `getItem`, `setItem`, and `removeItem` methods. If `undefined` is passed, `noStorage` is used to construct the instance.
- `parse`: a function that either converts a free-form JSON to the `Data` type, or throws an error, during `getItem`. Usually required.
- `prepare`: a function that converts `Data` to a JSON-serializable object during `setItem`. Required for non-serializable types like `Date`, `Map`, `Set`, etc.
- `fallback: (() => Data) | false` : value to return when `getItem` can't retrieve data from storage. If set to false, error will be thrown.
- `safeSet?: false` (optional): if false, setItem might throw. Defaults to true.
- `scope: string`: (optional) a prefix for all the keys in the storage.

### `fail()`

A helper to conveniently throw errors in `parse`:

parse: raw => raw.length === 10 ? raw : fail(),
// equivalent to
parse: raw => {
if (raw.length === 10) return raw;
throw new TypeError();

### `noStorage()`

A custom storage that throws on every access. Can be used when `Storage` is not available to safely construct `banditstash`:

import { makeBanditStash, noStorage } from 'banditstash';

makeBanditStash(typeof window === 'undefined' ? noStorage() : window.localStorage);

Full `banditStash` falls back to `noStorage` if `storage` option is falsy.

### `makeBanditStash(storage)`

Creates a custom banditStash instance without formatters or plugins. `getItem`, `setItem` and `removeItem` are always bound to storage, `format`, `use` and `singleton` methods are added.

### `#BanditStash.getItem(key)`

Reads value from storage, passing it through `parse` pipeline. Returns a parsed `Data` type. Throws if parse fails and `safeGet` plugin is not used.

### `#BanditStash.setItem(key, value)`

Writes value to storage, passing it through `prepare` pipeline. Throws if prepare fails or `storage.setItem` throws, and `safeSet` is not used.

### `#BanditStash.removeItem(key)`

Removes value from storage.

### `#BanditStash.singleton(key)`

Returns a singleton store whose `getItem`, `setItem` and `removeItem` can be called without key. Singleton stores don't support formatters and plugins, so make sure it's called last.

### `#BanditStash.format(formatter)`

Returns a new stash that exposes data of `Outer` type. Formatter object contains 2 functions:

- `parse` maps data from Inner (storage) type to Outer or throws (use `fail()` helper).
- `prepare` maps data from Outer to Inner type.

If Outer is assignable to Inner (e.g. `string -> Json`), `prepare` is optional. If Inner is assignable to Outer (e.g. `string -> string`), `parse` is optional.

There is a built-in `json()` formatter that converts between JSON objects and strings.

### `#BanditStash.use(plugin)`

Return a new stash with `getItem`, `setItem` or `removeItem` behavior modified by the plugin. Plugin is a function called with the original stash. At this point plugin API is unstable, so prefer built-in plugins:

- `safeGet(() => fallback)` — return `fallback` instead of throwing error in `getItem`
- `safeSet()` — ignore errors in `setItem`
- `scope(prefix: string)` — prefix all keys with prefix, `'key' -> 'prefix:key'`

## License

[MIT License](./LICENSE)