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Easy Leetcode problems.

Last synced: about 2 months ago
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Easy Leetcode problems.

Awesome Lists containing this project



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## Arrays & Strings:
1. [Two Sum](
2. [Palindrome Number](
3. [Roman to Integer](
4. [Valid Parentheses](
5. [Reverse Integer](
6. [Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array](
7. [Plus One](
8. [Longest Common Prefix](
9. [Implement strStr()](
10. [Search Insert Position](
11. [Length of Last Word](
12. [Maximum Subarray](
13. [Contains Duplicate](
14. [Single Number](
15. [Valid Anagram](
16. [Intersection of Two Arrays II](
17. [Move Zeroes](
18. [Find the Difference](
19. [Majority Element](
20. [Missing Number](

## Linked Lists:
21. [Merge Two Sorted Lists](
22. [Delete Node in a Linked List](
23. [Reverse Linked List](
24. [Linked List Cycle](
25. [Remove Duplicates from Sorted List](
26. [Palindrome Linked List](
27. [Intersection of Two Linked Lists](
28. [Remove Linked List Elements](
29. [Middle of the Linked List](
30. [Design Linked List](

## Trees:
31. [Maximum Depth of Binary Tree](
32. [Invert Binary Tree](
33. [Symmetric Tree](
34. [Path Sum](
35. [Same Tree](
36. [Binary Tree Level Order Traversal](
37. [Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree](
38. [Balanced Binary Tree](
39. [Binary Tree Inorder Traversal](
40. [Minimum Depth of Binary Tree](

## Math:
41. [Fizz Buzz](
42. [Power of Two](
43. [Excel Sheet Column Number](
44. [Factorial Trailing Zeroes](
45. [Happy Number](
46. [Add Digits](
47. [Count Primes](
48. [Ugly Number](
49. [Roman to Integer](
50. [Sqrt(x)](

## Dynamic Programming:
51. [Climbing Stairs](
52. [House Robber](
53. [Maximum Subarray](
54. [Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock](
55. [Min Cost Climbing Stairs](
56. [Fibonacci Number](
57. [Pascal's Triangle](
58. [House Robber II](
59. [Is Subsequence](
60. [Coin Change II](

## Recursion:
61. [Factorial](
62. [Fibonacci Number](
63. [Reverse String](
64. [Swap Nodes in Pairs](
65. [Permutations](
66. [Power of Three](
67. [Power of Four](
68. [Recursion Fibonacci](
69. [Nth Tribonacci Number](
70. [K-th Symbol in Grammar](

## Hashing:
71. [Two Sum](
72. [Single Number](
73. [Valid Anagram](
74. [Intersection of Two Arrays](
75. [Happy Number](
76. [Contains Duplicate](
77. [First Unique Character in a String](
78. [Jewels and Stones](
79. [Ransom Note](
80. [Find the Difference](

## Stacks:
81. [Valid Parentheses](
82. [Min Stack](
83. [Baseball Game](
84. [Implement Queue using Stacks](
85. [Next Greater Element I](
86. [Daily Temperatures](
87. [Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation](
88. [Valid Palindrome](
89. [Trapping Rain Water](
90. [Remove Outermost Parentheses](

## Bit Manipulation:
91. [Number of 1 Bits](
92. [Hamming Distance](
93. [Reverse Bits](
94. [Counting Bits](
95. [Single Number](
96. [Missing Number](
97. [Power of Two](
98. [Bitwise AND of Numbers Range](
99. [Total Hamming Distance](
100. [Complement of Base 10 Integer](